Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Over the past few years, an industry has emerged in Ghana especially among the youth. This has got to do with motivational/inspirational speaking. Today, the average youth wants to be involved in motivational/inspirational speaking of some sort. Here on Facebook, you will see many writing motivational pieces as an attempt to make an impact. And the oft-held fallacy is that, you make an impact as a motivational speaker. Nothing could be further from the truth. I will explain. Sadly, too, I have observed some youth resign from their jobs only to land themselves in motivational speaking all in the name of wanting to make an impact. As I observe these happenings, I like to think most of these young people venturing into motivational speaking are really not going there because that is what they were born to do, but because of the perceived popularity that comes with standing on a stage and speaking for people to see you. Or, authoring a motivational book with their faces at the back to make them popular.
The point is, and I can tell you this for a fact: most of these so-called motivational speakers make no impact. Sitting on radio or TV and having interviews, or being invited to speak at various programmes is not the measure of impact. Anyone can do that. In fact, anyone can lobby for a place on these media platforms just to make "noise" and be said to make an impact. Making impact has got nothing to do with motivational speaking. It doesn't matter what it is you are doing; be you a teacher, doctor, nurse, engineer, cleaner, etc., as long as your work somehow brings comfort to others, you are making an impact. I can't tell you how impactful the woman responsible for the sanitation of my office is to my life until I need her desperately to help with cleaning the office. When I walk into the office after cleaning, I feel fresh and focused for work. She doesn't need to resign from her work and become a speaker to know she's making an impact.
The interesting thing is, a good number of these motivational speakers are either school drop-outs because they refused to take their studies seriously and so they were booted out, or are out of school, in need of job but because hey have found nothing to do, they thought the best thing to do is to venture into motivational speaking. I am not in anyway attacking anyone or industry. I am only trying to speak the truth as raw as I could just so you know that whatever you find yourself doing, you are making an impact as long as you tune your mind to it. If you're not meant to be a motivational speaker, don't force it. Be you. Do what you are meant to do. Don't see someone jumping from one platform or the other, and because you love the popularity they enjoy, you also want to do motivational speaking. The interesting thing is to listen to these "wanna-be" motivational speakers who have no substance to deliver to their audience and yet somehow, they think they are making impact. Go, discover what you're meant to do, and do it the best way you can. Impact is not equal to popularity. You can be doing the most mundane job, and yet it is a source of comfort to many; now, that is real impact!

Sunday, 31 January 2016

This Little Thing Called Faith Faith Faith

After 4 1/2 years of employment with the bank, I’d just been fired. Relief and uncertainty followed as I gathered my belongings and headed out the door.
Later that evening, I headed off to Bible Study. Service was great. I felt renewed, rejuvenated and was ready for a new start.  Fast forward three weeks later…
The mortgage was due and my funds were low. Two weeks prior, the car broke down and my small “egg nest” had been depleted. Rewind…Three years earlier. I’d just purchased my first home. My daughter was attending private school, which meant monthly tuition payments had to be paid. Let’s not forget the car payment, utilities, and other monthly expenses.
Overwhelmed, I tried to stand firm on my faith, however I was starting to lose heart and doubt God. Although I kept quoting scriptures, in the back of my mind I kept thinking…what am I going to do? No longer could I hide the fact that I was worried.  Not wanting to alarm my daughter, I quietly slipped into the hallway to pray. 
As I sat praying, my daughter came out and sat down next to me. She gently removed my hands from over my eyes. Wiping the tears away, she wrapped her arms around me. Then she spoke something into my spirit that I shall never forget. She said, “ Don’t worry Mom, God has us”. Blew me away.  Here was my 8 year old child telling me, (a woman of faith), that we would be alright. Not only did God speak through her, but that day, He spoke through me as well. 
He told me to get up and call my former employer. But why? We had nothing to discuss. Then He lovingly reminded me that I had a week of unused vacation days. I wiped the rest of the tears away, and got up off the stairs. I hurried to the phone to call Human Resources. I was informed that I did in fact have the unused vacation days and a check would be cut and mailed. Then the Holy Spirit spoke again…
The voice on the other end replied…
“Well do you have an account with us”?
“Yes, I opened it up years ago when I set up my direct deposit”, I replied.
“Well, I can deposit the funds directly into your account”.
The amount of the deposit was $560.00 and the amount needed to cover the mortgage was $550.71. Overjoyed, I cried out to the Lord and thanked Him. I was left in awe. I cried out to Him and once again He answered my prayer. 
The Lord has answered prayers and performed many miracles in my life. The Bible states “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”.
That day, my faith was put to the ultimate test. I chose to stand in it and trust God. Was it easy? No. Was it ultimately worth it? Yes.  I urge you to stand on God’s word and His promises. He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Just as my daughter wrapped her arms around me….the Lord is there waiting to do the same for you. 

