
Tuesday 19 May 2015


THE EX-MEN lineage is amazing. One of their leaders took delight in training one of them who has extraordinary super powers. He trained them to fear no one. He trained them to harness the power inside them. With this, they can destroy anyone. The leader was so pleased with himself that he had a tool that he can use against the enemy. He was so proud to show him off as One who defies everyone'
This continued until the day the subject came to the knowledge of who he was and what he had. The same subject he trained wiped him out with the same volatile skills he gave him.
I am worried about the way we raise our children and I think that the time has come when one will have to address these things.
I am an African woman and proud to be one.
One of the rich heritages of Africa is that we respect the elders. We give them the reverence that is due them ;at
times, its not even because they deserve it, we choose to do so. Some parents have hurt their children so bad, but we forgive and still love and honour them .
With the ever increasing 'educated' parents and 'freestyle' parenting , i feel the need to address those who may be losing this beautiful culture. Being a non-african , you can still choose to take this on board.
A lot of us parents have slacked in our duties in the name of 'YOU CANT CORRECT A CHILD' or THESE ARE ABROAD CHILDREN .....even if they only visited abroad on summer holidays!
Children are being left to decide and choose what is right or wrong for them. A child walks into a room and does not see the need to pay a due respect to the grown-ups there. Its seen as being POSH, or being labelled as ' OYINBO children. Its got nothing to do with that child......Its got to do with a parent who has a feeling of INFERIORITY ......and thinks that for them to BE -LIKE the oyinbo, you need to lose the basic training of common-sense that was imbibed in you from a young age.
Common things we were taught..... elderly person is standing on a public transport....give them the opportunity to sit.
Hello, sorry, thank you.....are very simple words and phrases ....You don't lose anything by saying them.
Some children talk back as though the part of the mind that controls reasoning has been switched off.
Developed world has a problem now.....a lot of children do not see the need to maintain contact with their roots, they are disconnected and they lose their identity.
Your children were born into a home , so they can have an identity, in a bid to make them acceptable to the society, please don't make them lose who they are. Don't focus on their acceptance by peers and colleagues and deprive them of the basic skills they need for the great future that they have.
Add onto them. Let them have what you trained them with and what the others have that you envy.
Majority of the children from ethnic minority get tagged....they get labelled from tender age. The reason is simple. We have moved from the ancient landmarks. In the past, a child will think before they act, because they know that they will get a telling off by their parents. In these days, we are proud to say HE HAS A MIND OF HIS OWN!!!!!
We leave them to the teachers and child minders to train!!! No wonder they cant decide what sex they are and who really is their father!!!!
The posh that you are trying to emulate, have you ever seen their children shout at them in public...NOOOOOOO....they don't, they wont, they cant!!!! They are trained to not do such.
Very rarely will you find the REAL POSH unruly and disrespectful. They treat their own adults and elderly with respect. They don't talk down at their aged and elderly.
Mothers and fathers, give your children identity...the Bible advises it.
Give them more than a British accent, give them the confidence to face the world and be proud of the heritage that they have. Training a child does not mean you mark and bruise their body, when you teach them what is right and prayerfully support, they will grow in it....Being a honorable young man or woman is not a sign of weakness. Its makes them stand out before kings.
Train your children to respect elders.Train them to have regards for other people. They will start by honouring you and as the bible says, their days will then be long in the land where the lord their God has given them.....
TRAIN A CHILD......if they were qualified they didn't need training
Whatever attitude you see in your child, its a reflection of what you have trained them to be. If you breed a rebel, expect to reap a monster. By Bola.

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