Saturday 23 November 2013


When I read this passage—Psalm 135:1-21—about the vapors ascending from the ends of the earth, I recall one of the funniest yet most penetrating sermons I ever heard.

The psalmist writes, "He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasures" (v. 7).
The sermon I heard included this verse about the vapors ascending from the ends of the earth. The sermon was entitled "The Devil Can't Swim." It was preached by a young evangelist who was on fire for the Lord.

His major point was that the devil hates water (especially the water of the Word of God and the River of Life of the Holy Spirit). He used as his text the account of Jesus casting the demons out of the man called Legion. The demons cried out to Jesus and asked Him not to send them to a far country. Jesus sent them into a herd (more than 2,000) of swine, and the swine ran down a steep hill into the sea and drowned (Mark 5). He said that demons don't like water because they always go to the dry places when they are cast out.

He based this on Luke 11:24, which says, "When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.'"

This evangelist then proceeded to tell us how we can drown demons just as Jesus did. He said that when we praise and worship the Lord with all of our hearts, vapors are sent from earth into the heavens, and glory clouds form.
God dwells in the midst of our praise.

When these glory clouds are filled with the vapors from our praise, they begin to release the showers of blessings from the Lord—the former and latter rain, the refreshing rain of the Holy Spirit. Remember the old hymn "Showers of Blessings"? One verse says that "mercy drops flow from His throne," and this literally is what happens in the spirit realm when we praise the Lord. As the rain of the Holy Spirit falls, the demons have to flee because they hate that kind of water. If you want to drown the devil, keep praising God all the day long.

Lord, help me to drown all the demonic forces that may try to come against me today. I will praise You all the day long.
READ: 1 Kings 18:1-46; Acts 11:1-30; Psalm 135:1-21; Proverbs 17:12-13


Friday 22 November 2013


As the day of Christmas has starting approaching, many of us will be thinking to start planning the decoration of the Christmas tree. For that you will surely be searching for some interesting ornament ideas and one such idea is here for you.

To make these wonderful straw ornaments first you have to stack straws of equal length. After that tie them in the middle with an elastic thread and pull the knot hard so that the straws attain the shape of a sphere.

After you get the number of required spheres ready, spray paint them in golden color. Once the ornaments are dry you can hang them on your Christmas tree. Enjoy crafting!
see more photos below:

Source: amazinginteriordesign


1, The doors of wisdom are never shut. - Benjamin Franklin.

2, Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. - Henry Ford.

3, I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. - Lao Tzu.

4, Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. - George S. Patton.

5, You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements. - Denis Waitley.

6, "The price of greatness is responsibility."- Sir Winston Churchill.

7, Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.

8, To a great extent, the people with whom you choose to associate influence the direction of your life.

9, Let go of anger - it is an acid that burns away the delicate layers of your happiness.

10,"There is no limit to what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets credit." - John Wooden.

11, A smile increases your face value.

12, You must be the change you wish to see in the world. We cannot take credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.

13, "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." - Henry Ford.

14, Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover - 1900-1986.

Free free to share your thoughts and comments, and like our blog & facebook like-page.



TODAY'S WORD with Joel & Victoria Osteen: Refuse to Worry


God doesn't want you to live worried and anxious about anything. He knows that worry is counterproductive. It steals your peace and joy and affects every area of your life—your sleep, your health, your peace. Worry steals precious moments of time that you can never get back.

Decide today to put an end to worry in your life. 

  Don’t feed worry by focusing on bad news all the time. Sure, we should be informed, but we should be more informed of the truth of the Word of God. Feed your faith by meditating on His Word and fill your heart and mind with God’s promises. Declare every day, “My God shall supply all of my needs. He makes a way out of no way. He is the Restorer and Redeemer.”

 As you focus on God’s Word, you’ll drive out worry and fill your heart with faith and expectancy. You’ll experience His peace and joy and move forward into the blessings God has in store for you!

 PRAYER FOR TODAY: Heavenly Father, today I choose to put an end to worry in my life. I choose to feed my faith by studying Your promises and declaring Your Word over my life. Help me to totally trust in You today and always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

 Copyright © 2013 by Joel Osteen.

Thursday 21 November 2013


Acts 16:31…So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."
Did you know you have the scriptural right to claim salvation for each and every member of your family?

As a Child of God, you have been given that right! You have a scriptural, biblical right to claim every member of your family for the Lord.
If you have anyone in your family who is not saved - a mother, a father, a husband or wife, a brother, sister, a grandma or grandpa - then open your Bible right now and underline Acts16:31.

