Sunday 27 April 2014


Think what a remarkable, unduplicatable, and miraculous thing it is to be you! Of all the people who have come and gone on the earth since the beginning of time, not ONE of them is like YOU!
No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, sorrows and opportunities.
No one’s hair grows exactly the way yours does. No one’s finger prints are like yours.
No one before, no one to come. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE!
Enjoy that uniqueness. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else.
You weren’t meant to be like someone else. You do not have to lie to conceal the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.
You were meant to be different. Nowhere ever in all of history will the same things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.
If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap in history, something missing from the plan for humankind.
Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it!
No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words.
No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person.
No one can be cheerful and lighthearted and joyous in your way. No one can smile your smile.
No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being.
Share your uniqueness. Let it be free to flow out among your family and friends and people you meet in the rush and clutter of living wherever you are.
That gift of yourself was given you to enjoy and share. Give yourself away!

See it! Receive it! Let it tickle you! Let it inform you and nudge you and inspire you! YOU ARE UNIQUE!

Saturday 26 April 2014

Get Knowledge, Get Understanding

KEY VERSE: “He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit” (Proverbs 17:27).
It was not a coincidence that one of the first acts of young Solomon as the King of Israel was to ask God to give him the blessing of understanding to enable him rule God’s people. We should also not see it as happenstance that only a few verses after God granted Solomon’s request, the king applied his new-found weapon to judge two feuding harlots. The two cases were planned by God to underscore the strategic role of knowledge, wisdom and understanding in human affairs.
In the passage today, God distills for us the rules of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We pay attention to these for our own good and for the lengthening of our days here on earth. No better way than to list the lesson God has for us today. Practice equity in all matters, never justify the wicked nor condemn the just. Be ready to pay the full price to get wisdom, it will preserve your life. Let your love for others be constant in times of joy and adversity. Do not be a surety to a stranger, preserve your life. Live at peace with all men and be humble. Do not give or receive bribe, God hates it. Avoid foolish behaviour and lifestyle, so you do not bring sorrow to all that love you. Control your tongue!
Paul, the apostle desired “That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye , being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breath, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.”
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You are aimless in life if you lack wisdom.

Friday 25 April 2014


And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Matthew 14:31-32
Sometimes we are embarrassed to admit to God that we need help. We feel as though we ought to work things out ourselves. But as children of God, He wants us to call on Him whenever we have a need or are in trouble.
There is no shame in that. When Peter came walking on the water toward Jesus and began to sink, it hardly came as a surprise to Him. Jesus knows that as humans, we are not perfect.
He knew Peter will fail. But He also knew what Peter would become. He didn't merely see him for what he was; He saw him for what he would be. And that is how God sees us as well.
Jesus knew that Peter would fail—not only in this situation, but later when Peter would deny Him. In fact, Jesus brought it to Peter's attention on one occasion.
So Peter's failure came as no shock to Jesus. And just as Peter was sinking, the Bible tells us that "immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?' And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased".
The Bible doesn't say that Jesus carried Peter back. They got into the boat, which means that Peter stood up and walked with Jesus on the water once more, back to the boat.
We will have our miraculous moments in life, our mountaintop experiences. But mountaintops prepare us for the valleys of life, and calm waters prepare us for the storms.
Maybe you are sinking right now. Maybe you are gripped by fear, worry, and defeat. Follow the example of Peter: cry out to Jesus. He will take hold of you and bring you to safety.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from all your troubles and restore your joy and peace.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 14:22-33


Recipes: Coconut Pudding

 Do you love everything about coconut! Here is my recipe for coconut pudding, it taste so delicious
·         Two organic baby coconuts
·         Organic Vanilla extract
Take the water from half of a baby coconut and the meat from two baby coconuts, put them in the Vita-mix and blend with a little vanilla extract. Put the mixture in the refrigerator and serve cold.

I also drink the rest of the water which is my favorite part! Enjoy yyyyyy.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Life is the most difficult examination

