Thursday 24 December 2015


Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19
It's easy to get stranded in life. That happens when for some reason, you come to a standstill in your life and find it difficult to move ahead. It happens to all of us. In fact, maybe today, you find yourself stranded in your own life.
Perhaps life has lost its energy for you. Perhaps you've settled for mediocrity. Mediocrity in your marriage; mediocrity with your Christian life, mediocrity in your career.
But God has so much more for you! He wants to do supernatural things in you, things you could never imagine. His promise to you today is firm and clear: "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
In other words, God is saying, "Look! Can't you see it? Can't you taste it? Can't you feel this new thing that I'm doing?"
He takes barren places and barren people and uses them for His glory when He does the brand new thing in their lives. And God wants to do something new in you. Give Him space in your life.
Open up to the Holy Spirit. When you do, He will take you out of the place where you have got stranded. He will move you out of mediocrity and make your life exciting.
Can you see the great things He has in store for you? Look, He is about to do something new in your life today. Reach out. Touch Him. Take His hand and let Him walk you into new places. This is a new day for you.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the great things You want to do with my life.
Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 43:16-21

Sunday 20 December 2015

Health: Get Rid of Crow’s Feet and Fine Lines around Your Eyes by applying This One Ingredient

Age brings on many changes on the body, but somehow these are most visible on the face. Crow’s feet are no exception. These clusters of tiny wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes normally appear after 30. The main reason for this is reduced production of collagen and elastin, two proteins responsible for your skin’s elasticity. Crow’s feet can also appear as a result of other contributing factors including excessive sun exposure, smoking, and pollution. These wrinkles around the outer corners of your eyes should not cause you worry, especially as there are a few efficient natural methods to get rid of them. These homemade remedies use natural ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. This ingredients are extremely beneficial for restoring moisture and elasticity to your skin.

Apply This One Ingredient and Get Rid of Crow's Feet and Fine Lines around Your Eyes

1# Egg Whites Egg whites are full of protein, which stimulates collagen production, which in turn improves skin’s elasticity and reduces crow’s feet. Simply beat one egg white well. You should get a foamy consistency. Apply this around your eyes and along your cheekbones. You should leave the egg white to act for 10 minutes. Afterwards, clean it with a cotton ball dipped in cold water. Repeat the treatment twice a week.

2# Coconut Oil
This oil is abundant in medicinal properties. It is a natural moisturizer, rich in vitamin E, which not only moisturizes your skin, but also nourishes skin cells and tissues. Moreover, coconut oil packs high amounts of linoleic acid, which has the ability to reconnect broken skin tissues, thus preventing the appearnce of crow’s-feet, fine lines and sagging skin that normally occurs with age.
This coconut oil treatment is very simple. Each night before going to bed, rub a few drops of pure extra virgin coconut oil on the skin around your eyes. The longer it’s left on the skin, the better results it gives, which makes night time perfect for this.

3# Castor Oil
This natural emollient is extremely efficient in softening your skin and reducing the appearance of crow’s-feet, wrinkles and fine lines. Similarly to coconut oil, it’s best left to act overnight. Simply massage a few drops of castor oil gently into the skin around your eyes before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning. Repeat the treatment regularly.

Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon of castor oil with the same amount of sesame oil and apply on your crow’s feet every night before going to bed.

Prayer For The New Week

The Lord of Hosts will shine His face on you and make you laugh for joy. Don't be depressed any longer, You will become the leader of all those who have led u before. God will give u special testimonies that can't be stopped in Jesus name. 

He shall preserve you from lying tongues and downcast spirits. Your soul is lifted above the happenings around you. You will witness great encounter with The Almighty God before the end of this month in the mighty name of Jesus!

Happy new week folk..... from us ASB'S World.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Needle can save a patient’s life in case of strok

Needle can save a patient’s life in case of stroke. This advice was given by Chinese professor who says that you always should have a needle in your house.
This is amazing and unconventional way to rescue a man from a stroke. Take a time to read this article, because you never know if someone’s life may depend on you.
When someone get a stroke, the capillaries of the brain gradually tears. It requires rest and emergency first aid. These tips will help to save live to someone!
Be calm. Regardless of where the victim is do not move, because if you move the patient, the capillaries will burst and it will cause bleeding in the brain! If you have a syringe, it would be best; otherwise the regular needle for sewing will be ok.
1. Hold the needle – over the fire, a lighter or candle to sterilize and then use it for pricking the tops of all 10 fingers.
2. No specific acupuncture is need; it should only be a few millimeters from the nail.
3. Perform so that the blood can flow.
4. If blood does not start to drip, tighten and start squeezing the blood to flow.
5. When all 10 fingers begin to bleed wait a few minutes – you will see that the victim will be back to life!
6. If the victim’s mouth is distorted, massage their ears until they become red – so blood can come to them.
7. Then prick with the needle in each ear in the soft part, to fall two drops of blood of each ear. A few minutes later, his mouth would no longer be distorted

Wait until the victim come to normal state without any unusual symptoms, then send to the hospital.
This method of bloodshed to save the life is a method of a traditional Chinese medicine, and its practical application is 100% effective and using it people can survive a stroke.

Family: Are You Speaking Generational Curses or Blessings?

