Monday 26 January 2015

Singles: 3 Things to Remember While Waiting For Mr. Right

Since the beginning of time, woman has been a gift to man. Eve didn’t have to do much to
win Adam over in the perfect garden. She probably hadn’t shaved or spent tons of money at the salon and definitely hadn’t learned 50 ways to cook chicken to win Adam over. He knew that she was a gift and he was thankful.
Unfortunately today women are doing all they can to convince a guy that they are worth having. Magazine articles, books and well meaning friends and family constantly remind us that we are not doing enough. We are told that if we are still single, it’s our fault (either directly or indirectly) and we should be doing A, B & C to win the affection of a man.

I’ve been there. I’ve read through all the articles only to find myself a little more discouraged. These articles usually tend to reinforce that I’m not good enough and that I need to act a certain way for the right man to fall for me. Talk less, talk more, play hard to get, don’t play games, tell him how you feel, don’t tell him how you feel, wear more heels, sneakers are hot, and the list goes on. All the advice is ever changing and it’s hard to keep up with the best way to attract a man.

This quote stood out to me the other day “ Act Like a Prize and You will Turn him into a Believer”.
This quote got me to thinking that if women were truly the prize, why do we stress out so much over relationships. Do guys run to the mall to buy a new shirt to impress a girl on a date? Do they fall asleep reading articles entitled “How to get a girl to notice me”? Do they take a cooking class just so they can make their girlfriend the best dinner ever? Maybe some do but I think we can all agree that sometimes women worry too much about getting a man and keeping him.
Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are the prize!
We want to feel like a prize but often times we don’t. We put in a lot of energy to get little attention from a guy that we may be interested in. If we want to be treated like a prize, we need to learn how to act like a prize. Here are three things to remember when acting like a prize.

  • Prizes are earned. In a race, all the runners have the same chance of winning, but only one gets 1st prize. This means that we don’t have to make ourselves available to every man that presents himself to us. We are available to the ones who value the prize so much that they are willing to put in the extra work it takes to win us. This doesn’t mean that we have men jumping through hoops, but it does mean taking notice of the guy who picks up the phone to call and makes his intentions clear versus the one who sends many mixed signals and leaves you confused.

  • Prizes have worth. Keeping with our race analogy, we can’t expect the runners to give their all for a prize that they don’t value. As women, instead of trying to accomplish and do things to prove our value we need to start believing the value that we already have as God’s beloved daughters!  I have accomplished quite a few things in my life that add to my “worldly” value but none of those things has gotten me a husband. Believe that you truly are God’s prized possession and you will begin to shine and everyone will notice.

  • Prizes don’t compete. The only people who should be competing in a race are the runners, not the prizes! Each level or variety of prize is unique and valuable in it’s own way. As women, we sometimes forget that we should not be in competition with one another. We are all valuable prizes and we should be celebrating each other and not competing. A woman who is constantly in competition with other women is communicating that she doesn’t see her own value.
In all these things, remember that instead of being frustrated that men don’t see you as a prize you should challenge yourself to start acting like the prize that you believe you truly are.

Prayer for new week

 God will make a way out of all the problems that are facing you. He will give you massive victories
over all your obstacles! God will use you as an instrument to solve other people's problems in Jesus Name.  God will make you a voice and not an echo.

The Lord is your keeper, the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore" (Ps 121:5–8).  In whatever you do, situations will bow down before you; systems, ordinances, institutions, policies and legislature will adjust for you to have your desired breakthroughs. Go forth and possess your possessions in Jesus Name. 

Happy New Week from us ASB-World. 

