Saturday 11 January 2014

Stick To Your Own Mirror! Stick To The Word!!

Each day, after I have had my bath, I look into the mirror and after a few touch ups based on what I see in the mirror, I feel good and ready to face the world. Then as I walk down the road, I see many cars and of course, like a typical lady, I see another opportunity to look at myself in the mirrors again.
 I walk past the lines of car stealing glances at myself in the mirrors and by the time I am at the other side of the road, I feel sad, unhappy and fat! The mirrors have shown me a different/different version(s) of me and many times have given me a serious blow in my self-confidence and throughout the day, in a corner of my heart, I don’t feel like the queen I thought I was, I see myself ugly and definitely not queenly.

One day, my spirit spoke to me laughing “why don’t you just stick to the image of what you saw at home and stop looking at other mirrors for affirmation?’
Just then something dropped into my heart, many times we look into God’s word and we remember God’s love, His promises and assurance, and we feel good and ready to tackle the world but throughout the day, we begin to focus on what our circumstances, our friends, the economy say and by the end of the day, we are grumpy, tired and depressed forgetting what His word has said.

We must learn to stick to the Word. The bible calls the ‘word’ a mirror, just like the mirror reflects your physical self, the word reveals the true you: how you are and how you should be. Stick to that mirror, don’t be looking into other mirrors no matter how good or true they look. Its only when we behold and continue to focus on the mirror, we are changed into glory.
2Co 3:18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.
So my dear Folks, stick to your own mirror, stick to the word.
By Mo


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