Sunday 14 September 2014

Damned By Pride

TEXT: 2 KINGS 14:8-16
Key verse: “Thou hast indeed smitten Edom, and thine heart hath lifted thee up: glory of this, and tarry at home: for why shouldest thou meddle to thy hurt, that thou shouldest fall, even thou, and Judah with thee?” (2 Kings 14:10).
Charles H. Spurgeon said: “There is nothing into which the heart of man so easily falls as pride, and yet there is no more vice which is more frequently, more emphatically, and more eloquently condemned in Scripture. Pride is a thing which should be unnatural to us, for we have nothing to be proud of. In almost every other sin, we gather us ashes when the fire is gone. But here, what is left? The covetous man has his shining gold, but what does the proud man have? He has less than he would have had without pride, and is no gainer whatever. Pride wins no crown.”
Jehoash, in today’s text, showed Amaziah the folly of his challenge. “Thou hast indeed smitten Edom, and thine heart hath lifted thee up: glory of this, and tarry at home: for why shouldest thou meddle to thy hurt, that thou shouldest fall, even thou, and Judah with thee?”
The root of sin is in the heart, from which it flows. The Bible underscores Amaziah’s sinful state. Even when he was said to have done what was right in the sight of the Lord, his heart was not right while doing it. It is not providence that makes men proud, discontented, or arrogant, but their own hearts. The pride in the heart of the man at the helm of affairs in Judah led to serious losses when he instigated his men against another king: “And Judah was put to the worse before Israel; and they fled every man to their tents.” This man subjected his people to unnecessary ridicule and humiliation.
Amaziah’s case should, therefore, be a strong lesson for us today; that success should not make us proud, aggressive, arrogant and troublesome. If he had heeded Jehoash’s advice and stayed at home, he would not have disgraced himself and his people. Whatever we achieve, we should always remember that God is the source. We must, therefore, learn to be humble and ascribe glory to God from whom all success flows.
Thought for the day: It was pride that changed angels into devils; so watch it.

Friday 12 September 2014


Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Samuel 17:45 

Sometimes the battles of life can seem overwhelming. It is reassuring in such times to read the account of David's victory over Goliath to understand that nothing is too big for God.

David was a teenager who was already deeply committed to the Lord because of the many nights he invested intimately seeking God while shepherding sheep.

In those lonely night moments, he learnt to trust in the Lord for protection and safety.

He also used his time profitably to perfect his skills at shooting out stones from the sling so that he could protect the sheep under his care.

When David least expected it, God opened a monumental door for him. His father wanted him to run an errand and take supplies to his older brothers who were engaged in a very tough contest on the battlefield.

When he got to the battlefield, he saw a big problem in the form of a gigantic giant called, Goliath.

He did not only feel compelled to fight for what he knew was right but he was eager to bring the big giant down. In the end, David achieved a victory of monumental proportions.

David responded, as we all should, to our Goliath life struggles. He made a positive faith confession in the face of daunting odds.

He relied on the power of God and boldly confronted his challenges with faith. He invested countless hours in intimacy with the Lord.

He won because the battle outcome had already been settled on his knees before the Lord
Prayer: Thank You Lord, that in Your presence I am renewed to win all my battles.

Scriptural Reading: 1 Samuel 17:40-47


Maturity. How could you describe it? Maybe it is being able to resist some small whims or need for immediate reward and better choose the actions that will pay off some time later.

Maturity is also a well-measured persistence, knowing your true goals and seeking them in-spite of obstacles on your way. 

It is the ability to use your skills and knowlenge and do more than is expected.

A mature person is able to control his anger during conflicts or other unpleasant situations.

He solves the occurring problems with constructive approach instead of complaining.

He knows that he cannot control everything, thus sometimes you just need some thing to let go.

Maturity is also humility when a person is able to admit his mistakes, forget his pride and at the same time preserve his dignity. It is the ability to laugh at yourself.

