Sunday, 13 July 2014

A Worthy Sacrifice of Praise

TEXT: PSALM 118:27-29
Key verse: “God is the LORD, which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar” (Psalm 118:27).
Man has learnt to express his appreciation for kindness or favour received in different ways. For some, it is through a “Thank You” card, a text message or any other means by which they can thoroughly express how grateful they are. Towards the end of the year, we find people, corporate organizations, etc., sending out gifts, hampers and so on as a way of appreciating their numerous customers and stakeholders. These gift items are usually carefully chosen to match the personality to be given and equate the favour received.
Though this practice may have some selfish undertones as it is aimed at cementing relationships and securing future favours, and a form of marketing strategy and public relations, such kind gestures are well appreciated by those whom they are given.
The Psalmist in our text today calls us to consider what God has done for us and respond by binding our sacrifices on the altar. Many of us today have taken God’s goodness and mercies in our lives for granted that we do not care to express our thanks to Him in any form. We wake up each morning, go about our schedules, return home in the evening, and also go to bed at night without pausing, for once, to acknowledge and appreciate the mercies we have received. Apart from the daily mercies and goodness we enjoy from God, we are called upon to think about the special favour we have received from Him. He has shown us the light. So many people are still wallowing in deep darkness unable to find the light of salvation. How grateful we ought to be that we have the light and that we are saved!
As we think of all that God has done for us, is doing for us and will do for us, there is no better way to show how grateful we are than to make our lives living sacrifices bound with cords of consecration upon the altar of divine worship and service.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Match your praise with His mercy.

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