In the last week of April, I see you riding on your high places and I see the glory of God shining in your life. It is well with your soul in Jesus Name. God will expose all deceivers around you in Jesus Name. Lies will become naked before you! You will not embark on a journey of no return in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!
You will be led to the side of the still water day by day, your bread shall be full and you will drink to satisfaction. Songs of joy shall break forth of your mouth. You will continually enjoy divine security and joy of God in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Happy new week folk from us ASB's World.
Pls do like our fan-page and invest your friend too.
This blog focus on uplifting christian article such as family,relationship, ministries,fashion,health, recipes, juicy-gist and much more.
Showing posts with label Inspirational & Christian's Topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational & Christian's Topics. Show all posts
Monday, 25 April 2016
Monday, 18 April 2016
'Time Zone', I can't be too fast or too slow
Dubai is three hours ahead of Nigeria,
but it does not mean that Nigeria is slow, and it
does not mean that Dubai is faster than Nigeria.
Both countries are working based on their own
"Time Zone."
Some one is still single..Someone got married
and 'waited' ten years before having a child,
there is another who had had a baby within one
year after marriage. Everyone is working in their
"Time Zone "
Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited
5 years before securing a job; and there is
another who graduated at the age of 27 and
secured employment just after national service.
Everyone is working in their "Time Zone "
Joyce Meyer started her own ministry at age 41
and still alive today at 71 years old. She is
working in her "Time Zone "
Someone became CEO at the age of 25 and died
at the age of 50 while another became a CEO at
the age of 50 and lived to 90 years.
Everyone worked based on their 'Time Zone'..
Some people have everything that work fast for
them. Work in your "Time Zone" and pray for
God's direction.
Brethren, God has designed us for a particular
purpose that is different from the other person.
God allows things to happen at His own time.
Your Time Will Come.
Colleagues, friends, associates, younger one(s)
might "seem" to go ahead of you. Don't envy
them, it's their 'Time Zone.'.
Yours is coming soon. Hold on, be strong, stay
focused stay in faith and stay true to yourself. All
things shall work together for your good. You’re
not late… you’re on time!
God Bless you. I hope it blesses you! Ecclesiastes 9:11. By Funmi
It’s been more than a year since the day when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. It’s been more than a year of doctor visits, treatments, and paying hospital bills. Despite all these pains and struggles, I also realize that it’s been more so God’s overflowing provision, grace, love, and faithfulness to my mom and our entire family.
Sometimes, when we’re in the heat of trials, it’s extremely difficult to see the hand of God in our lives. It’s tougher to believe that He even cares about what we’re going through. It’s a challenge to hold on to His promises to deliver and rescue.I know this very well. I’ve felt this way again and again as I was attending to all of my mother’s needs and trying to figure out how in the world will we be able to pay the staggering medical bills. But looking back to the past 14 months, I realize God has been with us every step of the way (and He still is with us today and in the days to come).
I don’t know what you’re going through today. For all I know, it may even be worse than cancer. Despite how grave the situation can be, let me tell you three reasons you should place your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.1. He has overcome the world.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, He has set our expectations about how our life in this world will be like. He didn’t promise us a life free from problems and sorrows. He clearly stated that we will have trouble for as long as we live in this fallen world. But despite that, He has overcome all of our troubles, tears, failures, fears, heartaches, pain, burdens, and shame. Thus, we have overcome them too.
2. He left us His peace.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
Before Jesus died on the cross in our place, He left us His peace. Since He lived in this world as a man and was tempted as a man too, He very well knew how difficult it was to live with temptation surrounding us. He can sympathize with us because He was once in our shoes. He knew how much we needed His peace so He gave it to us even before we asked for it. What a mighty God, right?
3. He sent us the Helper.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. (John 14:16)
Jesus knew the troubles of this world would be too much for us to bear, so He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and be with us. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will teach us all things (John 14:26). This assures us of wisdom from above even in the midst of trying times. Jesus will direct us the way we should go so we will never be lost, if we’ll only heed His voice.
Christ didn’t only die for us. He also rose from the dead after three days. And for that, no matter how impossible our situation is, we should take heart. We should always place our hope in Christ.
