
Thursday 11 June 2015


Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. - Psalm 46:10
We live in a noisy world. Everyday and everywhere our lives are swallowed in noise.
From the start of the day, we are bombarded with noise from the radio, television, car horns blaring and the shouts of frustrated people rushing to work.
As the day wears on, the noise steadily increases. After a while, you adjust to all the noise and move on with your life without being aware of it. It isn't until you are able to move into a quiet place that you realize how loud the noise has been.
In the silence, everything seems to change. Your nerves calm down, your body relaxes and your mind becomes uncluttered.
Noise provides us with a place to hide, where we don't have to face ourselves. Heavy schedules block honest reflection and renewal.
The noise of our busy world keeps us from hearing the still small voice of our Lord. God comes to us in silence. We have lost the art of being still. Not just physical silence but silence at a higher level.
We hear His voice clearer when the noises of our own words are replaced with the power of His word.
We hear His voice when the sound of fear is replaced by the spirit of faith in our hearts. We hear His voice when the anxiety of the world is overshadowed by the breath of His presence.
Don't turn your life into a permanent rush, rush, rush. Take time to be still. Only through the still times in our lives can we hope for God to break through to help us make sense of our lives. Be still, and know that God is there.
Prayer: Lord, help me keep away the noise so I can hear Your voice.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 46:1-11

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