Monday 10 November 2014

Prayer for new week

The seed of greatness in you shall begin to yield mighty increase for you in Jesus name. God will give you a miracle that will serve as reference to your reassurance in the supernatural for the rest of your life in Jesus name.
You will receive God's wonders without number, treasure without measure, pleasure without pressure, progress without protest, favour without labour in Jesus name. God has made you the light of the world. Nothing will stop your influence in Jesus name. It's a new season in your life. A time defined by the miraculous. Be expectant. God is about to visit you in Jesus name. 

Happy New Week from us ASB-World. 

Thursday 6 November 2014

4 Ways Parents Discourage Their Kids

Most parents want to encourage their kids and motivate them to be the best they can be. But in
attempting to do so, well-meaning parents sometimes end up discouraging their kids instead.
Here are 4 ways you can discourage your child:
1. You offer too much help. So, your child wants to learn how to rollerblade. You wisely bundle him up in a helmet and pads and walk with him outside. At that point, he wants to try on his own. But you start shouting suggestions, walking along beside him and instinctively reach for him every time he falters. To you, this is just safety 101. To him, it's you showing that you don't think he can do it on his own.
The same thing can happen when your child is working on a paper for school, trying a new hairstyle, or learning a new skill. You see all of the ways to make their task easier and more efficient and you tell them all of your ideas. Unfortunately, your offer of help sends the message that you don't believe in them. Your child will either say something like, "I can do it myself!" Or, they'll give in to your suggestions, do it your way and miss an opportunity to grow.
2. You compare them to others. Sure, you're just trying to motivate them by pointing out the successes, or failures, of others. "Josh, I noticed that Caden stands with his feet a little further apart when he's batting. You should try it too." Or, "Sophia, your sister had that project when she was in second grade. Let me find her old project for you to review."
Again, your intentions are noble, but by comparing your child to someone else, you're telling them that they are not good enough.
3. You always expect more. There is a time and place for everything. But when your child tells you they got a B on a really hard test, it is not the time to say, "That's great. Do you think you can make an A next time?"
Our children want us to praise them for their hard work and success without always looking for how to make them perform even better. So if your son tells you his coach thinks he's really coming along with his football training, don't jump in and suggest ways he can do even better. Let your child bask in the praise, minus any ideas for improvement you might have.
4. You minimize their victories. This can happen in a couple of ways. First, you just don't realize what a big deal it is to them so you offer half-hearted comments. To prevent this from happening, really tune in. If your child is soft-spoken, you might need to really listen to see if something is important to him. If it is, lavish him with praise.
The other way parents minimize their children's victories is by being too busy or distracted to fully join the celebration. This one can be tough. You've just walked in the door when your daughter wants to show you her 10-page project with a million details. As much as you want to put her on hold, give her the praise she's craving.

Monday 3 November 2014

The Holy Spirit: The Very Essence Of Christ

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you (John 14:16-17).
In our lives as Christians, the most important thing for us is our fellowship with the Holy Spirit. If you saw Jesus right now, I’m sure you’d embrace Him, bow to Him or fall at His feet in worship; I mean you’d express your love for Him in the best way possible. Well, you might as well do the same for the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is just like Jesus and He’s in you, and with you, every day.
We don’t have anything less than what the disciples had when they were with Jesus in Bible days. Not only do we have the presence of God with us, we have Him in us, in the Holy Spirit. Until and unless that becomes a present-hour consciousness in you, your Christianity would be no more than a religion.
Recognize the Holy Spirit, not only as a real Person, but also as the very essence of the Christ. Without the Holy Spirit, there’d have been no Christ; Jesus wouldn’t be all that He was; everything you love about Jesus wouldn’t be there. The revelation of God; the expression of His nature, love, character and grace that you find in Jesus is all revealed to you through the Holy Spirit. Everything you love or admire in Jesus is in the Holy Spirit.
Today, the Lord Jesus is in heaven, but the Holy Spirit is with us on earth. The beautiful thing about it is we can have Him (the Holy Spirit) with us anywhere, everywhere, all the time. The disciples didn’t have this privilege before the death of Jesus; they couldn’t "take Jesus home" in them. But when the Holy Spirit came, He took the place of the ascended Christ. Now, we don’t miss Jesus, because the Holy Spirit makes the presence of Jesus real to us. He’s the reason you can believe the Word of God.
It’s so important that you recognize the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life. Knowing Him and walking with Him is the key to the successful and supernatural life in Christ.
Dear Father, I thank you for the immeasurable blessing of having the Holy Spirit live in me. I acknowledge His presence, and take advantage of His awesome ministry in my life, as He guides me in wisdom, to do your perfect will, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Further Study:John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Acts 10:38
: Hebrews 3 Jeremiah 38-40
: 1 Peter 2:1-12 Ezekiel 34


