Monday 27 October 2014

Prayer for the last week of the Month

This last week of October, the mountains shall be made low and fountains of water shall spring up in your desert. Every impossible situation in your life shall be turned around by God's supernatural favour in Jesus name.

Those who gather to scheme evil against you will never succeed. Be still. Hold your peace. God is fighting your battles. Your victory is certain in Jesus name J

Happy New Week from us ASB-World. 

Wednesday 22 October 2014


One day a woman
wanted to know how the husband would
react if she left without telling
him where she had gone. So she decided to write
him a letter saying she is tired of him and didn't
want to live with him
anymore and
after writing she put the letter on the table in the
bedroom and then hid under the
bed... When the husband came
back home, saw the letter and read it, he
replied on the same paper and then began to sing
and dance changing his clothes. He got his phone,
dialed someone then said:
"Hey babe, am just changing clothes
then will join you, as for the other fool it
has finally dawned on her that I was fooling
around with her and has left. I was wrong..really
wrong to have married her, I wish I had known
earlier. See you soon
The husband walked out of the room and
left. In tears and very upset, the woman
got up from under the bed and decided to
go and read what the husband wrote on
the letter. When she got the letter, it said: "I
COULD see your feet under the bed, I didn't
make any phone call.. I am going to buy
bread. Stand up, stop your silly games and
prepare me a meal...
By kehinde.


But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. - Titus 3:9
The early Latin writer, Tertullian of Carthage, is said to have remarked that the one thing that converted him to Christianity was not the arguments they gave him, because he could find a counterpoint for every argument they would present. "But they demonstrated something I didn't have..The thing that converted me to Christianity was the way that they loved each other", he said.
Sometimes we get caught up with a desires to prove that what we believe is right and get involved with comparative religious arguments.
We allow those who oppose our faith to draw us into useless debates that lead to bitterness, anger and insults. In the end instead of showing Christ to our world, we show the world the worst side of our unidentified character.
Our world is not looking for new arguments for Christ but a new life that makes Christ real. Our lives speak louder than all the Bible verses we can quote to prove our point.People can laugh at our devotion, propose our
counter arguments for every point of view we have and even appear more successful than us but they cannot ignore the witness of Christ -like life.
When we are considerate to others and exhibit moral uprightness in both our personal and professional conduct, we present an unchallenged argument for the living Christ.
In our offices, schools and neighborhood, many watch us to see whether the Jesus we profess is real or just a religious dogma.
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you and there will be no need for bitter contentions.
PRAYER: Teach me Your ways O Lord, and let my life speak more than my words.
Scriptural Reading: Titus 3:1 -11

Recipe: Honey Kokoro (corn snacks)

Honey kokoro snackToday I am venturing into the world of Nigerian snacks. Kokoro, is one of the snacks i enjoyed eating in my primary school days in Lagos. I remember, when as kids we will compete for whose crunching sound will make the most noise when chewing. Kokoro is basically a combo of groundnut and corn . So you get to have your Guguru and Ekpa (pop corn and groundnut) in a different way.

So here goes, something to entertain guests with if you don’t want to offer a meal. Enjoy the crunch!
1 cup Corn Grit
3/4 cup roasted Groundnut (ground)
3 tablespoons Honey
1/3 cup water
3/4 teaspoon ginger powder
1/4 teaspoon ground dry Pepper
1, Blend dry corn and sieve into not so fine flour. The texture of the flour is slightly gritty.Tip: corn is quite difficult on the regular domestic blender so it is advisable to do this at the millers in the market or neighbourhoods.
2, Blend the groundnut into powder
3, Mix all dry ingredients
4, Mix the honey and water
5, Pour the honey mixture into the dry ingredients and need into a a firm dough. Kneading should be just about 1 minute
6, Take a little of the dough per time place between you palm and roll into ‘sticks’. Alternatively you can do the rolling on a smooth surface. The slimmer the sticks the crunchier .
7, Place gently on a baking tray  and bake for about 15-20 minutes. After baking on one side for about 10 minutes gently turn each stick on the other side to brown.
8, Allow the Kokoro to cool completely and crunch away.
You may wish to leave the Kokoro in the fridge as this helps to keep the crunchiness.
Kitchen Tip: Preheat oven to gas mark 400 before you start mixing your ingredients.
Honey kokoro snack