5 Things We Miss When We Worry about thing of life
Women worry, it’s a fact, as a woman you know that you worry about multiple things. Looking after the children, having dinner ready for your husband, do you look good in that dress?, Is she prettier than you?, … I could literally go on forever because there are so many things that make you worry. As women I think we are incline to worry a little bit more than men. How do we manage to get anything done, right?
When we live in a state of worry we lose out on the promises of God, we miss things and we end up an anxious mess, it’s almost like it is contagious, once you start worrying about one thing you end up worrying about everything. As a child of God you are promised so much more than that. Jesus died so that you could live life to the fullest, that means being certain of things but sometimes understanding that you as a woman cannot control everything. Sometimes you have to give over control to God and watch what He does.Cast your burdens upon Jesus and don’t miss out on these things that God has blessed you with:
1) The Beauty of Today
The Bible says, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. When you are too busy worrying about the future your mind is there and you miss the beauty of the moment – Live in today! (Matthew 6:34)
2) The Holy Spirits prompting
We are supposed to be led by the spirit, it’s our inheritance as son and daughters of God. He was sent as the great counselor when we are not paying attention we will miss the things he is guiding us to do. (Romans 8:14)
3) Peace
We are supposed to be led by the spirit, it’s our inheritance as son and daughters of God. He was sent as the great counselor when we are not paying attention we will miss the things he is guiding us to do. (Romans 8:14)
3) Peace
When we are worrying we are not being faith filled, when Jesus left to be seated in heaven He told us that He was leaving His peace with us here, for us to have. When we are not praying about issues and submitting them to God this means He cannot fill us with His Peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that no matter what is happening on the outside our hearts are still and full of Joy. (John 14:27)
4) We are less thankful
5) Gods is Sovereign4) We are less thankful
When you are constantly worrying you take the little things for granted like being safe, having food on the table, being blessed with a job etc… You find it difficult to be grateful for the little things or even the big things because you are too busy worrying about other issues. The Bible tells us to pray about everything and in every situation GIVE THANKS.
If you are worrying you are missing who God really is, what He is capable of and what He promises us. He is all powerful and nothing is too big for Him, we need to start telling our problems how big our God is, not our God how big our problems are! (2 Corinthians 13:4) source here.
Prayer for the new week
You will soon hear that desired good news before this week is over in Jesus name! Be still, God is about to show u mercy beyond measure. You will have a special breakthrough this month in Jesus name! Every EVIL Power of your Mother's House, Every Demonic Power of your Father's House: SUMMONING you, Through DREAMS, Back to your CHILDHOOD Life in Order to Hinder your BREAKTHROUGHS in life,they are a Liar!!!They will all Die Now!!! In the name of Jesus.
Happy new month folks ! From us at ASB's World.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Prayer for new week

Happy new week folks from us ASB's World
Do like our fan-like page and invite your friend as well.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Prayer for the week
The ground you walk shall produce Abundance, the sky above you shall rain down Blessings, the Breeze around you shall blow Peace and everything shall work well for you in Jesus name. I pray that all your lost glories shall be restored in Jesus name and you will never know sorrow again.
So shall it be for you and every member of your family, You will experience Open Heavens and Divine Abundance. God will give you special people to support your life ambition and dreams in Jesus name.
Happy new week enjoy your day from us ASB's World.
So shall it be for you and every member of your family, You will experience Open Heavens and Divine Abundance. God will give you special people to support your life ambition and dreams in Jesus name.
Happy new week enjoy your day from us ASB's World.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Truth About Self Hatred and Low Self-Esteem
“I was teased growing up,” I began. “For three years, male and female tweens talked about the size of my nose, the color of my skin, my skinny legs, and non existent breast,” I continued. Initially, I had no intentions of divulging my adolescent tale of woe with the fourth and fifth grade mentees, but I deemed it necessary.
Just before my comments the girls viewed a PowerPoint presentation of women thought of as beautiful: Beyonce, Rihanna, Ciara, and then Lupita Nyong’o. The immediate response to Lupita’s image was one of disdain. She was dark and her hair was short.
“She’s bald headed,” one said. Another described her as, “Black.” Even though her features mirrored several of the girls in the room, she was harshly criticized. Before I knew it an indignation rose in me. I had to speak.Even though I am grown, and old enough to know better, sometimes the lessons I learned in my youth are difficult to overcome. What I learned was that the “fearfully and wonderfully made” me needed some work done in order to measure up. This perspective was impacted by society’s dominant images, the taunting of children who didn’t understand the ramifications of their actions, and the lack of affirmation I received from my father.
