Wednesday 19 February 2014

5 Ways in controlling your anger

But if you are feeling frustrated often, yelling at your partner, criticizing your colleagues and friends, blowing your horn in traffic, throwing things around the house, then you might want to take your anger seriously and do something about it.

1: Most of us get angry at times  often over things that on reflection seem trivial. But if you are feeling frustrated often, yelling at your partner, criticizing your colleagues and friends, blowing your horn in traffic, throwing things around the house, then you might want to take your anger seriously and do something about it. Over the many years that I have been seeing patients, I can tell you that very few people come in and say, “I have a problem with my anger.” They might say, “My husband -or wife -thinks I have a problem,” or “My boss thinks I have a problem.” Or, in a few cases, “I was arrested and anger management was part of my plea bargain.” So, owning up to the problem may be the first step. And it may be hard to do.
2: Let’s distinguish between feeling angry and being hostile. Your emotion -anger - can be a private event that only you know about. You can stand in line impatiently, feeling frustrated and just feel really angry. But you say nothing and you do nothing. Or you can start yelling at the other people in the line and let everyone in your immediate range know you are angry. When you act on your anger by yelling, criticizing, threatening, or expressing sarcasm, you are being hostile. It’s your hostility that will get you into trouble. Keep in mind that you don’t have to act out your feelings. As simple as this observation may seem, it is important. It helps you recognize that you have a choice as to what you do.

3: What are the costs and benefits of being hostile? Ask yourself what the consequences have been for you and the people around you. Have you lost friends, upset your partner and your kids, gained a reputation as a difficult person? Anger can increase your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. But anger may also have benefits at least you might think so. You might think that people will take you seriously, you will feel good about standing up for yourself, and your anger might motivate you. Look at the tradeoffs. Would you recommend that your friends become more angry? Why not?
Take a step back. You can pull away even for a minute or two to think things through. You don’t have to respond immediately. Think it out what are the consequences of being hostile? Is it worth it? Can you just let it go and accept it as a “bump in the road” as opposed to a challenge to a duel?
4: What are you telling yourself that makes you so angry? You can make yourself even more angry when you take things personally, interpret other people’s behavior as intentionally provocative, view an inconvenience as if it were a catastrophe, or label the other person as a bad person. Examine your thoughts and ask yourself if this event is worth getting angry over. Ask yourself if the other person is just doing what they do but not singling you out. Ask yourself if it might be worth accepting that people don’t always live up to your expectations  but you don’t have to upset yourself about it.
5: Do you have a rule-book that makes you even more angry? You may have a list of “should” about how other people should act and these infuriate you when people don’t follow your rules. Examples are “they should drive faster,” “this line should move faster,” “people should always be polite and respectful,” “everything should be fair,” and “people shouldn't disagree with me.” What if you dropped the rule-book and simply observed that the world is the way it is and wasn't built for your rules?
Keep a record of the situations that lead to your anger and your hostility. Keep track of your thoughts and try to use these ideas. You might find yourself less angry and less anxious and the people who care about you will appreciate your progress. You can control your anger rather than let it control you.

Fear No Rejection

TEXT: JOHN 9:13-38
Key verse: “Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? And he said, Lord, I believe…” (John 9:35,38).

All men are born into one form of belief or the other. This belief could be strengthened or weakened by parental upbringing. As we grow up, societal influence and teaching at school either bring a change in the belief or reinforce it. Stiff opposition should, however, be expected when there is a sudden twist or change in our belief from our religious parents. Our attitude at such a time is very important.

The blind man has received his sight through the miraculous intervention of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Pharisees could not stand this. How can a carpenter’s Son, born in a manger perform such a miracle when they, “Abraham’s seed” and “custodians” of the Law, have no record of healing the sick? There was cause to disprove the claims of this hitherto blind young man and stop the spreading popularity of the Saviour.

The man who was healed of blindness would not be deterred. He insisted on the genuineness of the source of his miracle. This righteous steadfastness earned him excommunication, most dreaded by his parents. Now forsaken by synagogue preachers, this man found favour and comfort in the waiting hands of our loving Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Salvation and faith in Christ bring us into enmity with the world and all worldly religious systems. The mark of genuine repentance is hatred by the world and unsaved religious leaders. It is possible that you have been in a religious group for so many years without salvation. As you turn to the Saviour and are saved, you may be excommunicated from an assembly or by friends and family. You need not worry because they cannot expel you from the one place that matters: God’s Book of Life.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Those the world rejects, find favour with God.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Do you know you can praise God with ABC?

