
Monday 6 October 2014


In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6
There is a line that separates everything we do. It separates the right from the wrong; the good from the bad; the wise from the unwise.
And too many of us walk the edge of that line trying to see how close we can get before we have to face the consequences.
We walk on the edge between sin and righteousness and keep pushing the limits to see how far God will allow us to go.
God tells us, though, in order to reach our potential, in order to gain the full and rich life that he has in store for us, we can't walk that line. Instead, we need to be in line with Him.
He wants to make our paths straight and our ways clear. And to be in line with God we must acknowledge Him is our lives and make wise, insightful decisions.
When we fail to do that, we spend a good amount of time wallowing in the pit of regret. We look back at our lives and the decisions we have made and shake our heads and say, "If only... if only... if only."
The best way to avoid living a life of regret - the best way to make the right decisions is to ask ourselves the right questions.
As you go through the decision-making process, look at each option with sobriety.
When you are in sober about your decision making process, you will gain the insight that allows you to see what is obscure to the rest of the world.
This week, ask yourself if your decisions are going to reflect what you have learnt from your walk with God. Trust in the Lord, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Prayer: Lord, I acknowledge Your presence, power and sovereignty; please direct my paths.
Scriptural Reading: Proverbs 3-10

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