I had to speak because I knew somewhere in that crowd of estrogen was a girl who felt just as I did when I was her age. She needed an advocate, someone to stand up and say you are beautiful. She needed someone to teach her how to love herself.
The effects of self hatred and low self-esteem are subtle: slowly infiltrating our psyche until we don’t even notice it. Constantly, we are bombarded with a barrage of images dictating what beauty is and is not. Air brushed women with hair and wardrobe stylist, personal makeup artist and plastic surgery are touted as the world’s standard of beauty. And I’ll be the first to say I have believed the lie, often enduring a torture filled regiment of hair straightening, face painting, eyebrow plucking, and spanx (need I say more).
I do this in an attempt to reach the ever rising beauty bar. If I didn’t straighten, paint, pluck or squeeze my appearance would be drastically different. In my purest state I’d have bushy eyebrows, uneven skin, a protruding belly, and a rather large afro. This image will never meet the societal standard of beauty, but it does meet God’s.
I know this, and like a good Christian woman I am quick to quote Psalm 139: 14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” But yet, if I’m honest, I periodically continue the detrimental habit of self hatred as I look in the mirror sizing myself up to images super glued to my brain.
As I approach 40 I have yet to hear my earthly father tell me that I am beautiful. And as much as the little girl in me longs to hear him say it, the adult woman I’ve become knows I must embrace the truth about my beauty from the words of my heavenly father.
I am a handmade one-of-a-kind original creation of God himself. There are no defects, imperfections, or mistakes in his eyes. God, a lover of diversity intentionally, created me and you. read here
We are wanted and have a value that far outweighs the physical. So however you see yourself today: big nose, flat chest, round stomach, top heavy, splotchy skin, short, tall, skinny, fat, peach, tan, brown or caramel, know that you are loved by your Creator. When He looks at you, what He sees is beautiful.
Trusting God With Your Prayers wow
Quite recently, I found myself thinking about what else I could do to try and speed up the answers to some prayers of mine. I thought of fasting more, maybe a prayer vigil, praise God more, perhaps sow a big seed at church etc.

If you notice, none of the things mentioned in my list is wrong. For example, we should praise God often and we should be aiming to fast, pray, and give as much as we are able to. But the error is in thinking that by doing more of these things, I might be able to get God to move quicker. I had to check my motives.
“It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer and while they are still speaking, I will hear?” As most dog owners would know, a treat is a big deal to dogs. You could almost say treats are to dogs what blessings and breakthroughs are to humans. My dog, Picasso always wants a treat and I look for opportunities during the day to give them to him. Usually treats are for training or reward, but there are times when I just want to spoil him. To test his level of obedience, I may ask him to do something i.e. fetch a ball or sit. I set him up in order to bless him with a treat.
What I’ve noticed though, is that whenever Picasso needs to be taken out or is hungry, he will come close to me and start lifting up a paw, sitting or doing some of the other commands we normally give him without being asked. He’s hoping that by showing obedience, I will be more likely to heed to his request. What he doesn’t realize in his dog mind though, is that I’m fully aware of his needs and would do those things anyway.
I realized that just like the dog, I was trying to get on God’s good books so He could perhaps answer my prayers much more quicker. The Holy Spirit said to me that this is not an attitude of trust.
Meanwhile, God knows our needs. He even knows our desires for some things which we don’t need.
He may sometimes ask us to do certain things to bring us into alignment with our desires.
He may delay answers to some prayers for the sole reason of preparing us.
He may be using this time as a way to increase our level of trust.
It’s not by our own good works that we get the father to answer our prayers. So no matter what your needs are, rest assured, knowing that God will meet all your needs. He is able and He is not deaf to your prayers. You don’t need to try and win His love or favor. It’s unmerited.
And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Prayer for new week
As you start this week, Almighty God who created you will surely provide for all your needs in a timely manner. Your life will not lose value, God will remember your requests today and grant you speedy answers. He will remember all your good works and reward you greatly.
Though some people have seen you to be cheap and downtrodden, but as from today they will count themselves privileged to have known you. God is about to put an end to all pains you have secretly suffered. You will experience overflowing abundance in materials, finance and anointing. Fear not!
