Saturday 28 February 2015


My covenant I will not break, Nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips. Psalm 89:34
An unbelieving professor in a university, in speaking of the Bible, said that it was quite impossible in these days to believe in any book whose authorship is unknown.
He then wondered how any civilized person could still believe in the Bible.
In response, a Christian student asked if the compiler of the multiplication table was known. "No!" answered the professor. The student countered, "Then, of course, you do not believe in it." "Oh yes," was the professor's reply.
"I believe in it because it works well." "So does the Bible," was the rejoinder from the student.
"I believe in it because it works". The skeptic professor had no answer to that. Yes, we believe the Bible because it works. But the Bible does not work because it has supernatural power in itself.
No. The Bible works because it is the word of our supernatural God. God inspired people to write down His word for us so that we can know His thoughts and walk in His ways.
For the Bible to work for you, you must:
• Respect what it says. The Bible is the word of God and so must be read with reverence. Its words are inspired by God.
• Understand what it says. Spend time to understand the historical and cultural context of the Bible and how it applies to you today.
• Believe what it says. Understanding must lead to faith. Faith is the force that releases the power of God.
• Apply what it says. When you dare to act on the demands of scripture, you will release God's supernatural power to work on your behalf.
Prayer: Lord, make Your Word real to me and reveal Your power in my life.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 89:28-34

Friday 27 February 2015

Health: What Exactly Is Stress, and How Can We Overcome It?

Stress is the internal reaction to outside circumstances. Modern life is stressful, and no two people respond to it the same way even if they are faced with the same stressors.
We are wonderfully made, and the ability of "choice" is a gift from God. With this gift comes the responsibility to make choices that best take care of our body, mind and spiritual health. However, in order to live a less stressful and more fulfilling life, we must first understand stress: what it means, what it does and how it can present.
Stress in not inherently bad. Everything in life stresses us to a point, but some stress can motivate us and wake up our brain. At the first signs of stress, the immune system, memory and the ability to learn actually all increase.
Without stress in our lives, our minds would be come dull and our bodies, weak. Good stressors can be identified as normal responsibilities: a regular schedule, productive work and study, strenuous physical exercise, interaction with others and fighting off normal germs and toxins found in the environment.
However, chronic stress can both shorten the length and diminish the quality of your life. Chronic stress from career, family obligations and even good things like ministry or volunteer work can eventually wreak havoc on your overall health. If you drove your car at a high speed every day, all day, it would wear out faster than if you drove it a reasonable amount and speed.
Stress affects the body and mind. The true cause of sickness and disease is not stress, but rather the body's inability to adapt and recover from stress. When we are stressed, our pulse rate and blood pressure increases and the adrenal gland dumps cortisol into the bloodstream.
Stress can also create a desire to escape or avoid tasks, because we believe we are out of control—and the more out of control we feel, the more stressed we become. This is what we know about stress and the body: it's not so much the amount of stress, but the amount of time you are in a state of stress.
It is possible to "catch" stress. Recent studies show that when we observe another human under stress, our bodies react empathetically as if it were our own. If people around you are consistently negative, sarcastic, combative, or stressed out, there is a good chance it will cause you to feel distress as well. The autonomic stress response (fight or flight) is triggered by both real and perceived events, so even something as small as a stressful scene in a movie can elevate your cortisol levels. Found in your common morning brew, too much caffeine puts the nervous and hormonal systems into a constant state of 'fight or flight,' depleting energy reserves and leading to anxiety, weight gain and insomnia.
You may be stressed and not even know it. Between the bromine in flour, the chlorine and fluoride in drinking water, and the carcinogenic chemicals in personal care products, our bodies are bombarded every single day with toxins that stress the entire system. When you combine an overabundance of toxins with the number of years we are absorbing these toxins unknowingly, we eventually hit the tipping point.
Years of chronic stress wear out the adrenals and immune system, and unbeknownst to us, it can feel quite normal. When our bodies are used to the high stress levels, anything different would alert us to an issue. God made thousands of foods for us to enjoy, and most of them don't even require preparation. Instead of opting for manmade foods, eat a variety of raw, natural, organic foods to nourish your body.
Understanding stress is the first step in identifying it and how it might be infiltrating your mind, body and overall health. To help combat chronic stress, make physical exercise a priority, get adequate sleep, eat a diet that optimizes gut health and learn to slow down—being busy is not synonymous with being successful.
Some stress is good, but too much stress can be harmful. A good rule to remember: Some stress motivates; more stress complicates; and a lot of stress deteriorates. source


Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. Matthew 14:25
In Matthew 14, we read about the disciples being tossed by the wind and waves in their boat on the Sea of Galilee. Then Jesus came, walking on the water, at the fourth watch of the night.
The fourth watch was the last part of the night, just before dawn. This means the disciples had been at sea for at least nine hours in this fierce storm. So we see that Jesus came to them at the last conceivable moment.
This reminds us that God's delays are not necessarily His denials. Jesus knew what He was doing all along. Why did He wait so long before He intervened?
Probably because it took a long time for them to exhaust their resources and completely trust in Him.
Lifeguards will tell you that often the hardest person to save is the one who is panicking. But when an individual is exhausted, when he or she has no energy left, the lifeguard can pull that person back in to safety.
In the same way, sometimes God will allow us to get to the end of our rope, to the end of our resources, so we will finally cling to Him.
The disciples were exhausted and afraid. T
hen Jesus said to them, 'It is I; do not be afraid.' Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.
For many of us, that is what Jesus is waiting for. He is waiting for us to willingly receive him into our situation.
He is waiting for us to get to where we realize that without Him we can do nothing.
If we invite Him, He will take control of our storm-tossed boat, even in the darkest night, and take us to our desired destination.
Prayer: Thank You Father, that Your timing is always perfect.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 14:22-33

Wednesday 25 February 2015


Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 
Meekness is also referred to as gentleness. On the face level it may be seen as a weakness but on closer examination, we perceive its strength.
Meekness is the ability to apply strength and power without injuring the weak. For a person to be meek, he or she must first of all be strong and be aware of their strength.
It is the ability to exhibit strength with grace and care. Meekness is an attitude of submission toward God and gentleness toward men.
Meekness is:
• A recognition that God is in control.
• Strength and courage under control.
• A sober estimation of ourselves.
• Respect for others.
In the Old Testament, meekness was in relation to suffering, oppressed, afflicted. It refers to the spirit of people who remain unbroken under the pain and burden of their suffering.
It is the strength to endure hardship and prevail in the end. People who are meek look soft on the outside but are very tough on the inside. They dress their strength in garments of humility and service.
They may not boast about their strengths but they deliver beyond expectation. They are the opposites of talkers who never perform.
Jesus says those who have this disposition are the ones who really end up taking possession of the earth and its fullness.
Meekness expresses a spirit of willingness and obedience towards God's dealings with us.
It is that disposition of heart that accepts God's dealings and is able to quietly and without boasting believe God for the unusual.
Prayer: Lord, teach me to be meek and humble.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 5:3-12

Video of the day

Octopus leaps out of water, grabs crab, so funny.

It's an epic battle between two creatures: by cnn,

Monday 23 February 2015

The 6 relationship/marriage killer phrases to avoid

There are many things that can harm a marriage: financial stress, unfaithful partner, uncontrolled addictions. All of these things take a considerable amount of effort and time from both partners. But there is one thing that can change the quality of a marriage almost instantly: What you say to each other on a daily basis. If you'd like to avoid arguments or diffuse the start of one, make a conscious effort of omitting these phrases from your conversations.

1. "You always/never..."
Never start a sentence with this phrase no matter how much you may feel it in the moment. It's a harsh accusation to say to your spouse "you never listen" or "you always work late" because a) it's not true. b) Most of the time this comment is born in the heat of the moment. A better way of speaking your mind would be taking a deep breath and saying, "Sometimes I don't feel heard or understood. Do you mind listening for a couple of minutes? It's really important to me" or, "I'm sure all these extra hours are hard on you. It has been tough on our family, as well. Maybe we can discuss some ways we can have some more family time."

2. "I hear a new gym just opened up. You should seriously think about signing up. You need it."
This is basically a slap to the face and implying your dissatisfaction with your spouse's body. Never say something negative about your sweetheart's body. Never.

3. "If you really loved me, you would do..."
This sounds like a trap. Essentially, it is communicating that your spouse is selfish if he doesn't do XYZ. In reality, I feel the opposite is true. The person who is making this request is being selfish as she is not considering the feelings of her partner. What if it's something your spouse is uncomfortable with? What if it's not in the budget? Not only that, but this sounds manipulative and one-sided. No one wants to be forced to do anything. When it comes to major decisions that will affect both parties, it's best if they are mutually decided upon, and not demanded in the name of "love."

4. "I can't wait to go to work/for you to go to work."
I know. Many of us have been here. You've had a not so perfect weekend/evening/holiday together, and you feel like distance between you is the answer. A little break from each other to cool tempers and clear minds is good, even healthy. But actually telling your significant other that you would like them to be elsewhere or that you don't want to be near her is hurtful and devalues her as your partner and parent of your children. Regardless of the argument(s), just rephrase your need for some space. Something like, "I'm sorry we've had a rough couple of days together. Maybe we can start again tomorrow."

