
Thursday 9 October 2014


LORD, how long will the wicked, how long will the wicked triumph? They utter speech, and speak insolent things; all the workers of iniquity boast in themselves. Psalms 94:3-4
Sometimes in the Bible, prayers of intercession take the form of a question. On some occasions, people get so desperate before God that their prayers for help turn into questions, crying out for an answer to their troubles.
Often, when we observe the arrogance of the wicked people and the boldness with which they defy God, we wonder about the Lord's fairness. With arrogance, they speak as if they own the whole world and can determine the outcomes of our lives.
As we encounter such arrogance of power, we ask questions, 'How long O Lord?'
These prayers, daring as they may be, are still expressions of hope in the ability of God to overturn the situations that perplex us.
They are not the cries of people who have given up on God; neither are they the sarcastic or rhetorical questions of doubters.
Instead, they are cries of intercession, from a people whose only hope is found in their God.
In asking questions, we express our total dependence on God. The Psalmist in our text cries out with this searching question because he acknowledges that God is powerful enough to change the situation facing him.
He also acknowledges that God will not delay in executing judgment for the righteous.
In other words, God is strong enough to intervene, and He is always perfectly on time.
He is always there even when we do not see Him or feel His presence. Yes, the wicked may seem to triumph over the righteous but when God lifts up His arm, the battle will turn.
Prayer: Turn the tide of evil O Lord and favour the cause of Your children.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 94:1-15

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