Happy new week from us ASB's World.
Though some people have seen you to be cheap and downtrodden, but as from today they will count themselves privileged to have known you. God is about to put an end to all pains you have secretly suffered. You will experience overflowing abundance in materials, finance and anointing. Fear not!
Happy new week from us ASB's World.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Happy New Month of March and Prayer for New Week
Happy new month of March "The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, Nor the moon by night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in; From this time forth and forever." Psalms 121:5-8. May good Lord perfect all that yours. Have funnnnnnn.

Happy new week and month from us all ASB's World.
Happy new week and month from us all ASB's World.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Triple Threat the Enemy Uses Against You
Sports teams, political rivals, and military strategists all have one thing in common, they are aware of what their opponent's strengths and weaknesses are. This is why teams study the game tapes, why politicians listen to the comments of their rivals and why military units spy out the land they are seeking to take.
If you don't know what your enemy is doing, you will not be as victorious as could be if you did know what he was doing. Many people go into war without all the information, which is a critical part of the preparation and that is why they lose more battles than they win. Now this is true on a nation, international and individual level, but today we are going to speak to individuals, for I see a tactic of the enemy in Scripture that has plagued Israel and the church since the beginning of our existence as people.
The trifold plan of the enemy against believers is unforgiveness, forgetfulness and fear/unbelief. These are the three strategies the enemy uses against people in their relationship with God and others.
"Whomever you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if I forgave someone anything, for your sakes I forgave it in Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us. For we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Cor. 2:10-11)."They forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them" (Ps. 78:11)."They turned away from faith and walked away in fear; they failed to trust in his power to help them when He was near" (Ps. 78:22).
Historically with Israel, realistically with the church and identifiably with us as individuals we can see this trifold plan of the enemy in operation in people's lives and that is why we are not as powerful as we could be, as loving as we are called to be and as courageous as we are supposed to be. The enemy begins by either getting us or someone we love in unforgiveness in order to destroy our relationships, for the enemy knows, sometimes better than us, that we are better together than we are apart. Living with unforgiveness on any level is destructive to relationships, the enemy knows this, so it is one of his tactics.
Secondly, the enemy uses forgetfulness in order to get us to question the character of God. If we forget our history with God and His faithfulness toward us, we will begin to question what He is doing with us when we can't see, hear or understand.
The third tactic the enemy uses is fear or unbelief, which is a lack of trust. Trust is the most vulnerable thing we are called to do and many people refuse to do it for when they have tried to trust, they were hurt, so they have resolved not to trust people or God. The enemy is such a strategist, he knows if he can rob you of your ability to trust, he can keep you in unbelief and render you powerless.
The enemy knows, sometimes better than we do, that we are powerful. Christ in us is the hope of glory! If God arises in us, the enemy will be scattered, so the enemy uses a trifold plan to keep us from being powerful. But God, who is slow to anger and rich in mercy, has not given up, He is relentless in His pursuit of us, He knows we are His ambassadors on earth, He knows He paid a price for us that no other person on earth would be willing to pay and He knows how to win our hearts again.
So, we can have hope, even though we may have fallen prey to one or all three of these strategies of the enemy, the Lord is our deliverer and He is still releasing the prisoners and setting the captives free. You were created to be powerful and now that you know the trifold plan of the enemy, you can defeat him by forgiving everyone, remembering your history with God, and walking in faith, trusting God with all your heart. This is how we overcome!
Be aware that you are talking to a God that listens
A major uniqueness of the Christian Faith is that we serve a LIVING GOD. Our God is alive, as in for real, alive. Remember that text that has been turned to a song by some;

Psalm 135:15-17 “The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, The work of man’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; They have eyes, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear, Nor is there any breath at all in their mouths.…
But Yahweh, the Living God can hear, can see, can talk…
I woke up to do my devotion this morning and like I advised in my post “7 Quick Tips To Having A Meaningful Morning Devotion” I sat up with my leg touching the ground and started singing “Oh, How I Love You” by Jesus Culture. I haven’t gone two minutes into singing and it dawned on me that my singing was just mindless chant.
I thought of it that the God I’m singing to actually listens, but I was singing like no one was listening. I was just ranting in the name of worshiping. I wasn’t singing TO the God that hears, I was more or less singing to myself and to my room, mindlessly.