A mature person is responsible and reliable, his words always go along with his actions. He keeps his word, so people know that they can count on him.

Maturity is also ability to be flexible and being aware that learning and self-improvement are necessary along your way.

Maturity is being in permanent harmony with everything. It means building harmonious relationship with yourself, with other people, with nature.

Maturity means living in the moment, appreciation of simple things, being mindful of everything, allowing yourself to feel gratitude of what you do have now, rather than to be looking back or forward.

Maturity is not competing, but sharing.

Most Important Habit You Will Ever Develop

So much of what we do every single day is the result of habits that we have formed over time. And when it comes to establishing healthy, new patterns in our lives, I've found that spending time with God and acknowledging Him in all of our ways is one of the most important and rewarding habits we can ever develop (see Prov. 3:6).
I can tell you from experience that God's help and presence in our lives is vital. He is the Author of all true success and everything that is good without Him, we can do nothing of true value. Spending time with God through prayer and His Word is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.
Now, it's true that we can improve ourselves through discipline and even have some success, but will power will only bring us so far. The truth is that nothing can really take the place of having a healthy relationship with God.
I absolutely love Heb. 11:6. It says that God ... is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (NKJV). When we draw near to Him, He fills our lives with His strength, peace, joy, provision, and favor ... and blesses us in ways we can't even imagine.
Prayer doesn't just change things it changes us. If we are diligent in seeking God, slowly and surely we become better people.
Putting First Things First
When it comes to our everyday habits, it's important to ask: Am I putting God first?
It can be easy to put ourselves and our reputations first ... or our friends ... or our possessions. But when we continue to put everything else ahead of the Lord, we cheat ourselves out of something good that God wants us to have.
I tried for many years to work God into my schedule, but it seemed like I never found time. I had good intentions, but procrastination got the best of me. I was always going to spend time with God later on ... or after the "one more thing" I was going to do.
The result? Not much was working right in my life or in my ministry. I was frustrated most of the time and felt like I was barely making progress. I am grateful to say that God finally got through to me! I have learned how to work my schedule around God, who is first, rather than trying to work Him into my schedule.
Jesus said in Matt. 11:28, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
The answer to my problem (and yours) is simple: Come to Jesus!
It's not about having a program to follow—it's simply about forming a habit of putting God first in everything we do. If we will seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He has promised to add everything else that we need (see Matt. 6:33).
Where to Begin
My 10-year-old granddaughter recently came to me and said, "Grandma, I want you to tell me how to spend more time with God because I'm so busy." I thought that was cute. I thought, Honey, if you think you're busy now, you just wait!
I told her what I'm about to tell you: Just start somewhere. So many people never start at all because they think they need a huge chunk of time to begin. Or they end up doing nothing if they feel like they can't do everything.
Here's what I recommend: Start by taking some time in the morning to talk with God in prayer and read His Word
even if it's just five or 10 minutes.
If you plan on spending your time with Him later in the day, then I encourage you to take at least a few moments in the morning to get started with God on your mind. Acknowledge Him and ask for His help. It can be as simple as saying, "God, I love You, and I appreciate everything You do for me. I really need Your help with my day."    
Sometimes we are defeated because we try to begin where we should be finishing, or we try to do what someone else is doing. The truth is that God will meet you where you are right now. As you take a step of faith, He will give you the grace and strength you need!
Remember, don't allow yourself to do nothing simply because you can't do a lot. If you want to form a habit of spending time with God, then start small and go from there.
Today, I can truly say that I am addicted to spending time with God—He has become a necessity that I require every day! Perhaps you are at a point in your life where you are ready to form the God habit. If so, I want to encourage you to take a moment right now and ask Him to help you get started.
As you do, you'll find that His guidance and presence are things you just cannot live without.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Just Develop your capacity

