All prayers are powerful, but I feel a mother’s sincere prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have has a parent.
Praying has been a staple in my life as a parent. Prayer guides me, aides me when times are tough, comforts me, and provides insights.
It was my prayers that often made the difference in how things turned out with my children. I believe they might have turned out for the worse if I had not uttered them.
As I reflect back on the years of raising my children, these 5 prayers stand out as transformative and life changing for me and my children.
1. “Please God, help me see any talents or gifts my children have that they’re meant to develop, that I may not otherwise see.”
I started uttering this prayer when my oldest daughter was only a toddler. I feel the prayer was given to me to make sure certain events played out in her life. Otherwise, I may have missed them when they presented themselves!
It is interesting that the answer to this prayer was received more than a decade after it’s first utterance.
My daughter was 15 at the time and was in the habit of singing around the house. I started to notice she had a natural gift for singing and a love for music, both of which I have no talent or gifts in.
I felt prompted to encourage her to take voice lessons, which she was excited about. As we took initiative to find a voice teacher, the spirit took over and everything fell in to place for her to pursue this gift and talent. This completely changed the course of her life. She went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Performance, develop her talent as a stage and vocal performer, and become trained as an early childhood music educator.
She has shared her insights in several blog posts here on The Child Whisperer blog. And she continues to share her beautiful voice with many.
2. “Please God, if this is correct for my child to experience, please support everything coming together to allow it and to keep them safe. If it’s not correct for them, please cause an interference so it cannot come to pass.”
When my oldest son was 15, he came home for school one day and announced that he was going to ride his bike across the country with a best friend and the friend’s adult brother.
We found this interesting, because he didn’t own a road bike and he hadn’t really ridden a bike on a regular basis in the past.
Somehow though, I knew before I had even uttered this prayer, that I was to allow this to unfold and see what happened. So instead of laughing at the idea or questioning it’s validity, my husband and I got behind him.
As things developed and plans were made, I felt prompted to utter this prayer. I knew I had nothing to worry about if God deemed it correct for my son.
Everything came together, and in late May of his 15th year, my son and his best friend and brother rode their bikes across the country, arriving in Yorktown, VA the week of the 4th of July.
While my son was riding his bike across the country, the most common question other mothers asked me was, “aren’t you nervous or scared for his safety?” But because of my prayer, I knew my son was in God’s hands and all would be well.
This son is now 30 years old and a first time father of twin daughters, who is just beginning to utter the prayers of a parent.
3. “Please God, help me notice if there’s anything my child emotionally needs from me, and help me to take initiative to give it to them.”
I started uttering this prayer when my children were young and there was a lot going on.
Four children ages six and under is a lot of commotion a lot of the days of parenting, as many of you know very well.
I knew meeting their emotional needs was essential to their healthy development into adulthood.
In my book The Child Whisperer, I cover the 5 stages of emotional development every child goes through and how to meet these needs true to their dominant Energy Type. I didn’t have The Child Whisperer in my early days of parenting, but somehow I knew that my children would show me the ways they needed emotional support, and I’d need to decode it.
This prayer aided me in being successful in that role as their mother.
4. “Thank you God, for helping me know what is important today as a parent and to follow through on it, Thank you for helping me know what’s not important and to let it go!”
This is a prayer you could say every day. We all have more to do than there is time for!
As a Child Whisperer, you already know that what matters most are your children. We need to be there for each child in a way that supports their true nature. With the help of The Child Whisperer parenting model, you can achieve this as you continue to develop your talents of intuitive parenting.
Uttering this prayer will help you continue to see the big picture and keep your children as the priority.
5. “Thank you God, for giving me patience when I have none.”
We all run out of patience.
We all come to the end of our sensitive parenting rope! We will all lose it at times and then regret how we treated our children.
I uttered this prayer, knowing perfectly well that there would be times I would need it. I know I was aided and given that extra measure of love and patience, when I honestly had none left! In fact, I still say this prayer, even though my children are grown.
There are more prayers I uttered that enabled me to be a good mother. I know God and his angels were there for me and continue to be there for me in my role as a mom.
read here.
Children seem to provide us a lot of opportunities to get on our knees to seek out God’s guidance and support. For that they make us better people!