
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Just Develop your capacity

Genesis chapters 37, 39, 40 and 41
Have you ever read the story of Joseph in the bible? I’m sure most of us know this story, especially from Sunday school. We know the story of the young man who had a coat of many colours, made for him by his father out of love to show him how special and loved he was. We also know how his brothers hated him because of this favouritism and the bible says “They could not speak a kind word to him”. When Joseph had a dream and shared it with his brothers, they hated him all the more and before you know it, they plotted to kill him. Well, they eventually didn't and sold him off into slavery. We have heard sermons woven around how Joseph the slave became the prince of Egypt. We have heard people talk about the prison to palace experience. And I’m sure a lot of us have prayed that prayer for our lives too
“Oh Lord, take me from the prison of my life to the palace. Crown me before my enemies in Jesus name”
Sounds familiar? Of course! And that in itself is not a bad prayer point, after all who doesn't want to become king before the very people who persecute them?
But Joseph did not just spring from the prison to the palace to become 2nd in command to Pharoah. He was already ‘well cooked’ in his experiences. I’ll show you how
From the first time he was made a slave in Potiphar’s house, Potiphar saw him as a hardworking young man who got things done. He put him in charge of his household
When he was put in prison after Potiphar’s wife lied against him, the head warden saw him and favoured him. He put him in charge of the whole prisoners.
When he appeared before Pharoah and interpreted his dream, Pharoah saw him as a wise young man and favoured him. He put him in charge of the entire nation.
Let’s do some guess work here:
Potiphar’s house – Number of staff – 40
Prison yard – Number of prisoners – 1500
Nation of Egypt – Number of citizens – Over 1 million
In each case, the number of people Joseph was put in charge increased greatly, but his job description remained the same – be in charge. What happened was his capacity was enlarged. He still did the same thing, but on a larger scale each time.
Did he do it effortlessly? Probably not. He would have made lots of mistakes which he learnt to corrections apply on the next assignment.
Was he able to handle it on his own? No, because the bible says he was favoured of God. It was that grace that made a difference in his life, causing his bosses to be favourably disposed towards him.
If he had remained in his father’s house, being loved and petted and doing nothing but flaunting his coat of many colours, he would not have had the chance to develop his capacity. He wouldn't have grown. God had to take him from his father Jacob in order for that dream to come to pass. His father’s house was his comfort zone. He had a dream, but couldn't have accomplished it while remaining there. His destination was the palace, being 2nd to Pharoah and God needed to make that happen, even if it took a shaking….
So before you complain, before you begin to cry and hiss and oh and ah asking “where is God in all of this wahala (problem)”, stop! Take a look around and ask yourself “what capacity am I developing and where exactly is God taking me to?” Because when it comes right down to it, if you must get to the next level, you would need to leave your comfort zone, prove your faithfulness in the little things, handle similar assignments especially on a lesser scale.
It may not be a pleasant process. You may be made a slave first, then falsely accused along the way, forgotten by those you thought would never forget the help you rendered to them, and grow such bushy hair you couldn’t appear before the king when summoned without a shave first! Yes you may go through all these, but if you must get to that next level, remember these experiences help shape you for that glorious future.
Develop your capacity……but only if you want that next level!
BY sis Deby

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