Thursday 22 January 2015


I heard a story about a doctor who had had a hectic day at work.
His shift had been so busy, all he wanted to do was go home. He was to take his son out on a father-son time that night....he was looking forward to seeing him. But as the day was nearing the end, he heard the news, his son had been hit by a car and died on the spot.
As he was stepping out of his office, on the way to view where his sons body was laid, the emergency bleep went off. A little boy had been brought in, he was almost at the point of death.
This doctor turned back and ran to attend to the emergency. The father of the sick child screamed at him, saying that he wasn't responding quickly to his son. Putting his sorrow under, he joined the team and they laboured until the sick boy was restored.
As he made a leave of the intensive care unit where the boy was being managed, he was met by the father of the sick child, with tears in his eyes.....asking for forgiveness for his insensitivity.
I heard you lost your son today! And I have behaved towards you in the most insensitive way. The doctor could not hold back the tears......he had done what most people would not do, help others during their own dire need.
Anyone can be nice when they are happy, but there is an attitude that will single you out from everyone else. Choosing to be a blessing in spite of your own need.
Most of us will gladly give out 5000 naira when we have 50,000 naira.
We will offer a hungry man a bottle of coke when we have a banquet to feast on. If you belong to that category, I am sorry, you have common virtues. Unfortunately, you need to do better to get Gods attention.
Let me share something I found....
Luke 5:1-7 CEB
One day Jesus was standing beside Lake Gennesaret when the crowd pressed in around him to hear God’s word. Jesus saw two boats sitting by the lake. The fishermen had gone ashore and were washing their nets. Jesus boarded one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon, then asked him to row out a little distance from the shore. Jesus sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he finished speaking to the crowds, he said to Simon, "Row out farther, into the deep water, and drop your nets for a catch." Simon replied, "Master, we’ve worked hard all night and caught nothing. But because you say so, I’ll drop the nets." So they dropped the nets and their catch was so huge that their nets were splitting. They signaled for their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They filled both boats so full that they were about to sink.
These men had laboured all results to show. They must have paid the FISHING FEE for that night, probably rented some nets, hoping that a good catch will offset their bill and the wives will be happy.
They waited and sweated and nothing happened. They gave up and started cleaning the nets....tired, deflated and discouraged......sleep deprived and totally exhausted.
Then, here comes Jesus, the man who 'wanders everywhere', teaching people all sorts of funny things, He had just woken up from an all night sleeping, fresh and clean, asking for them to loan him their boat!
I mean are tired......and all you need is a clear head to know how to explain to the wife that there is no food money for tomorrow. ..and someone is asking for a lift!
Simon obliged.....thank God he did.....
I am sure that Simon had to stay on the boat or around it whilst Jesus preached on the boat.....SPENDING EXTRA TIME.....on a non-paid job! Imagine, you chose to help someone, they are now delaying you with their own success!
He allowed JESUS use that boat for a short while.....I am sure that Jesus did not use the boat for as long as the fishermen had been on it.....after HE finished using the boat, He decided that their act of simple obedience and selflessness deserved recognition.
In the same way HE asked for a favour, He declared a favour, the favour that turned a tired, laboured unproductive man into an instant millionaire.....
He released the boat......He had his own problems to deal with, but He released what he had in his hands.
Brethren, our world is a selfish world.
People only want to be a part of something that looks like they will get something back instantaneously. But THERE IS A SACRIFICE THAT YOU WILL GIVE THAT WILL GET HEAVEN'S ATTENTION.....It will hurt at times......
Your labour is not enough to sustain you anyway, why dont you lend the boat to Jesus. There are many around you who could do with that which you say is not enough, to them, it will be raw gold. It will meet their need. It will be an answer to their prayers.
Stop looking at just your own needs. .....ask, WOULD YOU NEED MY EMPTY BOAT LORD?
Simon lent Jesus a boat, he partnered with HIM for a harvest of souls. Stop looking to meet only your own needs. That boat that hasnt caught anything in spite of your sweat and stress may soon be sinking with fish, just lend it to the Lord.