A- Alpha and Omega
B- Beautiful in all situation
C- Creator of the creations
D- Director of the directors
E- Emmanuel; God is with us...
F- Father of the fatherless
G- Guardian of the Isrealites
H- Hope of our Glory
I- Internal Rock Of Ages
J- Jesus our saviour
K- King of kings
L- Lion of the tribe of Judah
M- Mighty Man in Battle
N- Need for the Needy
O- Old man Who is always new in strenght everyday
P- Powerful God of Host
Q- Quick in actions but slow in anger
R- Redeemer of our soul
S- Salvation of our life
T- The only Man Who will remain forever & ever. ... Amen.
U- Unstoppable & Unchangeable God
V- Very big God Who is always by our side
W- Wonderful God
X- Xylophone is not enough to praise God for what He has done for us
Y- Yokes are broken by His name alone (Jesus Christ)
Z- Zion, His Holy City.

Free free to add yours.

-by Demilade

Planning to get rid of some extra fats from your body?...

Here are 10 Foods That Burn Fat

1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

8. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

9. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly.

10. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.


Text: Psalms 34:19, John 1:12

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
----- John 1:12

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
----- Psalms 34:19

The things you need to do with the word. 'MANY.' Even though there are many tests, there will also be many testimonies.

M - Make a list of your desires (Reference: Pslams 34:17)
A - Always Praise (Reference: 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
N - Never give up (Reference: Phillippians 4:13)
Y - Yes to God (Reference: Luke 22:42)

Make a list
The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
---- Psalms 34:17

Always Praise
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
----- I Thessalonians 5:18

Never Give Up
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
----- Philippians 4:13

Yes To God
Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
----- Luke 22:42

Source: Doris

A word for you!

Esther 7:3-6, 10 AMP
Then Queen Esther said, If I have found favor in your sight, O king and if it pleases the king, let my life be given me at my petition and my people at my request. For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, slain, and wiped out of existence! But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I would have held my tongue, for our affliction is not to be compared with the damage this will do to the king. Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther, Who is he, and where is he who dares presume in his heart to do that? And Esther said, An adversary and an enemy, even this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the king and queen. So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king's wrath was pacified.

The Rope Holder...
The story of Esther and her uncle Mordecai is an exceptional one. Rising from nothing to something and in order to keep the position and not fall by the axe of enemy there had to be an agreement. If you read Esther4:16 you would see where Queen Esther requested that all the Jews go into fasting and prayer for her. There was a time when Esther was just a slave and ordinary Jew. She rose to become the Queen in a foreign land. Mordecai never let off the rope of right and godly parenting and this led to him being able to pass on Haman's threat towards the Jews to Esther. Esther who was at the receiving end of the rope is now the rope holder. The fate of the Jews depended on her role as the Queen. Had it been she neglected them God would have made a way out of no way. Esther remembered who she was, were she is now and knew it was the will of God. She did everything prayerfully with wisdom and Knowledge to get justice for the Jews against Haman. Tides can turn at any time friend if God bless you its not for your sake alone but for the sake of others. When you pray for blessing ask God to make you a blessing. Esther rose from being blessed to become a blessing to her generation. Are you holding the rope or at the receiving end, whichever that applies to you do it to the glory of God remember God is not a man you can't deceive Him.

Have a favourable and blessed day! –by Leah

Monday 17 February 2014

Dump Sugar, Eat and Cure Diabetes?

More than 26 million People suffer from diabetes. That’s 10 times the number from just 50 years ago.
But even with diets filled with sugar and soaring obesity rates, there is hope. Some people are reversing their Type II diabetes, getting off their medications, and feeling great.