We've all been raised with the comments by our parents, "Be careful when driving so you don't get in an accident," or "Watch out the roads are going to be icy or slippery today," or "You better not go near that person; they are sick and you might catch it too."
We have been filled with concern that creates negativity in our minds. Worrisome parents who think they are doing good and warning us what to do and not to do. The problem is it causes us to have negative thoughts, worry and put those some kind of remarks on our children.
When we have those negative words instilled in us all our lives how can we not out of habit speak the same thing into our children? When those thoughts are spoken into our lives we can take them and have them become who we are over a period of time. We can become negative things like worry warts, paranoid we will get in an accident or afraid to go to a hospital or sick person's house because they may be contagious. 
These negative facts over years build strongholds in our minds so that when it is cold, snowy and rainy we will be scared instead of cautious to drive on the road.
I am 47 and I recently received another one of those texts from my mom about the weather condition. She means well. She loves me and desires me to be safe, but I have chosen to not live in fear of the storms, but have faith that God will guard and protect me and that the blood of Jesus covers me.
I remember several years ago as my children were starting to drive I had to hold my tongue back so many times. I knew I did not want the same fear instilled on my children that I was raised in about driving. I made a choice then to turn those generational curses of words and emotional turmoil into blessings and you can too. 
When your children are going out the door, instead of the drive careful and "Watch out for deer or animals running out in front of you," "Be careful it will be getting dark and rainy," or "Make sure the kids in the car aren't goofing off and distracting you," why not say a blessing over them.
I have turned the generational curses into blessings by speaking out loud over their lives and into the spiritual atmosphere prayers such as, "Goodbye, have a good time, I love you, may the blood of Jesus cover you," "Love you honey, I dispatch angels to guard and protect you tonight," Or "Have a great time, the Lord our God goes with you and before you and no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
By taking a few Scriptures and incorporating them into the natural things you say when your child leaves your home you can build their faith instead of imparting fear or concern. When you are speaking life and love into your children that raises their faith, makes them feel protected and assures them they can trust God to have their backside.
We can speak life and protection instead of worry.
When we speak these things we have just brought forth generational blessings and proper word choices that they can in return speak to their children. As you go forth in parenting what are you going to speak, generational curses of negativity or generational prayers of blessing?


And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the LORD, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: "Praise the LORD, for His mercy endures forever." - 2 Chronicles 20:21
Christians almost universally agree, "God answers prayer." But many people, if they were honest, would amend the phrase to say, "The Lord answers most prayers, but not mine."
A believer can fervently call upon God without receiving what he considers a -satisfactory answer. The stumbling block isn't God's unwillingness or inability to respond, but rather our unwilling to accept His solution.
If we come to God with a pre -conceived idea of how to solve our problem, we will likely overlook His true solution.
Suppose King Jehoshaphat had decided that God could answer his prayer only by giving the army extra strength for the forthcoming skirmish. He would have called a war council, arrayed his soldiers in armour, and set up battle lines.
God's solution was entirely unexpected: First, send the choir out singing praises, then watch the Lord save Israel. If Jehoshaphat's soldiers had attempted combat, they would have lost Jerusalem.
Sometimes, we don't like God's solution. We desire freedom from physical pain rather than an extra measure of grace to endure the hurt.
Or we want a new job, not a command to seek the boss' forgiveness for our poor attitude. In essence, we want the Lord to fix everything without requiring any effort from us.
But our willingness to obey is key to answered prayer. When He tells us how to resolve our problems, we must act just as He specifies, or we will never experience victory.
Prayer: Father, all Your ways are perfect. Show me Your ways.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Chronicles 20:14-25

Monday 14 December 2015

Health: 10 cancer symptoms that most people ignore

Medicine has developed fantastically in recent years, finding new drugs that help with the control of various diseases that once haunted, and even killed.

But despite medical advancement, prevention is key to maintaining our health and fighting diseases early.

Good use of medicine is another important factor. Misuse of it can also cause harmful symptoms.

Cancer, a disease that scares many people, has a greater chance of cure when treated early. It stops being so scary when we periodically take preventive tests.

We must carefully watch every day, as different symptoms may indicate that something is not quite right, and there is need for medical help.

Because cancer can attack various parts of the body, it is crucial to pay attention to our bodies. Below are 10 cancer warning signs.

1. Frequent cough

Frequent coughing can simply be a sign of allergies -- but when the cough is very persistent you may want to consider seeking the opinion of a specialist. Even non- smokers can develop throat, larynx and lung cancer. Therese Bartholomew Bevers, MD of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, said that "Most coughs are not cancer, but a persistent cough needs to be evaluated because it can be a symptom of lung cancer."

2. Weight loss without dieting

Though losing weight is the dream of many women, without dieting it can be the indicator of a disease. Look out for sudden weight gain as well.

3. Frequent pain in the joints

Joint pain is one of the symptoms of bone cancer, whether it is frequent or not. Getting headaches does not mean you have a brain tumor, but it's always nice to closely evaluate them. Many ovarian cancers are diagnosed after persistent abdominal pain. And lung cancer can be spotted from chest pains.

4. Fatigue without apparent cause

Being overly tired for no apparent reason can be a sign of the blood cancer Leukemia. Being aware of changes like this in your body can save your life.

5. Jaundice

When jaundice, the yellowing of skin most commonly seen in babies, appears in adults, it may be a sign of liver problems, including cancer.

6. Dark spots and freckles that change color and size

It is never a bad idea to have freckles and moles checked periodically. Also, all new dark spots on the skin should be examined. Skin cancer can be detected precisely from these spots.

7. Eye pain that persists

Pain in the eye, a symptom of eye cancer, can easily be mistaken as a result of being tired. If pain persists, consult a doctor immediately.

8. Discharges with or without blood

Discharges of different color and odor should also be investigated. Vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual period may indicate cervical cancer. Check in with your gynecologist at least once a year.

9. Hoarseness

Hoarseness can be started by the swelling of the vocal cords caused by a more serious problem, and could be a cancer indicator.

10. Diarrhea and bleeding

A diseased intestine can cause bowel changes.

Do not be terrified every time you notice any symptoms, such as those mentioned above. Remember that many of these things are also common symptoms of other illnesses and things we encounter on a daily basis. However, if any of these symptoms persists longer than normal, it is always smart to check it out. It could save your life.

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