
Saturday 11 October 2014

Transparent Holiness

TEXT: JOB 31:1-12
Key verse: “If my step hath turned out of the way, and mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to mine hands” (Job 31:7).
The Jews picked up stones to put a woman taken in adultery to death. But a question by Jesus that any of them who was free from sin should cast the first stone disarmed them. They were hypocrites in the garb of religious people. They knew they were fake! But Job’s example of righteousness stood out in prosperity and in adversity. He left no one in doubt, including his friends-turned-detractors, when he had to defend himself over flimsy charges levelled against him. It is interesting that Job was so confident to make pronouncements as in verses 5 to 10, more like pronouncing curses on himself, if he had done evil.
How many Christians are as sure of themselves today as Job was then? Whereas the trends in fashion and dressings have turned the attention of many a professing Christian to outward appearances, Job was concerned about not paying attention to these outward shows. Paul, in Ephesians 4:17-24, obviously stressing the same factors Job earlier pointed out, warned believers not to walk in the vanity of their minds.
Job did not speak of the things here recorded by way of boasting, but in answer to the charge of hypocrisy. He understood the spiritual nature of God’s commandments, as reaching to the thoughts and intents of the heart. It is best to let our actions speak for us; but in some cases, we owe it to ourselves and to the cause of God to solemnly protest our innocence of every false allegation levelled against us.
Let us therefore walk circumspectly and carefully avoid all sinful means of getting wealth. Let us dread all forbidden profits as much as all forbidden pleasures. What we have in the world may be used or lost with comfort, if honestly gotten. Without strict honesty and faithfulness in our dealings, we can have no good evidence of true godliness. Yet, how many professors are unable to abide by this touchstone!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Self-deceit if unrepented of will eventually result in self-destruction.

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