Monday 13 January 2014

The 7 Love Actions to Show Your Spouse

Romantic movies often trick us into thinking that grand gestures equal big love. They tell us we need to write a message in the clouds or paint words on a billboard or shout it from the top of a mountain.
However, I’d suggest that many small acts of love add up to a lot more than one big gesture. It’s the little things, day in and day out, that show your unwavering love and commitment.
So, I’d like to share with you seven love actions to show your spouse:

1. Write a note. Surprise your spouse with a long love letter and put it on their pillow one morning. Or leave sticky notes with short words of encouragement on the bathroom mirror or the kitchen table.
2. Bring flowers. Bringing a bouquet of flowers to your spouse is a great way to show you were thinking of her. Set the flowers in a vase of water on the counter or by the door. This way, they will be there all week long, and every time she passes them, she’ll be reminded of your love.
3. Make the bed. Mornings are constantly a rush to get out the door. But I promise you, the 60 seconds it takes to make the bed is always worth it. When my wife, Susan, comes in at night from a long, hard day to find the bed made, she smiles knowing I made the effort to make her happy in this small way.
4. Cook dinner. There’s nothing like good smells from good food cooking in the kitchen when we get home. So take over one night and make a meal for the whole family. Love your spouse well by trying a new recipe or just sticking with one of their favorites.
5. Plan a creative date. Get creative by planning a simple date that fits your lifestyle. Go for a picnic in the back yard, go to a pizza diner down the street, go for a walk, watch the stars come out at the park or go out for morning coffee. Whatever you do, be intentional in making your spouse feel special on the date.
6. Hold hands. After being married a few years, it’s easy to forget the simple things in your relationship. Holding hands is one of those things. When you’re out to dinner, driving in the car together or just sitting on the couch at home, grab your spouse’s hand.
7. Call and text. Even if daily schedules have you and your spouse in different places, don’t go all day without communicating. Give them a call during your lunch break just to see how they’re doing and to tell them you love them. A quick call or text will reassure them that they are important to you and on your mind.
What are some other love actions you take to love your spouse?
-By Mark Merrill

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