
Tuesday 17 February 2015


Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Romans 12:14
We have all experienced situations in our lives when submitting to the will of God becomes very difficult for us.
For example, when someone has really mistreated or done something terrible against you, committing the situation to God for Him to deal with it His own way is very challenging.
Anytime you go into prayer about the situation, you are inclined to curse the person instead of praying for the person to change. This is so especially when the more you try to be nice to the person, the worse they become.
In such circumstances, we are commanded to forgive the person and pray for them. When you pray, you leave the issue in God's hands and trust Him to deal with it in the best way.
This kind of prayer is very difficult, and many times when we leave issues in the Lord's hands, we go back for them and handle them our own way.
In every instance of suffering, our Lord handed over both the situation and Himself to the Father's care. He did so because He was confident in the righteous judgment of the Father.
When He was reviled, He committed His ways to the Father. On the cross when He was suffering and dying, he still committed Himself to the Father. That is the way you should respond when confronted with unjust persecution on the job or in your families and relationships.
When you retaliate, you forfeit the blessing and reward that suffering is meant to bring. Retaliation shows your lack of confidence in God's ability to make things right in His own time.
Prayer: Father, I commit all my hurts to You; heal me. I ask for Your forgiveness for all those who have hurt me one way or the other.
Scriptural Reading: Romans 12:14-21

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