Prayer for the new week and Happy new month of February

The Lord will deliver your soul from death, your eyes from tears, and your feet from falling. The angels of the Lord shall surround you, keep and preserve you from all evil,You shall live to fulfill your destiny in Jesus mighty name. There shall be no sorrow in your life, there shall be no afflictions, and no calamity; only voice of rejoicing and good news shall be heard always in your tabernacle. The glory of God will shine upon you, the anointing for good health, success, progress, prosperity and breakthrough shall rest permanent in your life in Jesus mighty name

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Deception of Indecision

Joel 3:14 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision" (NIV).
Joshua 24:15 "If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ..." (NIV).
1 Kings 18:21 "Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." But the people did not answer him a word" (NIV).
Romans 5:16 "Don't you realize that grace frees you to choose your own master? But choose carefully, for you surrender yourself to become a servant – bound to the one you chose to obey" (Passion Translation).
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is riddled with the call to make a decision, to choose, and as much as we as people would rather not choose, we have to make a choice, for the days of living in the indecision are fast ending. When I lived in Malaysia, I realized how American I was when I went to the grocery store and the choices were so limited, there were only 10 cereal choices, rather than the 50 I had in the US. But when I got back from living in Malaysia for 9 years, I realized how Malaysian I had become, because I was overwhelmed by all the choices here in the U.S. The more choices you have, the more freedom you think you are given, but actually the opposite is true, the less choices you have, the easier it is to decide. Once you decide on one thing, that is where real freedom is found.
It is not freedom to be sleeping around with multiple people, that is bondage, real freedom is being married and living monogamously with one person. It is not freedom to be jumping from job to job because you get offended when you are corrected, real freedom is staying the course, running the race and learning how to live with your cubicle companions over the years. We have bought into the lie that freedom is not choosing, actually, freedom doesn't come until you make a choice. Anxiety and stress riddle people who are trying to find a house to buy, but peace comes when they finally make a decision. Freedom comes from making your choice, not from leaving your options open out of fear of making the wrong choice.
So, if freedom comes from making a decision, why are we so afraid of making a decision; why does the thought of D-Day rattle us so much? The most popular answer to this question is fear, fear of making the wrong decision. The funny thing about fear is, it keeps you from making a decision, but is nowhere to be found once the decision is made.
The Christian challenge is that we have said a prayer but we never made a decision to follow a man. We got baptized in water but we never died to ourselves. We accepted Christ but we never said no to sin. So, we have altered our beliefs to match our experience, which is why you can be a Christian and still have sin as your master; you can live for yourself and still expect to be blessed; you can say whatever you want and not reap what you have sown.
The reason most people do not pick a path is because the gate that leads to life is called death; the path that leads to perfect love is called pain. Most people want relief from their distress, but they do not want to be made whole. We see, feel, experience the consequences of indecision, but yet we do not have the strength to make a different decision.
We have become so comfortable with the bondage of indecision, when we meet someone who has made a decision, we get mad at them for they refuse to conform to our discomfort. Jesus didn't die so you could be comfortable in your contradictions, He died so you could be free from sin. The Lord will never violate your free will, the choice has been and continues to be yours.
Decision day is every day and what you decide is up to you, but I want to end by quoting Deuteronomy 30:19, "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" (NLT).

Plant That Kills Cancer Cells, Stop Diabetes and Boosts Your Immune System!

Goya, or otherwise known as Karela, is a “bitter-melon” fruit that has been used for health benefits in countries all over the world for a long period of time. It grows well in humid and hot climates and can be mostly found in South America and Asia. It is a common traditional medicine in China, India, Asia and some southeastern parts of US.

This healthy melon has an extremely bitter taste, and its shape resembles a bumpy cucumber. However, the natural components in it were found to be able to treat patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

To be more specific, the founder of the effects of this amazing fruit was Dr. Frank Shallenberger M.D. who specializes in Anti Aging treatments and Alternative Medicine at the Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti- Aging Medicine.

Dr. Shallenberger always advises his patients to trust nature and use natural products and substances in treating any kind of sickness. He states that this miraculous fruit inhibits cancer cell growth effectively.

Namely, according to his latest findings, a 5% solution of bitter melon juice can fight pancreatic cancer.

This fruit destroys cancer cell lines by 90 and 98% percent. Its effect was further examined at the University of Colorado, and the results showed a reduction of 64% in the size of pancreatic tumors.

Therefore, this research only confirmed the benefits and powerful action of the bitter melon. Furthermore, it also plays a great part in the treatment of skin infection, diabetes symptoms, asthma, stomach problems and hypertension.

