
Monday 5 October 2015


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. - Hebrews 13:15
There are times when it feels like a real sacrifice to offer praises to God. There are times when it feels like God has taken sides with those who are against us.
When we are down, depressed, and things seem not to go the way we expected, praising and giving thanks to God is not the joyous experience it should be. These are times when you don't feel like praising God.
Yet the Bible is filled with admonition after admonition to give glory, praise and thanks to God. This is because God is good all the time, no matter our circumstance.
Notice that the Bible does not say, "Give thanks to the Lord when you feel good." Rather, it says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!"
We don't praise God because we feel good. We praise God because He is worthy, regardless of what we may be going through.
Even in our darkest moments, God still remains a good God. Most often it is in our darkest moments that we experience the awesome power of praise.
In the book of Acts, we read of Paul and Silas who were arrested, beaten and thrown into a dungeon for preaching the Gospel. At midnight, Paul and Silas started praying and singing songs of praises to God.
Suddenly, there was a great earthquake such that the foundation of the prison was shaken. The chains of all the prisoners were broken, and all the prison gates were thrown open. That is what the sacrifice of praise can do in your life.
It can pull down any stronghold and break every yoke in your life. So, no matter what you may be going through, don't stop giving God the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
Prayer: Lord, give me the attitude of praise and thanksgiving.
Scriptural Reading: Hebrews 13:7-17

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