For some marriages, their spouses have got lost
from their heart right from the first day of their marriage while some, as time
goes by. So many couples are living under the same roof, sleeping on the same
matrimonial bed, eating from the same pot and dinning on the same
table but their minds are far away from each other, there is no trace of
emotional connection.
Compiling issues of life, spouse misbehavior, misunderstanding, irregularities, challenges of life, children’s misconduct, selfishness, infidelity, cheating, horrible past are some of the reasons that can make a spouse to get lost from one’s memory.
Also, many people have lost their spouses because of work of the ministry, job, traveling abroad, tourism, recreation, personal interest, self achievement, inconsistency etc.
It is not only when you are outrageously disappointed that your spouse can get lost from your heart, sometimes, you may be communicating well with your spouse, yet, part of you might have forgotten him/her. This is very common in Christian homes.
If you are the type that always swallows your corrective measure in the name of “let me allow peace” it is likely your spouse get lost from your heart because the more you keep quiet to cover his lapses and shortcomings the more you will be burning inside.
When you cannot trace the path of your spouse in your heart, when the glowing love is cold, when your eyes are fill with tears whenever you remember your spouse, when night overshadow your morning and your heart cries aloud, then, you have lost your spouse and you have to trace him/her and find him to the mountain’s height ,or over the stormy sea or at the forefront of life’s battle with the power of forgiveness.
“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him we have found the Messiah. And he brought him to Jesus…..” John1: 41&42
Where is the place of your spouse in your heart? Forgive and bring him/her back to your heart.
May the God of Heaven refresh your marriage with joy and happiness.
Compiling issues of life, spouse misbehavior, misunderstanding, irregularities, challenges of life, children’s misconduct, selfishness, infidelity, cheating, horrible past are some of the reasons that can make a spouse to get lost from one’s memory.
Also, many people have lost their spouses because of work of the ministry, job, traveling abroad, tourism, recreation, personal interest, self achievement, inconsistency etc.
It is not only when you are outrageously disappointed that your spouse can get lost from your heart, sometimes, you may be communicating well with your spouse, yet, part of you might have forgotten him/her. This is very common in Christian homes.
If you are the type that always swallows your corrective measure in the name of “let me allow peace” it is likely your spouse get lost from your heart because the more you keep quiet to cover his lapses and shortcomings the more you will be burning inside.
When you cannot trace the path of your spouse in your heart, when the glowing love is cold, when your eyes are fill with tears whenever you remember your spouse, when night overshadow your morning and your heart cries aloud, then, you have lost your spouse and you have to trace him/her and find him to the mountain’s height ,or over the stormy sea or at the forefront of life’s battle with the power of forgiveness.
“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him we have found the Messiah. And he brought him to Jesus…..” John1: 41&42
Where is the place of your spouse in your heart? Forgive and bring him/her back to your heart.
May the God of Heaven refresh your marriage with joy and happiness.
By Ojo
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