This report focuses on Type II diabetes, which represents 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.
Like millions of Americans, Janet Huffstetler felt diabetes was ruining her life. Then she changed her diet.
“I will tell you I have never felt so good,” she said. “I think having my body free of sugar and carbs and processed chemicals has made such a difference in how I approach everything. I am just an entirely different person.”
It’s a far cry from the fear she felt eight years ago when doctors first diagnosed her with diabetes. She had seen what the disease did to her uncle.
“He ended up on full dialysis and blind,” she recalled. “He also had coronary bypass surgery. They had started talking about amputation, but he died.”
Diabetes is when you have too much sugar in your bloodstream. The standard treatment is largely medication.
More Meds, More Problems
Huffstetler’s first doctor put her on medication that led to weight gain and depression.
“[It] kind of made me feel sluggish, it made me dizzy, it made me lethargic,” she recalled. “It was very hard to get motivated to do anything I should have been doing, more exercise and everything.”
Daily life became a series of finger sticks, constantly monitoring her blood sugar levels.
“I was doing it four times a day, and they would tell you ‘You have to do it on this side, so you can do it on that side the next time.’ And your fingers became very sore,” she said. “And I work at a computer and it’s not fun.”
Believing there had to be a better way, she changed doctors.
“I came home and Googled and Dr. Westman’s name kept coming up. And I was fortunate enough to get in to see him within a month, which, I must have called and gotten an immediate cancellation,” she said.
Diet-Only Approach
That appointment sent her to the nationally recognized Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic led by Dr. Eric Westman. He helped reverse Huffstetler’s diabetes through his diet-only approach.
“Diabetes and obesity is complicated,” Westman explained. “There are lots of factors that are involved, but most experts agree that it’s the foods and the beverages that people eat that are the major cause for diabetes and obesity in the U.S., and so that should be the major focus of treatment.”
Instead of treating the sugar in his patients’ blood with medicine, Westman instructs them to eliminate their sugar intake.
Westman said he gets diabetes patients who are unhappy with the treatment they’ve received thus far.
“I took someone off 180 units of insulin for their diabetes in two days. And this is not unusual,” he told CBN News. “This individual was on diabetes medicine, injectable insulin, for 10 years. And just by changing the foods that person no longer needs insulin in two days.”
“And that’s because the insulin was treating the sugar in the foods that the person was eating,” he continued. “In that case the individual was drinking two liters of sugar-sweetened beverage every day and taking insulin to treat the sugar-sweetened beverage.
“Now this could be sweet tea in the South, orange juice in the North, any beverage that has sugar in it, this was raising the blood sugar,” Westman explained.
“And the doctor, the clinical doctors, put him on insulin without addressing the food component, the cause from the foods,” he said. “I instructed him to take away all the sugars, the starches in the foods and in the drinks. He never needed insulin again. It’s pretty amazing.”
Westman said his program is tremendously successful for the patients who do it.
A Success Story
Susan Hollowell did it and went from spending $400 a month on diabetes drugs down to zero.
“I was insulin-dependent, five injections a day,” she recalled. “The third day of my diet my blood sugar dropped to 150 and I asked Dr. Westman, ‘What should I do about my insulin?’ I didn’t want to go over. And he said, ‘Get off of it.’”
Three months later she was 20 pounds lighter and had more energy than before.
“I wasn’t involved in any clubs or organizations, didn't want to go to church very often, and now that's not the case,” she said.
Managing Sugar Withdrawals

Westman admitted it’s not easy for some people to give up sugar.
“There’s a feed-forward, a drive that comes from eating sugar, that eating sugar makes you want to eat more sugar,” he explained.
So his patients use artificial sweeteners to manage their withdrawal symptoms. Huffstetler remembers how she did it.
“When I first started, the little individual sugar-free Jello things, I would come and put whip cream on it; it would take care of the sweet,” Huffstetler recalled.
“Now I was so amazed with this program,” she said. “After a while you don’t crave those things any more. You don't want it. When I have family dinners I have to really work on thinking about dessert for Thanksgiving or whatever because my mind just doesn’t go there anymore.”
In addition to sugar, Westman’s diabetes diet also limits starches, like bread, pasta, and rice, because they also raise your blood sugar.
Butter and Oil, It’s All Good!
Surprisingly, the diet allows patients to eat fats: the unsaturated kind like olive oil and avocados, and saturated fat like coconut oil and butter.
Although this diet might sound revolutionary, it’s actually a throwback. If you notice, old medical textbooks dating back to the years before insulin was discovered, advised physicians to put their diabetic patients on a low carbohydrate, high fat diet.”
Westman tells his patients not to worry about eating saturated fat because he says the latest science reveals it does not cause heart disease.
“So now we’re in a phase of education, trying to get the word out about the cholesterol in the blood and the arteries and all that, do not get adversely affected by a high fat diet,” he said.

So to avoid diabetes, or reverse it, put the brakes on sugar and starch. It’s not always easy but well worth the effort.
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