Tuesday 10 March 2015

Ways to Raise Up Godly Girls

It was the end of a long day and I was relieved to be home. Running through the door, I dropped my
purse and keys in the chair, kissed my husband warmly, kicked off my shoes, threw off my cardigan and headed for my overstuffed chocolate-colored couch which I affectionately call, "The Dove Bar."
Then up from the lower level of our home like two little Labradors came bounding my daughters, Naomi and Camile. "Mommy's home!" they cried and jumped on top of me, making one hilarious and heavy hog pile! "Come on, Mom, get up! Come watch us play the Wii! I'm hungry mom, when will dinner be ready? Mom, I need you to do my hair, my braid came out. Can we go outside and wash the car?" Rest time was clearly over!
I love my daughter's enthusiasm and zest for life—on most days! It reminds me of the best of childhood—spending warm summer days catching butterflies and ladybugs, playing kickball, digging in dirt and savoring delicious icy popsicles on the front steps.
I also know that these years of innocence can often fade and become years of pain, isolation and rejection without proper parental intervention. I want my daughters to maintain their sense of joy and wonder through the ups and downs of life, particularly during their high school and college years when their identities are forming and are most fragile. I want them to have a healthy sense of self-esteem that is not dictated by magazines or models, and I desire that they have a healthy standard of beauty, which is best presented in the pages of Scripture not at the cosmetic counter.
As a working mom and as a campus minister, that means keeping my faith and my family the priorities in my life. It also means learning from my own past mistakes and listening to the advice of other sisters in the Lord who have raised their daughters successfully.
Here are a few things that I have learned make a big difference in raising healthy, godly girls for Christ:
1. Listen well. Sometimes as parents we can do more talking and dictating than listening and learning. Learn to talk less and listen more, particularly when your daughter seems distressed or her moods are changing. These could be indicators that something is wrong on the inside and she is having a hard time naming what it is. Listen without judgment and be slow and thoughtful in your response to what she has to say. It will open a door to her heart and keep it open for years to come.
Sometimes as parents we can do more talking and dictating than listening and learning.
2. Pray with intention. In her book Power of a Praying Parent, Stormie Omartian talks about praying with intention. This includes being still before the Lord and asking Him how to pray for your children, inserting their names in Scripture as the Lord leads and using quiet times as a time of journaling and writing a list of prayer requests for each child. Pick up a journal today and get writing.
3. Remain available. We all know that time is a commodity these days, particularly for the busy family. Nevertheless, our kids need to know that they matter more to us than our deadlines at work or redecorating the den before Christmas. Find ways to remind your kids that you are here for them no matter how busy life seems. Slip a note in her backpack or under her pillow, text "I love you" to her before a tough test or tryout. Pray with her through a frustrating situation and encourage her to keep her own journal with how God has answered her prayers.
4. Model grace and humility. When you do fail, be humble enough to admit your mistake and repent.
Your daughter gets her first cues on how to talk, think and act from you. Beyond being her first standard of beauty, be her greatest model of godly grace and humility. When someone hurts or disappoints you, do you talk harshly about that person with your girlfriend on the phone or do you pray for that person instead? When the house is messy and company is coming do you fret and complain or do you put on your iPod and dance around while you dust and vacuum? Teach your daughters how to press into God not crack under pressure. And when you do fail, be humble enough to admit your mistake and repent.

Sunday 8 March 2015


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2
When we come across the term "world" in the Bible, it isn't speaking of the Earth. Rather, it is often speaking of a system, a mentality, or a way of thinking that is hostile to the Kingdom and authority of God.
This system, this mentality, is controlled by "the god of this world," also known as Satan.
A serious snare of Satan for the Christian is 'friendship with the world'. That is a desire for the pleasures and honours the world offers.
The Bible warns, "Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?
Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God".
In the original language, the term "friendship" in this verse appears only in the New Testament and speaks of a strong emotional attachment, to love, to have affection for, or even to kiss.
The Christian who turns from Christ and His church to seek pleasure and satisfaction from this world has put other gods in place of God – they are adulterers and adulteresses.
That is the message God gave Jeremiah for His wayward people: "For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water."
A cistern is a large well or pool carved in a rock. A broken cistern has a leakage and can't hold water.
God is saying, "If you go out there to the world and drink from its well, you will not be satisfied." True contentment is found only in Christ.
Prayer: Lord, lead me to the cross that I may be crucified to the world, and the world crucified to me.
Scriptural Reading: Romans 12:1-8