It was at that point the reality of how many of my and our so called quiet time(s)/ morning devotion(s) is/are to mainly give us self-satisfaction, or clear conscience that we have prayed, worshiped and studied. However, the reality is we haven’t really met or been with God.
How different are your devotion times to those whose religions are mere rituals or routines- where they do some activities at some stipulated time to simply justify their consciences ?
Don’t let your devotion/ quiet time give you a false impression that you are known by God and you have spent time with Him. Actually, spend time with Him. While singing and praying, retain Him in your consciousness; think about Him, meditate on his awesomeness, beauty, goodness… Be aware that you are talking to a God that listens, that He’s alive, that He’s right there with you in your devotion time.
Ask yourself again, “is your devotion time a mere activity to justify that you are a Christian or an actually of fellowship (oneness and communication) with God”?
May God give us the grace to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Grace and Peace.

Psalm 135:15-17 “The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, The work of man’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; They have eyes, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear, Nor is there any breath at all in their mouths.…
But Yahweh, the Living God can hear, can see, can talk…
I woke up to do my devotion this morning and like I advised in my post “7 Quick Tips To Having A Meaningful Morning Devotion” I sat up with my leg touching the ground and started singing “Oh, How I Love You” by Jesus Culture. I haven’t gone two minutes into singing and it dawned on me that my singing was just mindless chant.
I thought of it that the God I’m singing to actually listens, but I was singing like no one was listening. I was just ranting in the name of worshiping. I wasn’t singing TO the God that hears, I was more or less singing to myself and to my room, mindlessly.
It was at that point the reality of how many of my and our so called quiet time(s)/ morning devotion(s) is/are to mainly give us self-satisfaction, or clear conscience that we have prayed, worshiped and studied. However, the reality is we haven’t really met or been with God.
How different are your devotion times to those whose religions are mere rituals or routines- where they do some activities at some stipulated time to simply justify their consciences ?
Don’t let your devotion/ quiet time give you a false impression that you are known by God and you have spent time with Him. Actually, spend time with Him. While singing and praying, retain Him in your consciousness; think about Him, meditate on his awesomeness, beauty, goodness… Be aware that you are talking to a God that listens, that He’s alive, that He’s right there with you in your devotion time.
Ask yourself again, “is your devotion time a mere activity to justify that you are a Christian or an actually of fellowship (oneness and communication) with God”?
May God give us the grace to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Grace and Peace.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Prayer for new week folks !
Anything you lay your hands on shall prosper. Everyone you meet shall favor you, cos this is your
week of divine favor and visitation. The Lord shall revive you and everything about your life in Jesus name.
God will straighten every bend and corners in your life. You shall no longer be submerged in sorrow and pains. You will triumph, You shall be singled out for promotion. You shall be singled out for uncommon favor. You shall be singled out for unprecedented breakthrough this season in Jesus name. God will bless your children with all the best things of life. They will never become vagabonds.
Happy new week folks from us at ASB's World,
Invite your friend to like our fan-page.
week of divine favor and visitation. The Lord shall revive you and everything about your life in Jesus name.
God will straighten every bend and corners in your life. You shall no longer be submerged in sorrow and pains. You will triumph, You shall be singled out for promotion. You shall be singled out for uncommon favor. You shall be singled out for unprecedented breakthrough this season in Jesus name. God will bless your children with all the best things of life. They will never become vagabonds.
Happy new week folks from us at ASB's World,
Invite your friend to like our fan-page.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
2. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.”- Socrates.
3. “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way” - Martin Luther King Jr.
4. “Anything worth doing is worth doing right.” - Hunter S. Thompson.
5. “Do your best, and be a little better than you are.”- Gordon B. Hinckley.
6. “If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?”- John Wooden.
7. Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” - Booker T. Washington.
8. “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” - Aristotle
9. “I am a man of simple tastes easily satisfied with the best” - Winston Churchill.
10. “Do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” - Gregg Harris.
11. Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time.”-Habeeb Akande.
Some Reasons God May Have Closed a Door
or Every time it looks like things are looking up, here comes a big fall.
or Every time you take a step in the right direction life forces you take 2 steps backwards.
Constantly being pushed back to square one is no fun. At some point it can become stressful and draining, but I can assure you, it’s always for our good in the long run.