 “Life is the most difficult examination. Many people fail because they try to copy others.”
From time to time, I remember my days in secondary school and some of the experiences that are markers for that phase of my life.
One of such landmark experiences for me was a French examination in my first year at the school (what we called Junior Secondary School or JSS One at the time). I despised the subject; French that is, and I didn’t despise the teacher any less. Please don’t get me wrong, I was very young and quite immature at the time. Let me also add that I am somebody who never enjoys what he doesn’t like doing. Also, at this time, I had not yet committed my life to Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour so there was no such teaching as patience or anything like that resident on my inside.
Fortunately (or maybe not necessarily so), in this exam I was seated beside the best student of my entire set of over 80 students. This seemed to be a blessing to me as expectedly, my hatred for the subject would do no good for my reading.
Upon staring the exam, I decided to avail myself the opportunity of copying word for word my brilliant exam neighbour. Incidentally, he was quite benevolent as to let me do as I pleased so long as I did not obstruct his flow of thoughts or writing.
The exam was wonderful (or so I thought). I wrote and answered all the questions excellently and submitted my script. In my mind, I had it made and was going to surprise everyone except myself.
A few days later, I got a call from the staff room. It was my French teacher who wanted me. I thought to myself ‘I’ve got it made men!’ On getting to her office, here was the brief but resounding conversation that ensued between the both of us.
Teacher: How was your exam Segun?
Me: Fine ma.
The next question she asked struck me like an axe in the back.
Teacher: Who did you copy from in the exam?
Me: Nobody ma (I said immediately and confidently)
Teacher: Are you sure?
Me: Yes ma.
I was convinced that I had successfully deceived everyone. Just then, she drew out my script from where she had kept it in her table and showed me asking that spot I out what the problem with the script was.
Like a flash, my eyes immediately spotted the problem at the top of the script. Right where my own name should have been, was the name of another student; my exam neighbour. The name was well written in my handwriting.
Upon seeing my reaction of gross disappointment in myself, I guess she probably just felt the shame was enough punishment for me as not only the entire staff room, but also my entire school set had got wind of the scenario. She took the script from me and gently told me I could leave.
I left that office that day having learnt a very vital lesson, and that’s what this is about.
Having read the quote atop this presentation, it dawn on me that many people today are like I was in my French exam.
Taking a closer look at the lives of several people, I see that like my teacher saw on my script, though their lives may look colourful and excellent on the surface, the Great Examiner sees something different. He sees the truth that atop their life scripts is somebody else’s name. No matter how good it gets, it is at best the duplication of another person’s life. This is a sorry state to be in. What’s even worse is that many will be like I was; grossly disappointed that just when they think they have it made and they’ve beaten everyone to it, their entire lives are only copies of another’s and they’ve lost themselves in the process.
They end up magnifying the success of another at the expense of their own true success. Not that there’s anything wrong with magnifying the success of another, but that in the process, they lose their own true success.
One of my mentors once said if human beings are left to themselves, they would copy one another. From what I see today, I couldn’t agree more.
Check your life today friend. Are you truly original and living out your true identity? Or are you living your life as an expression of the desires and expectation of an individual member or entire group in society.
From my French exam experience, I can confidently say that immediate failure on your won road is better than eternal failure on another’s. It is better to fail today doing what you know you are called to do, than succeed today at doing something popular only to end up a failure in destiny.
However small or insignificant what you have might seem, what makes it real is that it is yours’. Every forest started as a seed. The vision may seem like nothing to others, but to you, it sure must be something. Even if everyone doesn’t see a pregnancy, its carrier must be fully aware that it’s there and not treat it any less than it is.
I know you’ve probably heard it said before that when you copy others, you lose yourself. But let me also add that you miss out on God’s best for you.
Friend, God made you to be you. He desired that you will be an expression of a side of Himself that the world is yet to see. To refuse to be yourself in all things is to deny Him that opportunity in your life. This will only leave Him highly displeased.
Wear that unique smile, enjoy your beautiful skin colour, be grateful about how different you look, think, speak, and act. Share that dream that’s always been in your heart. Pursue that intimidating vision of yours’. Discover, develop, and deploy those peculiar gifts and abilities you have. In short, explore the full potentialities of your individuality and enjoy being you everyday of your life. Stop living out somebody else’s script in this great play called life. Get your script from the Producer/Director today and act your part friend. That’s what you’ll be paid for. That’s the only way to avoid the disappointment of being told after you have put in your effort and time, that you are nothing but a copy of an original somewhere.
Have a blessed week, and may the blessing of the resurrection of our risen Lord be daily evident in you and yours this Easter and all your days.

By-Segun Aluya

In a mother's womb were two babies

In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other:
"Do you believe in life after delivery?"
The other replies, "why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.
"Nonsense," says the other. "There is no life after delivery. What would that life be?"
"I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths."
The other says "This is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat with our mouths? Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies nutrition. Life after delivery is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short."
"I think there is something and maybe it's different than it is here." the other replies,
"No one has ever come back from there. Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery it is nothing but darkness and anxiety and it takes us nowhere."
"Well, I don't know," says the other, "but certainly we will see mother and she will take care of us."
"Mother??" You believe in mother? Where is she now?
"She is all around us. It is in her that we live. Without her there would not be this world."
"I don't see her, so it's only logical that she doesn't exist."
To which the other replied, "sometimes when you're in silence you can hear her, you can perceive her." I believe there is a reality after delivery and we are here to prepare ourselves for that reality.
Does this sound like a familiar conversation to you between those who after being born into this world live their lives for themselves and those who believe in God and eternity.

Which of the babies are you? Don't wait to die before you realize that you were wrong.

AUTHOR Unknown

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Are you a lover of eggs? you have to read this.

Do you ever get troubled like me often times when you crack your egg open and you find a little brown spot floating on the yolk?
So what exactly ARE those little brown spots you sometimes find floating in an egg?
Those brownish or reddish specks you’ll occasionally find are deemed “meat spots” or “blood spots.”
Eggs destined for the grocery store shelf are “candled” by a machine to check the inside for any defects this is why you’ll rarely come across a meat spot in a store bought egg.
Backyard chicken owners can candle their eggs as well, but it’s not a necessity.
Contrary to popular belief, a meat spot in an egg does not mean that it has been fertilized.
It’s actually a little malfunction on the part of the hen.
According to the Egg Safety Center:
(Meat spots or blood spots)are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface when it’s being formed or by a similar accident in the wall of the oviduct… Eggs with blood spots and meat spots are fit to eat.
I’m glad they have been deemed “fit to eat,” because although I will sometimes dig out the larger spots, I usually just ignore the smaller ones and scramble them up.
And here is another interesting little tidbit. The presence of visible blood spots can actually mean the egg is fresh.
According to the Eggland’s Best website:
As an egg ages, the yolk takes up water from the albumen to dilute the blood spot so, in actuality, a blood spot indicates that the egg is fresh.
Perhaps another reason you don’t often see blood spots in store-bought cartons is because those eggs are usually several weeks old by the time they make it home to your refrigerator…
I can’t seem to find a concrete reason as to why some chickens lay eggs with meat spots and others don’t… Some sources say that older hens are more inclined to, while others say it’s reserved for younger birds. And some websites refer to it as a genetic defect or a dietary problem. Perhaps this is an issue I will have to dig into deeper in the future…
So next time you crack an egg from your backyard flock and find a little speck floating in the bowl, don’t be alarmed. If you like, you can remove it, or just ignore it.
Enjoy the little irregularities in your homegrown food and allow it to remind you of the valuable work you put into getting it on your table.

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