To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. -Isaiah 61:2-3
A 1988 article in Psychology Today reported on an experiment involving 1700 women under stress.
The women participated in various projects that involved helping other people. Within 30 days, 85 per cent of the women reported that they had been relieved of stress symptoms that included "stress -related disorders such as headaches, voice loss and even pain accompanying lupus and multiple sclerosis ".
Many people could save a lot of money on therapy and antidepressants if they would just take time to serve others. The best way to go beyond our pain is to get outside of it.
When we refocus our attention on the needs of others when we ourselves are in turmoil, it allows the burden of our circumstance to be removed from us.
The more you focus on your own problems, the more likely you are to become depressed.
Isaiah understood a principle that is still valid today. If you find yourself depressed because of a circumstance in your life, begin to praise the Lord in spite of your own circumstances.
Look around you and find a need you can meet. Reach out and solve someone else problem. Then you will see the spirit of heaviness begin to be lifted.
Prayer: Ask the Lord for grace to help carry others burden and fulfill His law of love.
Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 61:1-7

The Way to Talk to Your Teen About Character

Teens are at an important stage in life where they are developing their own value system. Sometimes teens seem unresponsive to parental leadership but what you say has more weight than you imagine. Take time to identify character strengths and weaknesses and then respond accordingly.
When you see a problem, relating a consequence to the specific weakness can be more productive than just "grounding" a teen.
You might say, "I sense an ungrateful spirit in you, yet you seem to continually want me to sacrifice. I don't mind helping you, but I'm going to say no this time and I'll watch and see if your gratefulness increases for the things I'm already doing for you." This type of response teaches young people the value of gratefulness instead of just considering their own goals and desires.
A teen who lacks thoughtfulness about household chores may need a contract where parents agree to drive to an activity if the teen agrees to clean out the car. This again forces young people to give up "demandingness" and think of the needs of others. Sometimes teens want to come and go as they please but expect food on the table and their clothes cleaned.
One mom who was raising her fifth teenager said, "Alan is 13 now. When he was in kindergarten he was diagnosed with ADHD. He is often assertive in order to control situations. My husband and I have learned over the years that what we see as areas of weakness can turn into areas of strength later on. Alan is daring, not afraid to try something new. This last summer he went on a mission trip and was the youngest member of the team. He did well and was bolder than many of the adults. They found his assertiveness an encouragement."
Make observations for teens and give them feedback about their character.
"It looks like you're easily influenced by your peers."
"You seem to be having trouble managing money."
"Those words are unkind."
Don't overdo negative observations, but helping teens see character weaknesses can be an effective way to help them grow. Look for positive character qualities to affirm as well.
"Thank you for taking initiative to clean up the kitchen."
"Looks like you're becoming more conscientious with your schoolwork."
Giving your teen character-based feedback will be quite helpful over time.

The Guide You Need

TEXT: Psalm 119:105-112
Key Verse: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
In today’s world, many people parade themselves as role models. Among those who call themselves role models are divorcees, polygamists, men and women who cannot organize their homes. The definition of ‘role model’ appears misconceived nowadays that many of those who make the list are bereft of morals. The idea of role models in our society is that a man/woman can sing, dance or act in movies etc. What do the world celebrate other than vain things?
But the word of God is a sure guide; it ever remains the same no matter the changes in values and in society. The word of God does not change to accommodate the excesses of a highly placed person in society. And those who desire to walk in the old path must see a dependable ally in the law of God.
From the passage before us today, we discover that to walk safely in the thick forest at night, we need a light to avoid stumbling over the roots or falling into holes. In this life, we walk through a dark forest of evil. But the Bible can be our light to show us the way ahead so we won’t stumble as we walk. It reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies.
Three simple habits - reading the scriptures, spending time in prayers and sharing with others - are basic to the Christian life. Through the scriptures, Life speaks to life. And because God has inspired the writing of His word, when we read it, God speaks to us through the Word.
Yet, reading the word of God is not enough; it is more important to obey the word of God because it is in doing that that we grow. The prayer we must always offer is for God to give us the mind to understand His word, the heart to believe and the willingness to obey.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is impossible to stumble while following the law.

Prayer For New Week, And Happy New Month

In this new month and week I command peace, abundant joy, vision and purpose, success, prosperity, creativity, promotion, divine acceleration, health, wealth, favor, and righteousness into your day. I delete frustration, calamity, failure, sickness, affliction, tragedy, sorrow and all evils in your pathway in the mighty name of Jesus. 
I pray that very soon, your testimonies of greatness will spread beyond the shores of your country. You shall not take the decision that will suddenly terminate God's project in your life.You shall find rest in all your life's endeavour.

Happy New Week and Month from us ASB-World. 
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