Genesis chapters 37, 39, 40 and 41
Have you ever read the story of Joseph in the bible? I’m sure most of us know this story, especially from Sunday school. We know the story of the young man who had a coat of many colours, made for him by his father out of love to show him how special and loved he was. We also know how his brothers hated him because of this favouritism and the bible says “They could not speak a kind word to him”. When Joseph had a dream and shared it with his brothers, they hated him all the more and before you know it, they plotted to kill him. Well, they eventually didn't and sold him off into slavery. We have heard sermons woven around how Joseph the slave became the prince of Egypt. We have heard people talk about the prison to palace experience. And I’m sure a lot of us have prayed that prayer for our lives too
“Oh Lord, take me from the prison of my life to the palace. Crown me before my enemies in Jesus name”
Sounds familiar? Of course! And that in itself is not a bad prayer point, after all who doesn't want to become king before the very people who persecute them?
But Joseph did not just spring from the prison to the palace to become 2nd in command to Pharoah. He was already ‘well cooked’ in his experiences. I’ll show you how
From the first time he was made a slave in Potiphar’s house, Potiphar saw him as a hardworking young man who got things done. He put him in charge of his household
When he was put in prison after Potiphar’s wife lied against him, the head warden saw him and favoured him. He put him in charge of the whole prisoners.
When he appeared before Pharoah and interpreted his dream, Pharoah saw him as a wise young man and favoured him. He put him in charge of the entire nation.
Let’s do some guess work here:
Potiphar’s house – Number of staff – 40
Prison yard – Number of prisoners – 1500
Nation of Egypt – Number of citizens – Over 1 million
In each case, the number of people Joseph was put in charge increased greatly, but his job description remained the same – be in charge. What happened was his capacity was enlarged. He still did the same thing, but on a larger scale each time.
Did he do it effortlessly? Probably not. He would have made lots of mistakes which he learnt to corrections apply on the next assignment.
Was he able to handle it on his own? No, because the bible says he was favoured of God. It was that grace that made a difference in his life, causing his bosses to be favourably disposed towards him.
If he had remained in his father’s house, being loved and petted and doing nothing but flaunting his coat of many colours, he would not have had the chance to develop his capacity. He wouldn't have grown. God had to take him from his father Jacob in order for that dream to come to pass. His father’s house was his comfort zone. He had a dream, but couldn't have accomplished it while remaining there. His destination was the palace, being 2nd to Pharoah and God needed to make that happen, even if it took a shaking….
So before you complain, before you begin to cry and hiss and oh and ah asking “where is God in all of this wahala (problem)”, stop! Take a look around and ask yourself “what capacity am I developing and where exactly is God taking me to?” Because when it comes right down to it, if you must get to the next level, you would need to leave your comfort zone, prove your faithfulness in the little things, handle similar assignments especially on a lesser scale.
It may not be a pleasant process. You may be made a slave first, then falsely accused along the way, forgotten by those you thought would never forget the help you rendered to them, and grow such bushy hair you couldn’t appear before the king when summoned without a shave first! Yes you may go through all these, but if you must get to that next level, remember these experiences help shape you for that glorious future.
Develop your capacity……but only if you want that next level!
BY sis Deby

