Monday 3 August 2015


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways. Isaiah 55:8-9
One of God's desire is that we hear His voice. He speaks to us in many varied ways. God has said that His ways are not our ways. If left to our reasoning, we will constantly make wrong choices and decisions.
Without hearing His voice, we fail to fully walk in the full counsel of God and miss His best for our lives.
Thus, our goal is to avoid being deceived and to develop a listening ear that hears the voice of God with confidence.
Our goal is to have such intimacy with God that we can walk in the full blessing of our decisions and be assured they are not based on our own reasoning alone.
This does not mean that we do not use the intellectual and logical skills that He has equipped us with.
A.W. Tozer said that the man or woman who is wholly and joyously surrendered to Christ can't make a wrong choice - any choice will be the right one.
J. Oswald Sanders explains his method of receiving guidance from God for decisions: "I try to gather all the information and all the facts that are involved in a decision, and then weigh them up and pray over them in the Lord's presence, and trust the Holy Spirit to sway my mind in the direction of God's will. And God generally guides by presenting reasons to my mind for acting in a certain way."
The apostle Paul said, "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose (Philippians 2:13).
God has equipped us with everything we need to make good decisions. Hearing His voice is the first step toward making right choices in life.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to give you His counsel and direction in all the decisions you make every day.
Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 55:6-11

Prayer for the New Week and Happy New Month

God will remember all your good works and reward you greatly. Your sins and curses shall no longer
stand as hindrances to your manifestations.The Almighty God will proof to the whole world that you are His favourite. Your own case and situation shall be exceptionally enviable. Do not despair because of what you are going through now, the journey is not far anymore. You will reach your goal very soon. It is your time to shine in Jesus Name.

Happy New Month of August Folks, From ASB'SWorld.

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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Don't lose hope, stay strong by Nick Vujicic

Take a look at some of the beautiful photos of Nick Vujicic the popular inspirational speaker and family. Whatever your may be going through never lose hope stay strong and focused.

Photo by Nicoletta Daskalakis, Nick Vujicic

Tuesday 28 July 2015

How Lie Can Lock You Down hmmm

"(We are) casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).
In the Hebrew Calendar, we are in the month of Av, this month is represented by the Tribe of Simeon, and has been said to be a month in which keys to reverse the curse are released. Now for some people this can be a bunch of rhetoric, but for me, this month has proved to be exactly what it says it is. It is a key giving, curse reversing, kind of month. What God has been showing me in just this first week of this Hebrew month of Av is blowing my natural mind, exciting my spiritual mind and healing my soul.
Since God is omniscient, meaning He is all knowing, He knew we were going to be born in this time in history, He knew we would be having the challenges personally and corporately that we are having, and He decided in His omniscience to have us be alive for such a time as this. So, God is not moved, nor surprised by anything that is going on in us, through us, or even around us, personally, nationally or internationally. Do you agree?
So, since this is all TRUTH, then where is the lie that is keeping us powerless, keeping us bound, keeping us locked up, held back? The problem is not with God, He is bigger than we can even comprehend, He is more powerful than we recognize, and He is more loving than we believe, so the issue lies with our vain imaginations. Somewhere inside of us, we have come to believe a lie, which when we come into agreement with it, becomes a stronghold and hinders what God wants to do in us and through us. Stay with me.
Yesterday, I was watching a sermon by John Paul Jackson and the Lord was speaking directly to me through this man of God. The Lord showed me that I have lived with a stronghold of believing what others have said about me. Now for me, it was a spirit of intimidation that I come into agreement with. This spirit of intimidation eroded at my confidence and kept me in the realm of knowing and even understanding, but not believing.
Believing is putting our whole weight on God, it is not doubting, fearing or even flinching when an attack comes because you know what He said and He is not a man that He should lie. So, I would second guess myself, that I heard clearly, or that I was really as up to date as I thought I was when it came to obedience.
Why is this significant? It's significant because the intimidator kept me from believing what God was saying about me, and, in doing so, kept me from receiving what God wants to pour out on me. I am not a mistake, God knew the personality He gave me, the body type I would have, everything about me and He called me to be a mouthpiece for Him. I did not ask for, have an opinion about or get to give advice on any of these things.
He made me like this and He likes what he made, He actually said it is very good. So, my vain imagination was that I did not like what He made and some others have not either, so I tried to dumb it down, shut it up, tone it down, and in doing so, I came into agreement with the intimidator to stay down, and this is a vain imagination that exalted itself over the knowledge of God.
I don't know what stronghold you are stuck in and honestly you probably don't either, for the enemy is very subtle and sneaky. But this I do know, the mystery of why things are not working is in the history and as we allow the Lord to look into our history, and show us the lie that has us locked up, we will be given keys that will reverse the curse in our own lives, so we can cast down vain imaginations in the lives of those we love. I'm free and now I see and agree with who God has made me to be. It's about to get really fun!