Here are 4 Reasons God May Have Closed That Door:
1. A closed door does not necessarily mean a locked door. If it’s meant to be, it will be!
Timing is everything, but we sometimes want it all and we want it right now. But God may be saying…
“slow down”…
“not yet”…
“in due time”…
In fact Ecclesiastes 3:1 warns us that…
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.”
God may very well be using your waiting period as a season of preparation. To get you ready for what’s to come. It may feel like torture right now, but it will be worth the wait.
2. Rejection is SOMETIMES God’s Protection.
We may not realize it at times, but some of our decisions can turn out to be very dangerous ones. I for one have a history of picking all the wrong guys to date. I’ll admit that. But, I can’t tell you how many times God has stepped in and protected me in some of those relationships and possibly from marrying the wrong guy. He always managed to show me exactly who they were just when I needed Him to. When this happens, I find myself reminded of Psalm 91:11…
We may not realize it at times, but some of our decisions can turn out to be very dangerous ones. I for one have a history of picking all the wrong guys to date. I’ll admit that. But, I can’t tell you how many times God has stepped in and protected me in some of those relationships and possibly from marrying the wrong guy. He always managed to show me exactly who they were just when I needed Him to. When this happens, I find myself reminded of Psalm 91:11…
“For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.”
In some of my business dealings, when I felt like doors were just being slammed in my face, I later found that God had protected me from scam artists, thieves, and just down right bad business deals.
3. Sometimes closed doors are God’s way of getting us to focus on the things we should have been focusing on all along.
If we’re not careful, we can began to idolize something or someone. We become so fixated, that this thing or this person becomes our entire world (so to speak). They have our undivided attention and usually consume most of our time and energy. Whether it be our careers or a relationship. These things began to serve as more as a distraction than a blessing. Leviticus 26:1 tells us…
“Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God.”
We shouldn’t give anything more praise than we give God. There should be nothing or no one else that holds the number one place in our hearts.
4. Sometimes closed doors are God’s way of saying… “It’s time to move on.”
As Christians, A comfort zone is a bad place to be. Most of you know the story of how this blog came into existence. God closed a door for Dreana (the Founder). It all started when she was fired from her job almost 5 years ago. Although she didn’t know it at the time, God was simply moving her out of her comfort zone into something more fulfilling. Every time I read her story, Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind…
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
That’s how awesome God is. He knows how to take us from “0 to 100 real quick”. Yeah, the process may not be a pleasant one. It may even hurt a little, but one thing is for sure, You’ll thank Him later! Read here.
Prayer for the new week
I deeply pray that the sins blocking your miracles from you shall be forgiven you. Your prayers will not become an empty words in the ears of The Lord in Jesus name! God will give you the grace to fast and pray more than ever before. You will no longer take the grace of God for granted in Jesus Name.
Your expectations for greatness shall come in double portion. Someone you have once helped will remember you for good before this month is over in Jesus Name.
Your expectations for greatness shall come in double portion. Someone you have once helped will remember you for good before this month is over in Jesus Name.
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Over the past few years, an industry has emerged in Ghana especially among the youth. This has got to do with motivational/inspirational speaking. Today, the average youth wants to be involved in motivational/inspirational speaking of some sort. Here on Facebook, you will see many writing motivational pieces as an attempt to make an impact. And the oft-held fallacy is that, you make an impact as a motivational speaker. Nothing could be further from the truth. I will explain. Sadly, too, I have observed some youth resign from their jobs only to land themselves in motivational speaking all in the name of wanting to make an impact. As I observe these happenings, I like to think most of these young people venturing into motivational speaking are really not going there because that is what they were born to do, but because of the perceived popularity that comes with standing on a stage and speaking for people to see you. Or, authoring a motivational book with their faces at the back to make them popular.
The point is, and I can tell you this for a fact: most of these so-called motivational speakers make no impact. Sitting on radio or TV and having interviews, or being invited to speak at various programmes is not the measure of impact. Anyone can do that. In fact, anyone can lobby for a place on these media platforms just to make "noise" and be said to make an impact. Making impact has got nothing to do with motivational speaking. It doesn't matter what it is you are doing; be you a teacher, doctor, nurse, engineer, cleaner, etc., as long as your work somehow brings comfort to others, you are making an impact. I can't tell you how impactful the woman responsible for the sanitation of my office is to my life until I need her desperately to help with cleaning the office. When I walk into the office after cleaning, I feel fresh and focused for work. She doesn't need to resign from her work and become a speaker to know she's making an impact.
