Wednesday 6 November 2013



Expectation 1: I am bored, if only I was married, I will not be this bored!

Reality 1: The man does not dote over you or give you continues entertainment. So, learn to know what healthy fun activities are before he comes. So, when you feel like the fun is slowing down, which it will, then you have a fall-back plan.

Expectation 2: I am broke- if only I was married- I will have someone to give me money!

Reality 2: Most men love and respect a woman who has money or at least can take care of their own personal needs. He will respect you and his family will do as well.
Don't wait for a man to come and take care of your daily need. It's a bad sign if you can't fend for yourself before marriage.

Expectation 3: I am not committed to God and the service of god now, when I marry, I will be more settled.

Reality 3: There will be many more challenges for your walk with God....husband needs, children needs etc. if you are not used to managing the time and priorities now, you still won't know how to do it when the need is increased.

Expectation 4: I can't do without sex now, when I marry, because I have my own husband, I will be able to control my urges.

Reality 4: You don't just wake up and become chaste. Your uncontrollable sexual urges are still as virulent when you are married. So deal with your passion and desires now and bring them to submission under Christ!!!! Some married women still cheat when faced with the's not the presence of a man in your life that makes you holy, it's a holiness-consciousness activated.

Expectation 5: when he marries me, he won't be looking at other women!

Reality 5: it's the nature of unrenowned mind to lack self discipline. Having 5 wedding rings does not make a man faithful. If he can't keep off extras before marrying you, he won't keep away From them afterwards.

Expectation 6: I don't have much for myself so I can't take care of my parents...when I’m married my husband would do so.

 Reality 6: Please look after your parents while you are single for when you are married there will be more demands on you financially. Even if it is a little thing from time to time, they will bless you from a grateful heart.

 Expectation 7:  I don't like dressing up or taking too much physical care because I don't want people to think I am flashy or worldly.

 Reality 7: The truth is that what standard you set is what your hubby will improve on. If you are known to not invest in your physical care, he must have noticed that whilst courting you and he won't be under any obligation to do so when you are married to him. Don't expect him to treat you nicer than you treat yourself in his eyes.

 Expectation 8: He does not take the things of God serious but when we are married l will make him to be committed.  

 Reality 8: if his not ready to serve God when single u you can’t even force him when married remember you  can’t force people to serve God they must be willing (you can only pray).

 Expectation 9: I don't like cooking because am single and there is no need for me to, but when I get married I will always cook for my husband.

 Reality 9: get use to it now, there are many single ladies that cook all the time it's what you do now that will determine the future anything your hands found doing do it well.

 Expectation 10:  if only I am married, I won’t be lonely.

 Reality 10:  You better develop healthy friendships now and see God as your Jehovah Shammah, He is the only one that promised never to leave us nor forsake us.

 Expectation 11:  If only I am married, people will respect me and I will have a good self esteem.  

 Reality 11: You are created in God’s image, so develop a positive self esteem; you will need it in marriage. Respect is earned not gained,

 Expectation 12: if I don't accept this one now, I will get left behind, and there may not be a better one ever.

 Reality 13: As long as you are in the will of God and you have not set some unrealistic targets for yourself, he that will come will come. If he is the right person for you, he will appreciate the values that others have belittled, so don’t settle for less if he not God’s will.

 Expectation 14: he says he wants me to marry him so I can bring him close to God..!!!

 Reality 14: You are not Jesus Christ and you are not the Holy Spirit...don't do their jobs for can't save a man..Don't try to save a man or jeopardize your own soul....if you try it, you may end up drowning with him.




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