
Saturday 11 October 2014

Give Thanks

TEXT: LUKE 17:11-19
Key verse: “And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” (Luke 17:17).
Those who bear the stigma of HIV/AIDS know the sorrow they go through every passing day even though society has come to realize that not all sufferers came by it through careless lifestyles. Those who have received their miracles from such embarrassing condition know what it means to be free.
Likewise, the stigma of leprosy in Bible days was so strong that the victims were isolated from all forms of social associations and interpersonal relationships to avoid any possible contact, because it was a deadly contagious disease. Those who received the divine intervention of being cleansed owed it a duty to give thanks to God. Giving thanks to God for His kindness, mercy and goodness is a function of individual heart’s condition and capacity to reflect correctly.
Our text today is an eye-opener to the danger of forgetting to offer praises to God after miracles of healing, deliverance, salvation and breakthrough in life. Ten lepers cried to Jesus for healing and cleansing. In answer to their plea, Jesus sent them to the priest for a confirmation of a gracious healing received. Their miracle was based on the simple principle of asking and receiving. Unfortunately, only one of them, a stranger, came back to give thanks. The rest nine went their ways. Jesus then asked with concern, “where are the nine”?
It is common in modern days to receive great miracles of healing, deliverance, provision and escape from danger with an ungrateful disposition. Those who do not sit back to count their blessings will not see sufficient reasons to thank God.
Of course, refusal to thank God for all the benefits received does not diminish His divine attributes of showing mercy and compassion on His creatures; yet, giving thanks to God opens more doors of greater miracles and benefits from Him. He that offers praises glorifies God. Grateful Christians grow in grace and understanding. How often do you remember to say “thank you Lord”? Those who have received God’s love, mercy and salvation with other physical and spiritual blessings must endeavour to come back to Him with grateful hearts of praises.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY : Praise is comely for the upright.

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