5. "You're such a (insert insulting name)."
This is your spouse. Your confidant. Your sweetheart. Even if you feel the insult is deserved — don't say it. Take the higher road. Don't just react in an argument, try to diffuse it with, "I'm sure you didn't mean that. Let's talk about this when you are yourself." Or, "That was hurtful. When you're ready to talk respectfully, we can discuss this problem together." read here

6. "Well, so-and-so's spouse does that..."
Ouch. Comparing can cause resentment and feelings of inadequacy. I'm reminded of the phrase, "Choose your love, love your choice." This doesn't mean you just put up with bad habits. But how you approach your partner makes a world of difference in how safe and valued they feel with you. Here's another way of communicating your feelings: "You know what makes me feel loved? When you help me do dishes/help the kids with homework/clean up after yourself."

Marriages are fragile. Let us be more careful and mindful of what, and how, we communicate with our sweethearts. The wrong tone, word choice or angry outburst can do more damage than most of us realize. I like the quote by Family Advocate F. Burton Howard in regards to marriage: "If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently."


When your pain is too strong, most of the times, we are so blinded by the pain...
When one is distressed, it looks like your situation is the worst in the world, and you tend to concentrate on getting a way out of your situation, or you are busy welling up self-pity! WHY ME....
Self pity, Anger, Frustration, Finger pointing, Jealousy towards those who have what you don't
Then you start to take it out on the people around if they are the ones who caused you the problem.
Naomi, a woman of many sorrows.
Left her kinsmen a fully fulfilled woman. In those times when having sons was everything you needed to be a proud woman. Sons went to war. Sons worked on the farms, if you have them, you are sure to be rich....Naomi, had her hopes raised of being well taken care of in her old age. She must have been the envy of many of the women of the time.
But then, it all changed, she lost her husband suddenly. Consoled that all was not lost, she still had her two sons...who took wives and she was reassured that there was hope.
In not too long ten years later, SUDDENLY, BOTH SONS DIED!
Dont even think, what was going though her mind. ALL THAT SHE HAS LIVED FOR WAS GONE.....
Naomi , sad and mournful made a move to return, empty-handed , back to her people.
Ruth 1:20-21 MSG ;But she said, “Don’t call me Naomi; call me Bitter. The Strong One has dealt me a bitter blow. I left here full of life, and God has brought me back with nothing but the clothes on my back. Why would you call me Naomi? God certainly doesn’t. The Strong One ruined me.”
But what Naomi did in spite of her disaster is the lesson from today's teaching........LOOKING BEYOND YOUR NEEDS EVEN WHEN IN PAIN.
Ruth 3:1-4 NLT
One day Naomi said to Ruth, “My daughter, it’s time that I found a permanent home for you, so that you will be provided for. Boaz is a close relative of ours, and he’s been very kind by letting you gather grain with his young women. Tonight he will be winnowing barley at the threshing floor. Now do as I tell you—take a bath and put on perfume and dress in your nicest clothes. Then go to the threshing floor, but don’t let Boaz see you until he has finished eating and drinking. Be sure to notice where he lies down; then go and uncover his feet and lie down there. He will tell you what to do.”
Ruth 4:13-17 NLT
So Boaz took Ruth into his home, and she became his wife. When he slept with her, the lord enabled her to become pregnant, and she gave birth to a son. Then the women of the town said to Naomi, “Praise the lord , who has now provided a redeemer for your family! May this child be famous in Israel. May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons!” Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own. The neighbor women said, “Now at last Naomi has a son again!” And they named him Obed. He became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David.
Naomi cared less about herself now, she focused on be fair, Ruth was no longer her business. The men in the family were supposed to sort out her redemption.
But Naomi, put herself in a position to restore Ruth to favour and married life.
She told her how to even make herself attractive. Haaaaaa.....when most mother in laws will still be cursing you that you brought bad luck to their family!!!!!!!!!! And the talk about any other man having you is like an abomination.
This action gave Naomi her own life back. The same people who may have gossiped that she killed her husband and two sons came back to celebrate the restoration in her family. They proclaimed NAOMI HAS A SON AGAIN......This son produced Jesus in their lineage.
What is your reaction towards life challenges?
How do you relate with people when things are not going the way you planned?
When your husband is misbehaving, the house-help suffers calamity.
When you desire something and you don't, all the people who have the same thing you desire, becomes targets of your hostility. You pull them down and hate them.
Your attitude towards failure and delay may have a lot to with why your answers have not come.
God is the one who restores. God is the one who replenishes....
Sorrow should not change who your are, it should not make you who you are not. Let your focus be on the GOD WHO RESTORES....
Accused and ashamed, removed from your place of glory and honour.....LET GOD HAVE A GOOD REASON TO RESTORE YOU....LET YOUR ATTITUDE BE RIGHT. ...even if you are weak and miss it, still His mercy is available....Obtain His mercy for your past ignorance and step forward. Refuse to be defined by the failures and disappointment that life has thrown your way. He who restored Naomi after all hope was lost is able to reward you. Sis Bola.
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