
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Unfortunately destinies have been lost to hunger pangs!

Man must eat!
Is that all that matters?
If you want to know if someone has any self control at all, check their eating habits and their ability to resist food! More so when they they are hungry
You will be shocked what you will find.
Unfortunately destinies have been lost to hunger pangs!
Esau..exchanged his heritage because of porridge! PORRIDGE!!!!
Well, I don't know what their porridge tasted like those days, and if there was nowhere else where he could have got another food to eat!
He traded his generational rights and rights to have the greater blessing.....for a bowl of food.
But because God was bound by His covenants....God still made sure that the rightful person got the sad!
The young prophets.... Turned back and disobeyed God because of refreshment! God clearly stated to him how to go.....but the need to taste the hot dishes, he got him off the scale and he was wasted eventually! And the man who led him to sin was crying and mourning him loudly!
Eve did it.....Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the tree produced fruit that was good for food, was attractive to the eye, and was desirable for making one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it.
Where will your appetite for food lead you?
Where will your taste buds land you?
Will it lead you into the arms of the enemy?
Will it deprive you of your destiny?
Or will it just make you fall asleep too deeply that you will forget to stay awake and watch over the territory God has given you....?
My husband usually wary of a pastor who expects and loves you to give him food when he visits.....his appetite will stop him from telling you the undiluted mind of God for you!he may end up speaking what God has not sent him when the food is too delicious.
1 Corinthians 6:12-13 You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.
Do you need to check your appetite?
Do you attend a function and you are popular for carrying people's food which have not been given to you?
You say it is party food? God says you lack self control!
Even amongst us Christians....minsters are eyeing special minsters package of food after church programme!!!!
After child dedication, handbags are packed full of several cans of coke that you had picked without the celebrant's consent....ah! Even following a solemn worship in God's presence.
How many days will the food last you?
And you STOLE it....because it was not given to you ....if you took it without permission.
Hey! Where are we going with this?
Church members exchanging abusive words because the have not given you TAKE AWAY!
A man who cannot control his dietary appetite has lost the key to health.
Every action is weighed by , eat and eat again......keep eating....but remember that it's possible for you to get to the point of making your belly to be your God!
This is not a sweet pill to swallow.....but let those who have ears hear what the spirit is saying to the church!!
Food is a bait, a good one for those who will fall by it.
Is your stomach and appetite born again ?
Will your taste bud withstand the furnance of corruption?
The same lord who saved from sin can save you from unbridled appetite...
By Sis Bola

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