
Thursday 7 January 2016


A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Psalm 91:7
These days, reading the newspapers and listening to the news can be very frightening. Almost every news item seems designed to strike fear and terror into our hearts.
This kind of fear creates panic. Pretty soon, that kind of panic makes even reasonable people go crazy. We behave like Chicken Licken in the fairy tale: an acorn fell on his head. He went round screaming to all who would listen, 'the sky is falling; some of it fell on my head'.
God promises us protection. His promise of protection does not keep us from hearing and seeing trouble around us.
His promise of protection keeps us even through the troubles and turbulence round about us.
God's presence goes with us along the paths of danger and uncertainty. He is our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal hope.
To live a happy life in this turbulent world, we must:
• Be constantly aware of God's presence. He is with us everywhere and never leaves us alone.
• Boldly claim God's protection. Know the promises of God concerning His protection and by faith, pray them into reality in
your life.
• Bypass our fears. When fear knocks on your door, let faith answer. Even when you are terrified, make the effort to bypass the fear and allow the promises of God to rule your heart.
Prayer: In the name of Jesus, I claim God's promises of safety and protection for myself and family.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 91:1-16

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