These are the most important health benefits of the bitter melon:

  • It cleanses and detoxifies the liver, relieves gout pain and stimulates blood circulation. 
  • Goya juice increases the stability of yourimmune system and resistance of your body against infections.
  • It stimulates food peristalsis and eases the digestionuntil the food is finally excreted through the bowel and out of the system.
  • The bitter melon is rich in polypeptide-P, a phytonutrient which lowers blood sugar. Bitter melon also contains a special charantin, known to increase glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake in the liver, muscles, and adipose tissues. Both of them lower blood sugar, which is essential for patients with type-2 diabetes.
  • It relieves the hangover, as it accelerates the metabolism, and at the same time, it nourishes and cleanses the liver after the consumption of alcohol.
  • The regular consumption of its juice helps relieve psoriasisand fungal infections, such as Athlete’s feet and ringworms.
  • It improves the eyesight and relieves the vision problem, as it is abundant in beta-carotene
  • It is a source of folatewhich reduces the occurrence of neural tube defect in newborns.
  • When consumed regularly, it boosts your stamina and energy level.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

One Thing the Holy Spirit Will Not Do

The Bible repeatedly tells us that God is our helper. The question is, do we really trust God to help us? It's easy to respond right away that we trust Him, but when it comes to practically applying this truth to our everyday life—leaning on the Holy Spirit to help us in every area of our lives—we often struggle to do it.
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit—God's Spirit—lives in our spirit. In John 16:7, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is our "Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby)" and that He wants "to be in close fellowship" with us (AMPC).
It's so important for us to know that we can have a close, intimate relationship with the Holy Spirt, that He will communicate with us. I went to church for many years and had no idea that I could overcome my problems and live with real peace and joy because the Holy Spirit lived in my spirit. It was life-changing for me when I got the revelation that He wanted to lead me in God's will for my life and He would enable me to do everything I needed to do.
The truth is if we really believe God is our helper and He's willing to help us no matter what situation we're in, then we have no reason to worry or get overwhelmed. 
I'll let you in on another secret: You need to ask God for help because the Holy Spirit is not the type to barge into your life and take over.
Have you ever had someone try to push their opinions or their agenda on you? They may or may not know what they're talking about, and they may not even be really interested in helping you do what needs to be done, but they sure have a lot to say about what you're doing wrong!
That's not what the Holy Spirit does.
The Holy Spirit knows the answer to every problem, and He will even help you through each one. But He won't give you His advice unless you ask for it. In other words, the humble get the help.
Every Problem Matters to God
Jesus said in John 15:5 (NIV), "Apart from me you can do nothing." And that's so true. But did you know He's not holding out on you? God actually likes it when we ask for His help. And God not only wants to help us with our big problems, He also wants to help us with the little things in life. That's wonderful news because sometimes we allow the little things to get us frustrated and upset. One of the best ways to go through the day is to pray often, "Help me, Lord. Help me. Help me!"
In the Psalms, we frequently see King David going to God for help. For example, Psalm 40:13 (MEV) says, "Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, make haste to help me!"
Notice that David was not only bold enough to ask God for help, but he was also confident that God would answer his prayers. We can learn from that too.
In Psalm 43:5, David says, "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I will yet give Him thanks, the salvation of my countenance and my God" (MEV).
You and I have so many opportunities to feel sad or discouraged and have a bad attitude, but God wants us to stay strong in Him, like David did. Those who do will eventually come out on top, because there's no way the enemy can hold you back if you will trust God and keep your hope in Him.
Learn How to Trust Your Helper
It's comforting to know God will help you get through the hard times of life. His grace and strength will sustain you while you're waiting for your breakthrough. Isaiah 41:10 says He will keep you strong and retain you with His victorious hand of rightness and justice (AMPC).
Even when you're tempted to think, It's not going to do me any good to pray after the way I've acted, don't let that stop you from asking for God's help. Because when you go to the Father in prayer, you don't go in your name—you go in the name of Jesus.
Hebrews 4:16 (MEV) says "Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." And Psalm 23:3 (AMPC) says, "He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him―not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake" (emphasis mine).
When you're hurting, in trouble, or waiting for answers in your life, you need to believe that your Helper, the Holy Spirit is with you and He wants to help you. Stay in close fellowship with Him and ask Him for the help you need.
No matter what the circumstances may look like, believe He's working on your behalf. He is your Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby—He's everything you need—and He's just waiting for you to ask.

Prayer for new week

God has intention for your pain, a motive for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Don't give up! You will make it in Jesus name.As much as God will make you blessings to others, I pray that you will never lack the resources to always go higher everyday in Jesus name!
God will stand in for you where every hope has failed. You will never be disgraced in Jesus Name.Nobody can stop the wind from blowing. Whoever that tries to stop your Joy and Progress, God will destroy their powers in Jesus name.

Happy new week from us ASB's World. Love yah Folk and enjoy your week in PEACE.
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