
Friday 16 January 2015


And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright. Genesis 25:34
Every decision has its consequences; every cause has its effects and every action has its reaction.
For every choice you want to make, it is important to ask yourself whether you are ready to live with the impact of the decisions you make.
In order to walk in wisdom or godly counsel, you need to examine the long-term implications of every choice before you make it.
Some decisions look attractive in the short-term but turn out to have damaging consequences in the long-term.
When King David committed adultery and took Bathsheba into his bed, he was obviously looking at immediate pleasure rather than long-term consequences.
Even though God forgave him when he later repented, he still suffered the long-term effects of his action including the death of his child, problems in his family and, probably more significantly, the loss of God's promise of a perpetual kingdom for his descendants.
Life's decisions are not made in isolation. Every decision we make has several other linkages that ought to be considered.
Today someone may be happy with an ill-considered decision they may have made in solving a particular problem.
However, when the dust settles, their descendants may rise up to curse them for the wrong choices they made and their attendant implications.
Sometimes you may be tempted to go with a convenient option and think you have solved a current problem, but the impact of your decision may outlive you, for several years.
There is, therefore, the need for careful consideration at every stage in life in order to make the right choices and walk in godly counsel.
Prayer: Lord, give me the wisdom to always consider the long-term consequences of my choices.
Scriptural Reading: Genesis 25:29-34

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