Wednesday 4 March 2015


Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Psalm 37:7
Have you ever notice how some children will ask a question but then rush out of the door before you can respond?
We act the same way toward God when we don't wait on Him. There are several things we need to develop a lifestyle of waiting on the Lord.
First, we need faith. We must be willing to trust God when a solution isn't obvious and we can't see a way through our struggles.
Meditating on and applying Scripture to life's trials will result in strengthened faith.
Second, we need humility. We must recognize that we can accomplish nothing apart from Jesus. Then, we will be able to endure until God reveals His answer.
God's ways are always perfect, and our cleverest plan will not be as adequate.
Third, we need patience. Waiting is characterized by a calm demeanor and inner peace, which both come from believing that God is who He says He is and that He'll fulfil His promises.
With the Spirit's help, we'll face stressful circumstances without complaining, and we'll accept life's challenges without trying to manipulate our way out.
Fourth, we need courage. It's human nature to want to be in control. We yearn to know the outcome and timeline of every difficult situation.
We need courage to resist following our own schedule and the ability to refuse to cave in to pressure from others.
With the Holy Spirit's help, we can hold steady when others disapprove of our decision to wait on God.
Wisdom and godly action come through seeking God and His will. Quiet your heart and mind and listen to Him.
Prayer: Lord, my soul waits patiently for You and rests in Your goodness.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 37:1-11

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Hmmmm! Do You Want to Be Pitiful or Powerful?

Do you want to be happy I mean, really happy? I believe that deep down we all want to be happy and enjoy our lives. We can spend a lot of time and energy trying to do things that will make us happy, but our own efforts will never truly satisfy us.
That's because God doesn't want our minds to be on ourselves all the time. He wants us to look past the things that are happening in our own lives and reach out to others and bless them. Because when our focus is on ourselves, we can end up feeling sorry for ourselves and face the danger of self-pity.
I used to have a real problem with self-pity. I felt sorry for myself because I'd been abused by my dad, and sometimes I felt sorry for myself when my husband, Dave, got to go out and play golf while I stayed home with our kids. I wasted so many days having pity parties for all types of reasons.
In the first few years of our marriage, Dave tried to keep me happy, while I carried on with a bad attitude. But one day he finally told me, "You know what? I'm not spending my life trying to make you happy. You can get happy or not get happy, but I'm going to be happy. I'm not going to feel sorry for you because it won't help you." And you know, even though it was really hard to hear at the time, it was the best thing he could have said to me. Because when you struggle with self-pity, if other people feel sorry for you it just feeds the problem.
Now that doesn't mean we can never be sad. But we need to understand that if we hang on to our pain for too long, it can become self-pity, and we can become addicted to it. The good news is God gives us the tools to work through our feelings in a healthy way and not let them control us.
Years ago, when God was dealing with me about this subject, He brought me to Galatians 5:19-21 (AMP), which gives a list of things the Bible calls sin. It says, "Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like ... ."
As I was studying those Scriptures, I thought, "Well, self-pity is not on the list." Then I got an eye-opening revelation: It is on the list because self-pity is actually idolatry. When we feel sorry for ourselves, we turn inward and idolize ourselves ... essentially everything becomes about "me." People who are focused on themselves never see what they can and should be doing for other people.
We should have compassion for other people who are hurting. In the Bible, we see times when Jesus was moved with compassion, and then He would go and help people. If we can be moved with sympathy toward others and keep our mind off of ourselves, we will be much happier. We will also trust God to meet our needs and bring justice in our lives when we are hurting or mistreated, rather than getting into self-pity.
The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 (AMP), "For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]." That means God rewards those who are faithful and who wait on Him. If you've been hurt in your life and you have put your trust and confidence in God and you're waiting on Him, you have a reward coming!
I want to encourage you to keep a notebook of your blessings, the special little things that God does for you, prayers that He answers. And when you're tempted to have a pity party, go get that book out and have a talk with yourself.
King David talked to himself when he started to feel depressed. He said, "Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God" (Ps. 42:5 AMP).
I am so thankful that God is allowing me to take what has happened to me and use it to help other people. The best treatment in the world for sadness and self-pity is to help somebody else. That's when we get our minds off of our own problems and trust God to help us and do what's best for us.
No matter what happens, be determined—with God's help—to keep a good attitude, remain thankful and avoid self-pity. Then God will bring restoration, peace, joy and real happiness to your life.

