
Wednesday 24 September 2014


But I will hope continually, and will praise you yet more and more. Psalm 71:14
If you live with a strong sense of expectancy, then God will bless you and use you in a powerful way. It's difficult for some people to imagine this, but you must come to the realization that God is so much bigger than anything you will ever face.
So why would you not live your life expecting Him to give you victory? God wants you to be a champion, not a failure.
If you claim victory and expect victory, God will give you victory and peace! God wants you to live an abundant life, so expect His abundance.
You are designed for a life of excellence; do not settle for mediocrity in any area of your life! No matter what has happened to you in the past, God wants you to pick yourself up and keep going on the path that leads to victory.
The Lord promises that if you will look up to Him, He will renew your strength and help you soar like an eagle. That's an amazing promise from an amazing God!
Keep pushing ahead even through the tough times, you will surely succeed.
God wants you to pursue and fulfill your dreams, and not to let the challenges of life stand in the way.
Of course, there will be many obstacles in your path, but don't let them stop you from striving towards the goals God has put in your heart.
He doesn't want you to stop until you have discovered all that He has in store for you. Your future is far bigger than your past failures. Lift up your head and walk tall!
Prayer: In the name of Jesus, I declare that it shall be well with me in this land.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 71:12-24

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