
Monday 9 February 2015

Home is home....

Home is where you are welcome and accepted in spite of all your inadequacies. When you have been on a long journey, all you want to do is to return home. Depending on how long you have had to wait before the return, the vivid picture of what home looks like is starting to faint. You need to make a conscious effort to remind yourself what the front door, the trees, the bus-stops look like.
Imagine being away for 5 long years..... even the memory of names will be faint.
With the uncertainty in life, most warriors fear as they leave their families. They have one big worry, WILL I EVER RETURN?
They behave as though every day is the last day, they hold and love as though that will be the last.
Whilst they are away fighting, with the oppressors closing in daily, the likelihood of being free again seem more and more distant.
They are preoccupied with fear more than faith.
Most of the times, they are already abandoned and they are treated as the victims who suffer , so that their country may experience peace, their blood is the peace offering that their land needs.
There are many battles that we fight, as Christian women, most of these seem like there is no hope in sight.
At times, when you are waiting for a husband, the MARRIED YOU, with a lovely husband and happy children is not a vision that you see....because its so far fetched.
As a waiting mum, its difficult to envision you in the labour ward and you bringing your baby out wrapped in your embrace.
As a professional, having written the same exam again and again and you now face an ultimatum, YOU DONT SEE A RETURN... It seem so far away.
Whatever you state today and whatever it is that has kept you in the far far away land for so long, that you now see deliverance as an unlikely event, God says to tell you.....YOU SHALL RETURN.
Isaiah 51:11-15 says
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return
and come to Zion with singing;
everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;
they shall obtain gladness and joy,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
12 “I, I am he who comforts you;
who are you that you are afraid of man who dies,
of the son of man who is made like grass,
13 and have forgotten the Lord, your Maker,
who stretched out the heavens
and laid the foundations of the earth,
and you fear continually all the day
because of the wrath of the oppressor,
when he sets himself to destroy?
And where is the wrath of the oppressor?
14 He who is bowed down shall speedily be released;
he shall not die and go down to the pit,
neither shall his bread be lacking.
15 I am the Lord your God,
who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—
the Lord of hosts is his name.
The sound of RETURN one that the solder at war waits for day in, day out.....Its soothing, its a sound of joy.
You may not know when , and you may not know how, but He who made you says to tell you that
There is a kind of rejoicing that makes you forget the pains of your long journey. You will not be able to recollect how long you had to wait. It will be like a cloud that disappears, when you shall return. The journey , for you may have been several years, but the lord says in verse 14.....HE WHO IS BOWED SHALL SPEEDILY BE RELEASED.
Sisters/brothers, can I encourage your heart this new week, God is still in the business of organising memorable returns. He will do it in a way that you will forget all the pains of the times you spent lonely and longing on the war front...
He will replace your sighing and sorrow with gladness and joy. You shall return
By sister bola.

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