Some Of The S*xual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

Excessive sexual sin and nakedness is one of the marks of our Western culture and much of the world today. Everything is sensual. Everything must be sexy. We live in a sex-crazed world, and nakedness jumps out at us from everywhere. It is becoming more and more difficult for men and women to keep themselves in a state of moral purity.
Sexual sin and neglecting the laws of purity in the body of Christ is one of the elements that can potentially bring weakness, sickness, and even premature death to many in the Church. It is one forgotten aspect of not discerning the Lord's body (1 Cor. 11:29-31).
Those last statements sound so primitive in today's contemporary church. There is a lack of ministry from pastors in this area because of the fear of forthcoming accusations of being unloving, judgmental, legalistic, and ministering guilt and condemnation. Frankly, we've lost our way in this regard. Correction, rebuke and reproof are clearly missing from our counsel in these new crooked days of false comfort and unscriptural mercy.
In days of old it was rather common for correction to be made not only using the Scriptures but through the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For instance, it was observed by one old timer that in praying for the sick, individuals who had been unfaithful in their marriage and had not repented, but who nevertheless sought healing, had been rebuked sternly by the Spirit of God. Back then they understood that only deep repentance and cleansing through the precious Blood of Christ could the gravity of such a crime be pardoned.
Today, as I said, we are considered condemning and judgmental if we minister in such a manner. Yet it is common for many to get in a healing line and seek deliverance, or submit prayer requests while living in gross immorality without any earnest desire for genuine repentance. Those who practice sexual sin, or any other sin for that matter, and profess Christ, are partaking of the body of the Lord unworthily; and in doing so they are receiving a curse rather than a blessing.
"For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep" (1 Cor. 11:29-31).
I realize that sexual temptations are great, no one is exempt from them, and none should boast of their self-righteousness. I'm also aware that in seeking to turn someone from the error of their ways we must do so in gentleness and humility (Gal. 6:1; 2 Tim. 2:25). But if there is to be victory in this area, it must begin with a reverent understanding and a scriptural estimation of the defiling and degrading nature of sexual sin and its terrible dangers. Before people obey God, they must be thoroughly awakened. Only then will they overcome counteracting forces.
Carefully read these words of one of America's greatest evangelists, Charles G. Finney:
"Worldly desires, appetites, and feelings prevent true Christianity—the human will is, in a sense, enslaved by fleshly and worldly desires. It is therefore necessary for God to awaken people to a sense of guilt and danger and thus produce an opposite excitement or feeling and desire. This counter-feeling breaks the power of worldly desire and leaves the will free to obey God."
That ideology, my friends, is clearly absent from the mainstream of contemporary Christianity, yet it is so sorely needed.
As in modern-day America, sexual sin and nakedness were celebrated in the city of Corinth too and was infiltrating into the church there. Thus Paul had to remind the Corinthian saints that their bodies were now the temples of God and not their own. Their bodies, as ours, are now members of Christ, so a sin against our bodies is a sin against Christ.
"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Cor. 6:15, 19-20).
As far back as the Mosaic books we find some interesting references to sexual immorality and nakedness.
  • The first recorded human curse was over nakedness (Gen 9:20-23).
  • Nearly two entire chapters along with many other references were a code of ethics on nakedness and sexual immorality (See Lev. 18 and 20).
  • Exposed genitalia or nakedness were common in Canaanite demonic worship. Instructions and prohibitions to Moses were so Israel's altars would not be like the Canaanites' (Ex. 28:41-43; 20:26).
  • When Moses returned from the mountain, Aaron had lost control of the people as they worshiped a golden calf, "unrestrained" (Ex. 32:25), as the New King James says it. The Old King James says "naked," and the Living Bible says "committing adultery." And all this happened shortly after a move of God.
One of the keys to overcoming sexual sin lies in the meditation of the Word of God concerning it. This will nurture the fear of the Lord in you. For example, in Gal. 5:19-21 the works of the flesh are divided into four basic categories 1) sexual sins, 2) sins connected with pagan religion and the occult, 3) sins of the temper, and 4) sins of drunkenness. It is interesting that sexual sin is listed first, not only here, but also in several other scriptural references in the New Testament.
  • Romans 1:24, 6:19 – Uncleanness is singled out.
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – Sexual sins listed first.
  • Galatians 5:19-21 – Sexual sins listed first.
  • Ephesians 4:19 – Lewdness and uncleanness singled out.
  • Ephesians 5:3 – Fornication and uncleanness singled out; let it not once be named among you.
  • Colossians 3:5 – Fornication and uncleanness listed first.
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – Sexual immorality singled out in our walk of sanctification.
  • 1 Peter 4:3 – Lewdness listed first from our past life.
There are at least four primary sexual sins the Word of God speaks of: adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lewdness.
Here are the definitions of these four sexual sins:
Adultery: Unlawful sexual intercourse involving at least one married person. Adultery is incompatible with the harmonious laws of family life in God's kingdom, and is under God's judgment since it violates God's original purpose.
Fornication: Pornography, illicit sexual intercourse including prostitution, whoredom, incest, licentiousness (lack of moral restraint), and habitual immorality (would include sexual fantasies that lead to masturbation).
Uncleanness: Often refers to homosexuality and lesbianism
Lewdness: unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, unrestrained depravity (a disposition or settled tendency to evil, the innate corruption of unregenerate man), the person with this characteristic has an insolent defiance of public opinion, sinning in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt. Again, this often refers to sexual sin.
Here's where many people err in their understanding of their sexuality. Notice the following verses.
"Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power" (1 Cor. 6:13-14).
Paul is correcting the dangerous misconception among the Corinthians who believed, "as the stomach is designed for food, the genitals are created for sexual experience." This mind-set is not only common among unregenerate human beings but also among Christians who justify sexual immorality. Paul shows how this analogy is false because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and belongs to Christ.
Eating food is a secondary and temporal arrangement, but sexuality reaches into the eternal and metaphysical depths of one's being. An essential identity exists between the present physical body and the future glorified body (v 14). Sexual intercourse is more than a biological experience; it involves a communion of life. Since Jesus is one with the born-again believer's spirit, it is unthinkable to involve Him with immorality; thus the strong admonition not to let the sin of fornication and all uncleanness "even be named among you" (Eph. 5:3; emphasis added).
Sexuality is a uniquely profound aspect of the personality involving one's entire being. Sexual immorality has far-reaching effects, with great spiritual significance and social implications (v18). Such immorality is not only a sin against the body but against the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the body. It is one of the ways we are to discern the Lord's body, which when consistently neglected, as I stated earlier, often brings weakness, sickness, and even premature death.
Regardless of how satisfying and fulfilling sex is in its rightful place within the marriage, it is still a temporal arrangement and not a part of our eternal existence. And yet by it we procreate and give birth to eternal spirits. Sexual immorality messes with the power of procreation with someone to whom you are not married. The sexual drive is not sinful, but it is hurtful if not kept in its proper place. Scripture forbids sexual immorality in order to protect you.
Politicians, businesses, schools and our public institutions are not qualified to handle the subject of sexual immorality and deviate sex problems we have in our culture. They are a part of the problem, not the solution. Sadly though, the church has fallen so short of addressing this problem from a strong scriptural perspective. Some churches no longer even believe what the Bible says about sexual immorality is pertinent. One high-ranking church official said that the church is going to have to come to an understanding of homosexuality according to the changing culture. That is one of the biggest problems in the church today. Many of us are conforming to the standards of the culture around us.
Another well-known charismatic television preacher told his audience that homosexuality is not sin but brokenness. "What do you think David and Jonathan were doing? What do you think Ruth and Naomi were doing?" implying that they were involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships. I had to shake my head at that one. And yet this preacher is considered one of the greatest preachers in America with a very large following. It turns out that one of his own children is a homosexual. Although this is a very crushing trial for any godly parent to have to face, one cannot be loyal to his family at the expense of betraying God's holy Word.
When influential preachers say erroneous things like that, it opens the door for deception and compromise among masses of people who respect these preachers. This will lead to a flood of evil, immorality, and all kinds of perversion among the hearers of such.
It is sad to see the dilution of sound doctrine in much of the church today. It is grievous to the Holy Spirit to see such cowardice and compromise among preachers who have either departed from the true faith or who are afraid to teach sound doctrine in the area of sexual morality. As a result, our children and young people are getting educated by the reprobate minds of the world.
Let the preachers of righteousness speak up with strength and conviction, for the time is here when many are not enduring sound doctrine, but with itching ears are heaping up teachers unto themselves.

Stroke has a new indicator!

Stroke has a new indicator! They say if you forward this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life. Will you send this along? Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue:
During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.
Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this.
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.
Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. Chicken Soup)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is

'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
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