The interesting thing is, a good number of these motivational speakers are either school drop-outs because they refused to take their studies seriously and so they were booted out, or are out of school, in need of job but because hey have found nothing to do, they thought the best thing to do is to venture into motivational speaking. I am not in anyway attacking anyone or industry. I am only trying to speak the truth as raw as I could just so you know that whatever you find yourself doing, you are making an impact as long as you tune your mind to it. If you're not meant to be a motivational speaker, don't force it. Be you. Do what you are meant to do. Don't see someone jumping from one platform or the other, and because you love the popularity they enjoy, you also want to do motivational speaking. The interesting thing is to listen to these "wanna-be" motivational speakers who have no substance to deliver to their audience and yet somehow, they think they are making impact. Go, discover what you're meant to do, and do it the best way you can. Impact is not equal to popularity. You can be doing the most mundane job, and yet it is a source of comfort to many; now, that is real impact!
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Prayer for the new week and Happy new month of February
The Lord will deliver your soul from death, your eyes from tears, and your feet from falling. The angels of the Lord shall surround you, keep and preserve you from all evil,You shall live to fulfill your destiny in Jesus mighty name. There shall be no sorrow in your life, there shall be no afflictions, and no calamity; only voice of rejoicing and good news shall be heard always in your tabernacle. The glory of God will shine upon you, the anointing for good health, success, progress, prosperity and breakthrough shall rest permanent in your life in Jesus mighty name
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Deception of Indecision
Joel 3:14 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision" (NIV).
Joshua 24:15 "If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ..." (NIV).
1 Kings 18:21 "Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people did not answer him a word" (NIV).
Romans 5:16 "Don't you realize that grace frees you to choose your own master? But choose carefully, for you surrender yourself to become a servant – bound to the one you chose to obey" (Passion Translation).
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is riddled with the call to make a decision, to choose, and as much as we as people would rather not choose, we have to make a choice, for the days of living in the indecision are fast ending. When I lived in Malaysia, I realized how American I was when I went to the grocery store and the choices were so limited, there were only 10 cereal choices, rather than the 50 I had in the US. But when I got back from living in Malaysia for 9 years, I realized how Malaysian I had become, because I was overwhelmed by all the choices here in the U.S. The more choices you have, the more freedom you think you are given, but actually the opposite is true, the less choices you have, the easier it is to decide. Once you decide on one thing, that is where real freedom is found.
It is not freedom to be sleeping around with multiple people, that is bondage, real freedom is being married and living monogamously with one person. It is not freedom to be jumping from job to job because you get offended when you are corrected, real freedom is staying the course, running the race and learning how to live with your cubicle companions over the years. We have bought into the lie that freedom is not choosing, actually, freedom doesn't come until you make a choice. Anxiety and stress riddle people who are trying to find a house to buy, but peace comes when they finally make a decision. Freedom comes from making your choice, not from leaving your options open out of fear of making the wrong choice.
So, if freedom comes from making a decision, why are we so afraid of making a decision; why does the thought of D-Day rattle us so much? The most popular answer to this question is fear, fear of making the wrong decision. The funny thing about fear is, it keeps you from making a decision, but is nowhere to be found once the decision is made.
The Christian challenge is that we have said a prayer but we never made a decision to follow a man. We got baptized in water but we never died to ourselves. We accepted Christ but we never said no to sin. So, we have altered our beliefs to match our experience, which is why you can be a Christian and still have sin as your master; you can live for yourself and still expect to be blessed; you can say whatever you want and not reap what you have sown.
The reason most people do not pick a path is because the gate that leads to life is called death; the path that leads to perfect love is called pain. Most people want relief from their distress, but they do not want to be made whole. We see, feel, experience the consequences of indecision, but yet we do not have the strength to make a different decision.
We have become so comfortable with the bondage of indecision, when we meet someone who has made a decision, we get mad at them for they refuse to conform to our discomfort. Jesus didn't die so you could be comfortable in your contradictions, He died so you could be free from sin. The Lord will never violate your free will, the choice has been and continues to be yours.
Decision day is every day and what you decide is up to you, but I want to end by quoting Deuteronomy 30:19, "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" (NLT).
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