Write today's date and the exact time somewhere near it. Read Acts 16:31 over and over again. Memorize it. Let the Lord quicken that verse deep into your spirit. Let Acts 16:31 sink deep into your spirit, Read it again and again. Get it clear in your mind and spirit.
As you claim this promise of God, begin to see your sons, your daughters, your mother, your father, your husband, your wife, your grandma and grandpa, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews coming to the Lord. See them ALL getting saved in the Name of Jesus!

One other scripture that can increase your faith to claim your family for the Lord is Acts 2:39: "For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord, our God, shall call".
God wants you and your family saved. It is time we accept that fact, and claim them for the Lord.

Prayer: Father, according to Your word, I claim the salvation of every member of my family, in Jesus' name. Amen!
Bible Reading: Acts 16:25-34, Stay bless.


Our habits make a difference in marriage and there are several habits of a healthy marriage that you should start today to improve your marriage. Do you know that the discipline of practicing healthy marriage habits can greatly improve the happiness/joy of your marriage? It is a simple fact but very true. The little things that we do as a habit in our marriages matter take this helpful advice about adding these habits of a healthy marriage to your relationship and watch it improve.

1. Kiss Hello And Goodbye: Kissing each other hello and goodbye is a one of the best habits of a healthy marriage you could follow. Taking time for this small little habit is a way to say that you don’t enjoy being apart and you are happy when you can be together again. This is one of the little habits of marriage that most of us are really good at in the beginning of our marriage. Then it gets dropped along the way. But it doesn’t have to! Be intentional about keeping up those kisses!

2. Say I Love You: Saying I love you to one another is so important. Sadly, it is something else we tend to get lax in as the years go by. We tend to think that our spouse knows that we love them so we really don’t need to say it so frequently. That is skewed thinking; keep saying it. We all love to hear those sweet words, don’t we? I really don’t think they can be said too much.

3. Talk about Your Day: When you first met the person that you later married, you probably talked all of the time, didn’t you? Don’t let that habit die. Many times in marriage, we get so settled that we don’t try to talk to one another. We reason that we already know what the other person would say and besides, what is there to talk about? Start by sharing about your day with one another; that is a great opening to a broader conversation.

4. Say Good Morning And Goodnight: Sometimes, husbands and wives have to go to bed at different times or get up at different times due to family demands or work schedules. Always tell each other good morning or goodnight, even if it is only in a quick phone call or text message. This is a habit that bonds you together more deeply. Taking time to do that tells your spouse that they are on your heart. If you are fortunate enough to go to bed and wake up together, count your blessings and say goodnight and good morning with a kiss.

5. Hold Hands: Holding hands is something that you need to continue to do, even as the years go by. Holding hands is a sweet little habit that lets the other person know you love them and that you want to be near them. And did you know that holding hands has been found to be very calming, especially for wives? It also temporarily lowers blood pressure. It is one of those sweet little things that only the two of you can share.

6. Practice Small Courtesies: One bad habit many of us seem to fall into when we live with someone day in and day out is that we forget to extend small courtesies to them. Be intentional about continuing to say thank you and express your gratitude for things to your spouse. We shouldn’t treat those with whom we live with any less courtesy than we do a stranger. It is only a matter of disciplining yourself to be well mannered with your spouse. You will find these little things make a big difference.

7. Be Considerate: Be considerate of your spouse. If you are going to be late on your way home, give them a call so they won’t worry about you. If you are going back to the kitchen at bedtime, ask if your spouse would like anything. One great advantage about being considerate is that it often comes back to you. In other words, if you treat your spouse with consideration, they most likely will you too. Then you will both be happier.

Those little daily habits we practice can make a huge difference in our marriages. What little daily habits do you and your husband practice? By Alicia Fannin


Zanzibar is plotted just east of the coast of Tanzania and a suitable twin centre with a Tanzania Safari combining adventure and relaxation with minimal travel time between. The impeccable beaches are lined with palm trees and replenished with the cool turquoise waters of the ocean making it more like paradise on earth. As an independent or combined holiday Zanzibar will please all of its guests.

The incredible luxury resort, and without surprise, located at the Manta Resort on the Zanzibari island of Pemba, was designed by the Swedish artist Mikael Genberg, who erected the first underwater hotel room in a lake in Sweden. A luxurious room costs $900 per night as a single or $1,500 per night as a couple.

The three-tiered suite includes a roof deck, a landing deck at sea level with a lounge and bathroom, and of course the underwater bedroom. The bedroom windows afford a nearly 360-degree view of a nearby coral reef and dozens of species of fish.

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