And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head. Mark 14:3
Although the gospel of Mark does not tell us the name of the woman in our text, the gospel of John identifies her as Mary, the sister of Lazarus.
Her gesture of worship is unique in three ways.
• Her worship was planned. She left her home having come with a box of costly ointment.
This indicates that regardless of feelings, people that were at the house, food that was on the menu, or any other circumstances, she had come to Simon's house with one worship Jesus. Her praise was planned.
• Her worship was original. To our knowledge, nobody had ever praised the Saviour in this manner. It was not something that she learned ahead of time; it was an expression of the love in her heart for her Master.
Without a manual to tell her how, she built praise for Christ that He said would last forever.
• Her worship was without reservation. It is possible that as she made the trip to Simon's house, she pondered how much of the costly perfume she would use.
Should she pour out everything or reserve some for herself? When the moment came, she held nothing back from her Lord.
Mark's gospel says that she "broke the box." Her praise was lavish. Her gift was extravagant. Her devotion to the Lord was given with no thought of the cost involved.
She brought a lavish and extravagant worship to the Lord, and He in return established her act as an eternal monument of worship.
Prayer: With all of my heart, soul and strength, I offer my worship to You, O Lord.
Scriptural Reading: Mark 14:3-9

Kids: 3 ways you unknowingly destroy your children's self-esteem

  • "Mom, I'm starting a new piano song! Will you sit by me?" my youngest son asks.
    I walk in and sit down at the piano bench. When he starts new songs, he likes me nearby.
    A bright smile flashes across his face and he starts playing. After a few mistakes his smile fades and a frown appears. I sense his growing discouragement.
    From my perspective the song is quite simple, it is easy for me. I almost say, "Oh come on this is easy, you can do it." Instead I pause and think, "What I say will make my son feel encouraged which helps his self-esteem grow or cause discouragement which can lower his self-esteem. The choice rests with me."
    Parent's want their children to grow up self-confident and capable. Sometimes without even realizing it, your responses may be doing the exact opposite which lowers your children's self-esteem.
  • Saying "It's easy"

    When your children are struggling with a task, it may seem easy to you, however, it is not necessarily easy to them. When you say, "That is easy, you can do it." You are trying to motivate and encourage them, yet it causes your children to think, "Something must be wrong with me because it's not easy to me, therefore, I must be dumb." This causes your children to feel discouraged and want to give up. It decreases their self-esteem.
    Instead tell them, "This can be tough or this is difficult." Then if your children complete the task, they tell themselves, "I did something hard." If they cannot figure it out, at least they know it was tough to begin with. This approach helps children stay encouraged and increases their feelings of self-worth.
  • Doing too much for them

    Your children want to do tasks on their own. This gives them a great sense of accomplishment and helps them feel good about themselves. You may feel one way to show your love is doing things for your children. This robs them of the opportunity to learn life skills and the satisfaction of feeling independent. It sends your children the hidden message, "You are not capable."
    Instead of doing too much for your children, break the task into smaller more kid-friendly tasks. This gives your children the chance to feel the personal satisfaction of completing it on their own. Their self-esteem will soar.
  • Freaking out when they make mistakes

    Mistakes are part of life – we all make them. You may feel you need to rescue your children from making mistakes or help them avoid making mistakes. This does not help them – it cripples them for life.
    Your children will make mistakes and the way you respond either helps your children learn and grow from the mistake or teaches them mistakes are bad. Mistakes are painful, but they can cause great growth if handled in a healthy way. Don't rob your children of the opportunity to rise to the occasion, admit they are wrong, fix the problem, and feel great about themselves.
    Instead of freaking out when your children make a mistake, teach them how to make amends and be accountable for their actions. This promotes a healthy view of mistakes and allows your children to feel good about who they are.
    Many parents do not realize these three parenting responses diminish their children's self-esteem. If some of these ideas are new to you – take heart because reading and learning shows you are interested in improving as a parent and doing the best you can.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. Genesis 21:2
Sarah conceived. On the face value, that statement should not mean much; the idea of conceiving a child is normal to women.
But when we consider who Sarah was, then the idea of her conception takes on a very new meaning.
She was not a woman in the prime of her life. She was a woman approaching ninety years of age. Some months ago, scientists managed to get a fifty-five year old woman to carry a baby to full term through artificial insemination.
Before science could do that, God had already done the seemingly impossible with Sarah.
She conceived because:
• God promised it. What made the difference for Sarah was the word of promise that God gave to her and her husband Abraham. They were both faithful and obedient worshippers of Jehovah who had challenges with childbirth.
For years they tried having a child without any real results until God stepped into their situation and made a promise to them that they would be the parents of a new godly nation.
• God set a time. The promise of God to Sarah and her husband had a time frame to it. After years of frustration, God stepped into their lives once again and gave a time limit to the fulfilment of what He had promised them.
The story of Sarah's conception reminds us of the faithfulness of God. Even when our faith is stretched to breaking point and frustration dogs our every step, we must reserve a place in our hearts that does not give up on the Lord's promises.
If He promised, He will do it. What is it that you are believing God for? Never lose your hope in God. He is a faithful God.
Prayer: I praise You Lord, for You are faithful and Your promises are sure.
Scriptural Reading: Genesis 21:2