How To Heal Cavities Teeth From Home, see video below

cavity-toothThe common belief is that once you get a cavity, it cannot be healed. That way the only solution is to go to the dentist, have a part of your tooth drilled out, and have it filled in with synthetic material.

The world has been slowly waking up to the fact that, when you nourish your body, it can heal itself in ways that we previously thought impossible. Some things have been deemed completely incurable, one being dental cavities. When you actually do the research, it is now becoming blatant that that tooth decay can be reversed, and there are proven remedies!

Naturally we all assume that it is not curable, that cavities cannot heal! The fact is, this is simply not true. According to a study done by the British Medical Journal; cavities and tooth decay can be healed or even reversed. The Study was done on 62 children all with cavities, and they were divided into three different groups. Group one ate a standard diet plus oatmeal. Group 2 consumed their normal diet and supplemented it with vitamin D. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and took vitamin D.

The results showed that group one had an increase in cavities, two had improvements in cavities, and little to no formation, and 3 had the greatest improvements to where nearly all the cavities had healed.

This study, along with the backing of many doctors and dentists along with extensive research proves that we have all been misinformed about what caused cavities and if they can truly be reversed.

What causes tooth decay?

Not enough minerals in the diet.

Not enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.

Nutrients not being readily bioavailable and your intestinal system not properly absorbing them. The presence of phytic acid largely influences this factor.

Over a period of time, if your diet lacks certain vitamins and minerals from a poor diet and contains high levels of phytates, the blood chemistry and the ratio of calcium and phosphorous become out of balance, which results in minerals being pulled from bones, causing tooth decay, and bone loss.

How you can heal cavities and tooth decay:

Do not be fooled, there in addition to brushing and flossing your teeth daily, there are several ways you can reverse cavities and maximize your oral health. Here are a few ways to consider:

Remove sugar

Sugar is one of the worst culprits there is for anyone who desires healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar should be completely rid from our diet. Sugar feeds oral bacteria that prevents a healthy flow of dental fluids; it is highly acidic and can decalcify or demineralize the structural content of teeth that creates dental decay.

Removing Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor found in grains, nuts, seeds, and beans that can cause serious health problems. The main reason phytic acid has become an issue today is because we have stopped ancient food preparation techniques such as sprouting or sourdough fermentation that kills off the phytic acid.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used for centuries as an Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is an amazing way to start the detoxification procedure that has gained some popularity in the U.S. that last several years.

The best time to oil pull (like most other detoxification procedures) is first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed.

Don’t let the 20 minutes time frame deter you. You won’t even notice 20 minutes have gone by if you do this during your normal morning routine (i.e. while you shower, put your clothes on and prep for the day).

Immediately afterwards, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Use salt water for added antimicrobial properties.

Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow.

Finally, brush your teeth as normal.


A diet high in minerals is very important.

A diet high in soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

A diet that helps all the minerals and vitamins to get absorbed in your body. This depends on the level of Phytic acid in your diet.

