
Wednesday 9 September 2015


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. - 2 Timothy 4:7
God has put dreams and desires in each person's heart. He has given each one of us a hunger for things that are spiritual as well as things that make our lives useful. Those are the dreams that we run in the race of faith to attain to.
In the race of faith, you run to win. And you run to finish the race. It's not enough simply to start. We have to finish the race, too. So if you have stumbled out of the race that the Lord has set before you, get up and get back on track. There is a race to run and a prize to be won.
The main character in the film “Chariots of Fire” fell in this important race. He was hurt and discouraged. But he got up again and continued to run.
He finished the race and he won it. Even when you stumble, even when you fall, you can still get up and run. You can still win. God still believes in you.
You may have stumbled. You may have fallen in the race of life. Or maybe you have been discouraged by harsh criticisms around you; or something has happened to set you back. It's not too late to get up and start running again. The Holy Spirit is there to help you.
You will never be truly happy until you have pursued both your spiritual and self-actualizing dreams.
So when you fall by the wayside while pursuing your dreams, allow the Lord to lift you up again and inspire you for success. Whatever the Lord starts with you, He is able also to finish it. Run in His power.
Prayer: Lord, I know that You have planted dreams and goals in me; Help me to pursue them with Your strength.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8

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