Friday 13 December 2013


Matthew 7:7-8 - 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened NIV

Whenever I go to pick my daughter from school, all I have to ask is “How was school today baby?”, and the gist comes flooding out! Farouk did this, Milano did that, Michelle brought this food to school, Mr Alade the class teacher made them laugh…..bla bla bla…..On and on it goes, like a running faucet! Sometimes I’m tempted to just ask her to be quiet as I’ve heard enough. Other times I shut off mid-way and re log-in….lol. But the truth is I really enjoy hearing all about her day at school and I’m able to correct some mistakes. I also learn a lot about her and her school in the course of our discussion.

Today I want to encourage you to learn to talk to God! Some haven’t yet realised that God is just not a Father who sits in heaven in all His glory far from us. He longs to have a real relationship with us through Jesus Christ and hear all about our doubts, fears, thoughts and ideas like I would hear out my daughter. If she doesn’t talk to me, how would I know to correct her? Guide her? And if I don’t ask her, how will she talk to me? Give me details? Communication is a two-way thing. For those who have learned to have a good prayer life, is it one-sided? Do you actually hear God talk back to you when you pray? Have you learned to listen when you ask? If you ask God for wisdom or what your purpose is, how do you know He has answered you when you don’t act out?

Some people go through life confused about what they should be doing. They are interested in just making enough money to survive daily. They find no further reason for their existence. I once met a taxi driver who told me he doesn’t come out earlier than 9am and he doesn’t do late night jobs either. By 6pm he has closed, and he has enough to get by. While that may seem ok to some, for a taxi driver I wondered how much he can make in that time just to get by. And he probably is doing that work because he hasn’t found what he has passion for. 

But do you know if you just ask God, He is very willing to show you that very thing you should be doing, the very reason He placed you on earth? God is not partial and He does not speak to only the Bishop TD Jakes Pastor Adeboyes, Pastor John Hagees, Bishop Oyedepos etc, or let's bring it home, Sis Omobs of this world. The only difference is they have learnt to develop a working and walking relationship with God. Develop yours too and you’ll well be on your way to greatness and fulfilling purpose. Does God desire everyone to be great? Sure! Why else did He say “He will make you the head and not the tail?” Deuteronomy 28:13 That promise is for any child of God who takes it.

There are still a lot of untapped testimonies waiting for us. There are still loads of miracles we have to take, and there are still lots of blessings God has poured out for His children that are yet to be manifested. What you need do? Just ask, open your ears, receive instructions and act.
By Dedy Okoh.

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  1. God pls teach me how to ask right. Thanks.

  2. I always to love read your blog it gives me inspirations. God bless u too.


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