5 Healthy Habits for a The Year

If you're like me, you ushered 2015 in with lots of sugar, a few extra pounds and promises to adopt some healthier habits. I'll admit, these healthy habits are dragging me kicking and screaming. I found it so much easier to pop tasty treats in my mouth without worrying about calories or exercise.
Unfortunately, God didn't make me with a metabolism that lets me snack my way through the day or avoid exercise, so here are 5 ways I am making 2015 a healthier year.
1. Devotion
Our biggest battle is often in our mind. Starting our the day in God's Word, prayer, worship and meditation on verses that address the areas we are seeking to adjust will help to reform faulty thought patterns. The truth of the matter is: We can live physically healthy lives, but if our mind and spirit are not healthy, our bodies will still suffer in the long-run. Proverbs talks about this when it says that bitterness dries up the bones (depletes them of calcium).
2. Water
Lets take a moment to reflect on the last time we drank a tall, cool glass of water. Some of us are really having to think. Water is essential to our health. It helps our kidneys function better to flush out toxins from our blood stream, and it helps keep us hydrated so our skin looks younger and healthier. One added side benefit is that it also helps to keep hunger signals at bay. Many times when we think we're hungry we're only really thirsty. You should drink 8-10 8-oz. glasses of water a day. However, if you consume caffeinated beverages, you'll need to drink an extra glass of water for each beverage you drink, because caffeine is a diuretic.
3. Vitamins
Sadly, we do not get the necessary vitamins and minerals our body needs from the foods we eat. Even produce that is picked early lacks the essential nutrients it would otherwise give. All of the processing our foods go through before they reach our digestive systems have depleted them of most nutrients, and the vitamins they enrich them with are not very useful.
Taking daily vitamins helps keep our bodies strong and energy levels high. When choosing a vitamin, the best ones are whole food vitamins, capsules, chewables or alka-seltzer tablets. These types do not have heavy binders that prevent them from being fully digested.
4. Exercise
In the spirit of full disclosure, this is by far the hardest discipline for me. I do not enjoy exercise—I never have. I lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle. But more and more studies are showing the elevated health risks of a sedentary lifestyle, so I am working hard to carve out time in my busy schedule for at least 15 minutes a day of exercise.
It will be easier in the spring because I like to walk in the mornings—the only form of exercise I actually enjoy. We have a nice, steep hill where I live and I enjoy walking and praying. I can't wait for the sun to rise earlier so I can get back to prayer-walking.
5. Fruits and Vegetables
I don't know why it is easier to make an unhealthy meal than it is to grab an apple. I can't explain it. I'd rather make my famous french bread, Gouda cheese and green olive grilled sandwich than just grab something from the fruit bowl (which, by the way, is a full 99% of the time). I'm working at making healthier habits, because the benefits of choosing a fruit or vegetable over a calorie-, carb- and fat-laden meal are obvious.
By the way, did you know that frozen vegetables are sometimes healthier than fresh? Its true. Frozen produce is picked ripe, blanched and flash-frozen to preserve the nutrients. So when you see produce in the produce section that is out of season, you may be better off running to the frozen food isle.
What healthy choices are you making in 2015?
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