
Thursday 21 May 2015


Be still and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10
Do you find yourself in a place of nothingness? There is a time and place in our walk with God in which He sets us in a place of isolation and waiting. It is a place in which all past experiences are of no value.
It is a time of such stillness that it can disturb the most faithful if we do not understand that He is the one who has brought us to this place for only a reason.
It is as if God has placed a wall around us. No new opportunities - simply inactivity. During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us.
It is a place of nothingness designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place.
Our nature cries out, "You must do something" while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God."
You know the signs that you have been brought into this place when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything.
It may be that you are unemployed and it seems as if no company is interested in you.
Maybe you are single and no suitable person is looking your way. Perhaps you are down with an illness and it seems you are being left behind.
Many people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen.
But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He sometimes brings us into a time of quietness that seems almost strange.
You cannot see what God is doing. You just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to yourself or to others.
Mother Teresa wrote, "Has God brought you to a place of nothingness? Be still and know that He really is God. When this happens, your nothingness will be turned into something you will value for the rest of your life."
Prayer: Praise the Lord for being in absolute control of your life.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 46:1-11

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