
Wednesday 19 August 2015


Image result for FOLLOW GOD'S LEADING
Then Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn." Exodus 3:3
In order to fulfil your divine destiny, you must be sensitive to God's leading at all times and follow the path that the Lord has set before you.
You should live your life with a clear sense of knowing where you're going, which direction you will take to get there and what you want to accomplish.
Don't spend your time and energy on things that may be interesting, but are not helping you fulfil your destiny.
Remember, God's plans are blessed and as you walk in His plan for your life, you will experience His abundant blessing on everything you set your hand to.
When He interrupts your agenda, don't be upset; just turn aside and follow His plans. One of the surest ways to keep your priorities right is to become a joyful worshipper.
As you make God your number one priority, you allow Him to magnify Himself in your life. Take time to worship God for who He is and thank Him for all the blessings He has given you.
It doesn't matter if you're at home, at work, at the bus stop or caught up in a traffic jam; turn every activity of yours into a spiritual activity.
Welcome the Lord's presence into your life at all times. Allow Him to strengthen your faith as you spend time in His Word. Your Bible is the best tool for discovering your God-given purpose.
The Bible will tell you who you are, what you have and what you can do. There's nothing like the excitement of discovering the treasures God has for you in His Word.
Like Moses, learn to turn aside from your own plans to follow the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, give me the ability to see Your hand and Your leading even in the ordinary events of my life.
Scriptural Reading: Exodus 3:1-6

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