
Monday 5 October 2015


It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8-9
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. The electrical power of a hotel was interrupted resulting in the elevator stopping between floors with passengers aboard.
One of the passengers on the elevator began to beat on the door and to shout for the people in the hallway above to do something quickly to get him out.
One of the people in the hallway attempted to calm the stranded passenger with the assurance that help would soon arrive. He shouted, 'The hotel has a generator system to back up the power.

The maintenance man will soon have power restored to the building and the elevator will be opened.' Then the anxious passenger shouted back, "But I am the maintenance man!"
Sometimes we trust in people to solve our problems when the people themselves are trapped in their own problems.
On the outward, they may appear very competent and capable but in private, they could just be people of straw who are incapable of solving their own problems.
God desires that we trust Him totally in all areas of our lives. Yes, we will have to deal with people in all human activities but we must not make them the object of our trust and hope.
Even though people can have the best intentions for us, we must always remember that they are just humans and limited in what they can do for us.
We express our confidence in the Lord by:
• Going to Him in prayer constantly
• Believing His promises without wavering Trusting in His timing and purposes
Prayer: O Lord, in you alone I put my trust, for my help comes from you alone.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 118:1-9

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