The way to Influence Your Teen to Love God

Even the best of parents must make some changes in the way they parent as their children grow up. The old methods of relating don't work the same way anymore. In fact, they seem to cause problems instead.
Of all the changes teens make, the most important one is probably the adjustment in their relationship with their parents. They're moving from a parent-child relationship to an adult-adult relationship. Unfortunately, some parents never make the shift. They continue to treat their teens as if they're still eight or nine years old. Honor helps parents recognize the changes and make the necessary adjustments.
Although you may be able to "control" young children, the key word for teenagers is "influence." Here are five words that describe different ways you can influence teens.
1.    Teach—Provide them with new information or help them understand another facet of life.
2.    Encourage—Remind them of the benefits of moving in the right direction.
3.    Entreat—Earnestly ask them to act in a mature, responsible and wise way.
4.    Admonish—Warn, caution or advise them by anticipating possible negative consequences.
5.    Persuade—Use relationship, incentives and natural consequences to motivate them to make wise choices.
Remember that you don't have to accomplish everything in one interaction. Change takes time, and your influence over time will produce the greatest results.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, can be a major problem in both your career and your personal life.
Side effects include missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress, overwhelm, resentment, and guilt.
The behaviour pattern of procrastination can be triggered in many different ways, so you won't always procrastinate for the same reason.
Let's now address these various causes of procrastination and consider intelligent ways to respond.
1. Stress:
When you feel stressed, worried, or anxious, it's hard to work productively. A wise solution is to reduce the amount of stress in your life when possible, such that you can spend more time working because you want to, not because you have to.
2. Too many things to do at the same time:
Sometimes you may have more items on your to-do list than you can reasonably complete. This can quickly lead to overwhelm, and ironically you may be more likely to procrastinate when you can least afford it.
In this case the message is that you need to stop, reassess your true priorities, and simplify.
3. Laziness:
Often we procrastinate because we feel too physically and/or emotionally drained to work.
Once we fall into this pattern, it's easy to get stuck due to inactivity because an object at rest tends to remain at rest.
When you feel lazy, even simple tasks seem like too much work because your energy is too low compared to the energy required by the task.
4. Lack of Motivation:
We all experience temporary laziness at times, but if you suffer from chronically low motivation and just can't seem to get anything going, then it's time for you to let go of immature thought patterns, to embrace life as a mature adult, and to discover your true purpose in life.
5. Lack of Discipline:
Even when motivation is high, you may still encounter tasks you don't want to do. In these situations, self-discipline works like a motivational backup system.
6. Poor Time Management Habits
Do you ever find yourself falling behind because you overslept, because you were too disorganized, or because certain tasks just fell through the cracks?
Bad habits like these often lead to procrastination, often unintentionally.
The solution in this case is to diagnose the bad habit that's hurting you and devise a new habit to replace it.
7. Lack of Skill:
If you lack sufficient skill to complete a task at a reasonable level of quality, you may procrastinate to avoid a failure experience.
You then have three viable options to overcome this type of pattern: educate, delegate, or eliminate.
8. Perfectionism
A common form of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism.
Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it.
Procrastination is unfortunately something that a lot of us suffer from regularly. Procrastination can often hold us back from what we really want in life, and unfortunately, it's something that can crop up at any time of life, no matter who you are.
A lot of people often assume that procrastination is simply being lazy, but this isn't always the case.
Often, feelings of tiredness, hopelessness, panic or even depression can cause us to put things off and avoid reality completely.

Monday 20 October 2014


I Am the good shepherd; and. I know My sheep, and am known by My own. - John 10:14
The Lord is not just our shepherd, He is our Father. He is not a hired labourer who has been given the task to watch over the sheep of another. He is both the Creator and owner of His sheep.
The Shepherd knows His sheep. He has intimate knowledge of all His sheep. He knows us by name. He knows our personalities.
He knows our strengths and weaknesses. He knows our dreams. He knows our fears. He knows us so much that He can read our innermost thoughts even before we construct them into ideas. Nothing about us escapes His attention.
Not only does He know our natures, but He knows our needs. Don't forget that the Lord Jesus knows what it is like to be human.
He knows what It is like to face the limitations of humanity because He lived amongst us and experienced what we experience. He knows what it is like to feel the pressure of temptation. He knows what it is like to experience loneliness, sorrow and joy.
Today, you can come to Him with all your concerns and pour out your heart to Him in prayer. He is ready to help and guide you. He is more powerful than your enemies so you can trust Him to deliver you from the hands of those which seek to bring you down and destroy your life.
Your Good Shepherd cares about you.He knows what it is like to be a sheep. And He knows what you are going through. He wants you to trust Him today with your worries. He wants to deliver you and fill your heart with joy and peace.
Prayer: I come to You Lord, with my burdens; deliver me and give me Your joy and peace.
Scriptural Reading: John 10:7-21
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