Saturday 14 June 2014

Try This Rose Cupcake Bouquet, It's Beautiful

List of Materials
1) Glue gun

2) 4oz plastic cups

3) Stapler

4) Cake board,

5) 13 cupcakes

6) Butter-cream icing

7) Wrapping paper

Follow the steps below:







Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore! 1 Chronicles 16:11
The Holy Spirit's presence is essential to living the Christian life. The work that believers are called to do cannot be fruitful without Him.
Consider the example of the disciple Peter: he spent three years eating, sleeping, and learning in the presence of Jesus, and yet, before the Crucifixion, he denied knowing the Lord.
Peter was unable to live the Christian life on his own. But when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, this coward became a powerful courageous preacher.
What happened to Peter happens to every person who receives Jesus, but many do not realize what a resource is available to them.
God's Spirit is the believer's internal motivator for expressing external evidence of faith. He provides the power to live the Christian life so that we can work effectively for the Lord.
The visible proof we show to the world of our union with Christ is the fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is the expression of God's character in the life of the believer.
They may not all be expressed at the same time in the same proportion, but every one of those characteristics is within us because the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts.
The practical truth is that we must exercise spiritual attitudes even if we don't feel them. We are to love, though we may not feel love. We are to be kind when harshness makes more sense, humanly speaking.
We are to practice patience when anger wants to take over. And the great mystery is that when we rely on the Spirit, He comes in to help us. He gives us the divine enablement to do the will of God.
Prayer: Lord, I want to be more like You.

Scriptural Reading: 1 Chronicles 16:7-19

Thursday 12 June 2014


My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments. Psalm 119:120
In Scripture, we see two sides to God: One is His loving, compassionate, caring side. He is the God who created us in His own and made the supreme sacrifice to offer us eternal life through Christ.
Then there is the God of holiness, who hates sin: One who judges sin and expresses wrath at evil.
Today, many have lost the balance between these two sides to God's nature. Too often we stress
on His love and forget that He is just and righteous; He will not tolerate sin. His holy nature cannot dwell side by side with sin.
That is why He took it upon Himself to pay for our sins through the suffering and death of Christ. When we despise the grace of God, the only option left for us is to suffer for our own sins.
The Bible tells us the penalty for sin is hell. Hell isn't in style today because it represents accountability to someone in authority, and we want to avoid authority. And it represents absolute eternal judgment.
We have a difficult time believing that such a place could exist, and we don't want to really believe that everlasting punishment and torment is a reality. And when we no longer see the eternal retribution of our sins, we lose any urgency for repenting of those sins.
The truth is that hell is real. God is patient, but He is not tolerant. He is holy. His justice calls for an atonement for man's sins.
When we scorn His offer of atonement and continue to live in sin and in our own evil way, we leave God with no option but to suffer the just punishment.
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to the reality of my sins and their consequences.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 119:113-120

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Top 5 tips to find a new job

Congrats, you are finally graduated from your University. The only snag is where and how to find a new job corresponding to your studies? Here are some tips for you.
Well-presented and coherent resume and cover letter
First of all, make sure to have a correct and coherent resume and cover letter. State explicitly there why you are the best candidate for a given job offer. In other words, “be clear”. Ask an advice from an expert if needed be to correct some mistakes there in. Information has to be coherent in the resume and the cover letter. Before writing them down, read the job description and carefully target it to your desire to work in the company. Go online or on TV and try to discover what is the job seeker searching for as well as key elements that ca be discussed during a probable interview.
Searching scrupulously
Depending on studies you have followed, you can start researches. Job application may not be directly answered a few days after the deposit. Nevertheless, you will need to be patient and keep on searching. There are hundreds of websites on the Internet that can provide you with job offers that can meet your needs and requirements. Search on newspapers, keep connected with friends and ask them if there is an offer somewhere that may be interesting for you.
Use social networks
Social networks can work for both personal and professional use. Get involved in professional social networks, participate in forums and do not hesitate to show your degree and competences off. Networking is considered to be the number one in networking strategy. Sooner or later, you will receive an answer from a recruiter. You can also use options such as online notification to remind and alert you of a job offer.
Do what it takes to stand out among the crowd
Human resources boards receive and have to read about hundreds of resumes per day. They do not have enough time to read them carefully. Due to this situation then, you have to find ways to make your resume stands out from others. Copy paste from the Internet can be a real danger.  Online models are quite the same and using them is giving HR chances not to read yours. Moreover, target your documents (letter of application and cover letter) to the special job you are applying for. Make sure it does not contain error. You can also call the employer and share your excitement and enthusiasm concerning the job offer.
Be confident and don’t give up
Take this last tip in your heart. You may have tried everything but the future still remains unopened. Getting discouraged can happen to everyone and especially to students searching for their first or their new job. Looking for a job is a competitive market. If you give up too early, you are loosing the trade. Even if many people are lacking of motivation and initiate, let it be not you.  Perseverance is important in any field of life.


Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it.
The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work.
The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
“Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”
Very motivated by the boss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 15 trees.
The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
“I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.
“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.
“Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…”
Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the “axe”.
In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy that ever.
Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work.
But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like our personal life, taking time to get close to our Creator, giving more time for our family, taking time to read etc.
We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow.
If we don’t take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Your Healing Is Within Reach

Several years ago, my brother was allowed to witness an open-heart surgery. During the procedure, the patient's heart had been stopped from beating. When it came time to restart it, despite repeated attempts, the medical staff was unable to cause the heart to beat again. Finally, although the patient was obviously unconscious, the surgeon leaned over and spoke into the patient's ear, "We need your help. We cannot get your heart restarted. Tell your heart to start beating." Incredibly, in that instant, the patient's heart began to beat again!

Proverbs 13:12 tells us, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." But the diagnosis can change! God has promised healing to the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18). There is a crisis point, however—one we all reach—in the process of healing from hope deferred: choosing to embrace the healing process. Hope—and healing—is a choice that must be made.
As you probably know too well, experiencing hope deferred does not require a choice—pain and disappointment are facts of life. Healing, however, does require a choice. Making the simple but powerful choice to hope again is the first step toward healing.
Wilma Rudolph, three-time gold medalist in the 1960 Olympics and once known in the field of running as the world's fastest woman, said, "The doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother."
Born prematurely into a very poor family and the 20th of 22 children, Wilma was not permitted to receive care at the local white hospital. For the next several years, her mother took her once a week for two years to the nearest medical facility that would treat her—a 90-mile round trip. Wilma Rudolph's life is an amazing story of achievement against the odds—but the story began with the right choices.
Like the Olympic champion and her mother, you will have to choose the power of hope. I realize this puts some of the responsibility for healing on you, but it is also an incredibly liberating truth. Healing—freedom from hope deferred—is a choice that can be made. 
Scripture is filled with promises that you have this power to choose life over death. The Lord actually told the Israelites to "choose life" (Deut. 30:19). You don't have the luxury of choosing never to have challenges, but you do get to choose how you respond.
People sometimes refer to their difficult times as winter seasons. There is a beautiful picture associated with this in Ezekiel 47. The prophet Ezekiel was given a vision of the river of God. In this vision, the river produced life and healing everywhere it went. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for river in the passage is nachal, and means "a stream, especially a winter torrent." Some streams and rivers are dry during certain times of the year. They fill up, however, when there is rain, or, as in this case, when the spring thaw melts the snow and ice on the mountains. Tiny rivulets develop, coming together to form streams and, eventually, becoming nachalim (rivers). Though Ezekiel's winter river began as a trickle in verse 1, it eventually became a mighty unfordable river by verse 5.
As your winter season changes to spring, God's healing will likely begin as a mere trickle. Keep choosing life! You can be confident that the river will deepen and that God will use the snow and ice of your spiritual winter to bring a deep flow of His Spirit to you. 
For those who are confused and disillusioned, for the heart grieving from pain and loss, for the faithful but weary soldier whose stream-bed is dry, for those who have lost their first love connection to God, for the Gideons of the world who are heartsick with hope deferred ... your season is changing. The warmth of spring is going to do its work, and summer is coming. 
Thank God winter doesn't last forever. The river of healing will flow to you, and you will drink its healing power. Hope deferred will end. Tell your heart to beat again!

Health: 7 Mistakes You're Making Folding Your Clothes

Laundry is the never-ending chore. You sort. You pre-treat. You wash. You sort again. You dry. And then you still have to fold. We asked Carolyn Forte, the director of the Home Appliances and Cleaning Products lab in the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, for the common folding missteps that could ruin all of your hard work -- and how to avoid them.
1. Letting clothes sit in the dryer 
If you don't remove them almost immediately, they will start to wrinkle. But here's something you might not know: Many dryers have an extended tumbling cycle that sporadically tumbles clothes to keep wrinkles from setting in. It's a feature worth looking into if you're not the type who can jump as soon as the dryer's buzzer sounds (read: everyone).
2. Forgetting to "shake and smooth" 
Shaking out clothing and linens before folding will help your items lay flatter on the shelf. An extra shake keeps bath towels fluffy, and smoothing them out on a flat surface prevents the trim rumpling.
3. Overlooking the fabric 
Forte's rule of thumb: "Things that are slippery and hard to fold are probably best hung." This includes silk, polyester and nylon fabrics. Knits and sturdy sweaters can easily be folded without fear of creasing.
4. Folding bras in half 
"If you fold them with one cup inside of the other, you risk messing up the shape and shifting the padding," Forte explains. Instead, nest them inside each other in a row, like you might see in a store.
5. Rolling socks into a ball 
Balling socks can stretch out the ankle. For heavier socks (athletic socks or men's socks) put the two socks together and fold them in half.
6. Forgetting how something will look when you wear it 
Every item of clothing is different, but when you fold, "consider where you do and don't want creases," Forte advises. For example, don't fold sweaters or tops in half lengthwise. This will cause a crease to form right down the middle that will set in when you pile garments on top of each other.
7. Storing folded sweaters on a high shelf 
It's a familiar scenario: You reach up high for your favorite sweater, and cause the whole stack to fall to the floor. Try a lower shelf, so you can hold the pile with your free hand as you pull out the top you want.

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