Monday 27 July 2015


And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. - 1 John 1:4
It is tragic to go through life with a stone face. The enemy has convinced too many into thinking that they need to be always sober and serious in order to be a Christian.
Don't fall for that trick. God wants you to be joyful and happy. In fact, He prescribes laughter as a medicine for our souls.
"The joy of the Lord is our strength." It is God's great prescription for living a long, healthy, and happy life.
Recent studies have shown that a joyful disposition boosts the body's immune system, reduces stress, reduces the risk of heart attack, and even acts as a natural tranquilizer.
Those are health benefits everyone needs. The "medicine" of laughter is within everyone, but you may need to start taking it before it works in your life.
It is important to note that the joy of the Lord is not simply bursting into laughter because you heard a funny joke. Neither is it a fake pretense at being happy or giggling senselessly.
The joy of the Lord has a spiritual source. It is produced by the Holy Spirit and is produced from within our hearts by Him.
Because it is supernatural in nature, it cannot be controlled by our circumstances.
Four factors influence our joy:
• Our salvation. We are joyful because our sins are forgiven, and our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
• Our security. We are joyful because we know that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We are safe in Him.
• Our service. We are joyful because we allow the Holy Spirit to use us to touch other people's lives. Our lives are useful.
• Most importantly, we are joyful because of our earnest expectation of the glory of God when Christ our Lord comes.
Prayer: Joyful, joyful we adore You Lord of glory, Lord of love.
Scriptural Reading: 1 John 1:1-4


He who walks with wise men will be wise, but companions of fools will be destroyed. - Proverbs 13:20
A man who wanted to buy a donkey went to the market, and, coming across a donkey on sale, arranged with the owner that he should be allowed to take him home on trial to see what he was like.
When he reached home, he put the donkey into his stable along with the other donkeys he had.
The newcomer took a look round, and immediately went and chose a place next to the laziest and greediest donkey in the stable.
When the master saw this he took hold of him at once, and led him off and handed him over to his owner again.
The owner was really surprised to see him back so soon, and asked, "Why, do you mean to say you have tested him already?"
The man replied, "I don't want to put him through any more tests, I could see what sort of donkey he is from the companion he chose for himself."
The question to you today is, 'what sort of donkey are you?' Are you lazy or hardworking?
Just take a good look at the kind of places you go and the kind of friends you get attracted to and you will determine the kind of person you are.
Do you feel comfortable in the company of lazy gossipers? If you always feel the pull to hang around people with very questionable values, you may have to re-examine your own values.
The problem is not in the people you feel attracted to; rather, it is in your own character. The company you keep is a reflection of the values you have.
Prayer: Lord, draw me closer to the kind of people who will inspire and challenge me to be holy and productive.
Scriptural Reading: Proverbs 13:20

Prayer for the last week of the Month

This season, all of Gods creation will cooperate with you to have your blessings, promotion,
breakthroughs and desired miracles. May God bless your home; bless you in all your works, in all that you lay your hands on. May God give you of the dew of heaven and of the fatness of the earth in Jesus mighty name.

The grace of God which surpasses all human understanding will work with you in Jesus Name You will be most preferred candidate among everyone that has applied for a contract or job. Evil voice will not discourage your helpers in Jesus Name.

Happy New Week From ASB's World.

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