Supplements to consider are:

Fermented cod liver oil – very high in fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K.

Magnesium – required to use calcium and phosphorous effectively.

Gelatin – if you don’t have time to make bone broth, this is a good alternative and is great for gums and digestion.

Sources: http://buynongmoseeds.com/how-you-can-heal-cavities-naturally/

Monday 2 March 2015

Prayer for new week and Happy New Montth

Your long standing dreams and desires shall be actualized in Jesus name. You will not miss your
appointed opportunity and blessings. The fuel of your destiny will not run short and the engine of your finance will not knock. The lord almighty God will rescue your life from demonic hackers in Jesus name. 

The grace of God wills open doors for you in places you have never imagined. Expect unusual opportunities and divine favour. Your harvest will know no bounds in Jesus name.

Happy New Month/Week from us ASB-World. 

She never argued with him but rather went back to her God in Prayers

1. She met him at a Motor Park
2. She was a university student - GREAT IFE while he was only a Polytechnic student in Kwara Poly (Remember the discrimination) – she could have snubbed him - but she responded.
3. His friends complained that he was carrying Christianity too zealously as if he was the only Christian - she became zealous too.
4. He took her to church in 1976 and made her sign an agreement (SAILING UNDER SEALED ORDERS) to marry and follow him whether he becomes blind, lame or handicapped… she signed.
5. Just before he married her, he told her God had sent him to LIBERATE THE WORLD (while he was still hopping between jobs) and went on to resign his job; his elder brother lambasted him, she stuck to him.
6. He told her God had shown him the key to prosperity - she believed.
7. He told her they would build a 50,000 capacity tent and preach the gospel from private jets - she believed her dreamer lover.
8. He was too ‘buoyant’ to afford a hotel room on his wedding eve, he slept in his rickety Volkswagen beetle – she married him.
9. During a moment of insane faith, he ordered a mad man to be put in his car alone with her while she was pregnant; she remained.
10. She saw she was dripping blood while pregnant and explained to him that she had a miscarriage, he shouted “It CANNOT Happen, can I have my food please” – she served him food.
11. She just had their first baby and there was no food or money at home. He refused to borrow or ask or take from church money and they were drinking/eating “CERELAC Baby food’ for 3 days – she ate with him.
12. She came to church one day and saw him so excited with few members while waiting for service to start; he explained to her that service was actually over – she laughed.
13. People kept praying for her and her husband as they seemed to be crazy and needed deliverance-she kept faith.
14. He announced a new Bible school and she knew there was no facility; she asked him and he replied “Is it your school”? She kept quiet.
15. She didn't know they were going to be flying in customized jets round the world.
16. She didn’t know he would pastor and she, co-pastor the largest church auditorium in the world.
17. She didn’t know he would be a father to millions all over the world.
18. She didn’t know he would be hosted by Presidents and Heads of States of nations.
19. She didn’t know he would be a Chancellor and Pioneer of one of the best Private Universities in the world…..and others.
20. She woke up one day on her sick bed in the USA and unexpectedly saw her hubby who had flown in quietly from Nigeria and had refused to wake her up…..he was kneeling on the floor by her legs and crying ‘Lord, heal her and prove that you sent me”- She got healed miraculously…more than once!
All she saw was a Man with A BIG GOD inside him.
21. She said to her husband 'Honey,we need to change the school of this children'. The school is no longer what it used to be. Parents are complaining and they aren't doing anything about it. Her husband Bishop David Oyedepo responded: Why? No! She never altered a word after that. She went back to God on her kneels in Prayers. She prayed: God touch the heart of your son who is my husband. You alone understand this present situation. Let him see reasons with what I am saying. Not up to a day, her husband the Bishop said to her: Honey,that reminds me. You made mention of we changing the children's school, how far have you gone with it? This was a man that said why? no earlier on. She never argued with him but rather went back to her God. Her name is FAITH: Pastor (Mrs) Faith Abiola Oyedepo
Can you pay the Prize Ladies??? 

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