Friday 31 January 2014

Can this be true: California allows first-ever state recognized human-animal marriage

What kind of report is this? Are they for real or just messing with people? According to this report, a man in San Francisco has legally married his dog in a church officiated by a priest and witnessed by family members. Read this bizarre story below culled from

On Monday history was made at the Chapel of Our Lady at the Presidio in San Francisco as the first-ever state recognized human-animal marriage took place.
Local resident 35-year-old Paul Horner was the groom during the ceremony. Joining him was his faithful dog Mac who is 36-years-old in dog years. Mac also decided to be the groom but ended up wearing a white veil at the last moment.
Father McHale who officiated the outdoor wedding told reporters he was extremely happy to be a part of this joyous moment of life. “This is the definition of true love my friends. There is nothing more sacred than the bond between a man and his faithful dog,” McHale said. “Now, since it is recognized as a legally binding marriage in the state of California, Mr. Horner and Mac will have all the same tax benefits and everything else coming to them that a regular married couple would receive. It’s a fantastic day to be alive!”
So how could this have happened?

In the book of California’s State Laws and Regulations there is a little known law that was passed as the state was first forming in 1850. According to article 155, paragraph 10, it clearly states: 

If a man and a man can get married and a woman and a woman can get married, if ever comes that day, then a human and animal will have the exact same rights to marriage in every eye of the law. God help us if this ever is to happen!

In attendance was Horner’s entire family who flew in from Hawaii to witness the event. Mac had her puppies on hand and making a special celebrity appearance was Alex from Stroh’s and Spuds Mckenzie.

“I just love my Mac so much, I can’t wait till we can finally get back to the honeymoon sweet in Montana where bestiality is legal. Gosh, get with the times California! We can marry here just fine, but love making is a big no-no,” said Horner. “People keep asking me why I wanted to marry a dog. I told them I just want the same god given rights that every person in California is allowed to have. Don’t tell me I can’t marry my dog. I don’t tell you that you can’t marry a 500 lb woman with gas issues. That’s your decision. Don’t tread on me. I love my dog and I know he loves me a hundred times more than any gay wedding out there.”

With this wedding between a man and a male dog now on the books, one can only ask what is in store next? A man marrying a toaster? A toaster marrying a dog? A toaster marrying a toaster?

Is this a real report or a satire? 

Mom creates fairy tales with napping son

It’s no surprise most moms consider nap time their favorite time of day; relishing the few quiet and peaceful hours while their babies sleep, but California mom and artist Queenie Liao looks forward to the downtime for an entirely different reason. For Queenie, it’s the perfect opportunity to capture adorable and imaginative photos of her youngest son, Wengenn.

Photography became a hobby for Queenie when her first son was born in 2002. At the time, it was the best way to watch her son grow and send updates to her family. Like most new parents, Queenie took many pictures and continued to do so over the years with her growing family. In 2010, she came across the work of Adele Enersen, who took creative images of her sleeping baby. Adele’s work inspired Queenie to experiment with similar ideas with her third child, then three-month-old son, Wengenn.
“As an artist, I always try to be creative,” Queenie says. “I love to think, observe and imagine. Anything around you can be a source of inspiration. Growing up, I used to love fairy tales and children’s stories. I used to imagine myself as the princess in these stories, meeting my Prince Charming. I decided to use this idea but have Wengenn be the main character in some of my favorite stories.”
First Queenie would come up with an idea — or as she calls it “an adventure” — for Wengenn. Next, she’d gather materials to create a background setting.

“I’d use mostly plain clothes, bed sheets , stuffed animals and other common household items,” Queenie explains. “After everything was set up, including putting Wengenn in the appropriate costume, I’d just wait. After he fell asleep, [it was] time to get to work!”
Queenie would gently place little Wengenn into thecenter of the theme she created and start taking pictures. Throughout the shoot, she’d be careful not to disturb Wengenn by always working around him. If he moved in his sleep, Queenie would simply reset and readjust the props. She also made sure Wengenn’s costumes were always snug, so he wouldn’t be uncomfortable and wake up.
“Overall, he’s a very good sleeper,” Queenie admits. “This made my job much easier!”
From exploring castles in the sky to being abducted by a UFO, the little guy has been on many exciting adventures!
Wengenn’s explored the Wild West.
Today Queenie has taken over 100 photos — a series she calls “Wengenn in Wonderland.” One of her favorites is an image of Wengenn climbing a ladder and reaching for the stars, called Starcatcher.
“Starcatcher is my favorite because, to me, the stars are symbols of dreams and goals in life,” Queenie says. “I really want to see him grow up, reaching all his goals and dreams.”
Over the years, Queenie’s work has garnered a lot of attention. After posting the photos online, she received thousands of views in just a few days. She’s also received emails from fans asking for prints, calendars and photo books. “I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to share with the world,” Queenie says. “Not just my pictures, but more importantly my love, joy and pride as a mother creating this special album for my son. I think taking pictures is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your baby.”
Queenie’s advice to other parents:
“Take lots of pictures, because they grow really fast,” Queenie says. “Be creative. Enjoy the process and have fun. It’s the work of love, and your kids will treasure them when they grow up.” Visit Queenie’s photostream to see more of her photography. See more photos below and enjoy!

Culled from:

Recipe:Paleo Watermelon Cake

Are you looking for a refreshing and healthy treat that doesn't involve baking? Or a cake for someone who can't tolerate eating gluten or other baked goods? Well here it is my friends! A watermelon cake. Yes, it is really made with a watermelon (seedless), and it is very easy to put together. This is the same way my grandma made us watermelon cake during the summer, but she used imitation whipped cream.

All you need to make this cake is a large seedless watermelon, some sliced almonds or toasted coconut, two cans of full-fat coconut milk, and your favorite fresh fruits. You may want to purchase an extra can of coconut milk in case one does not separate (it doesn't happen often but it can happen!).

Slicing the watermelon into the shape of a cake creates the base, and the whipped coconut cream creates the frosting. The nuts or toasted coconut and fresh fruit add a beautiful and delicious decoration. You can also try using edible flowers for the top, which I sometimes find at my local farmers market. For those of you that have asked, yes you can use a thick yogurt or whipped cream instead of coconut milk if you use dairy products (it must be VERY thick or it will not adhere well to the watermelon). I have been told by many people that it works great!

This is best when served within a few hours of assembly, but I have left this in the fridge overnight and nothing budged, so you can prepare it ahead of time if you need to. The watermelon I used had just turned ripe, but an overly ripe watermelon will probably release more liquid and will not last as long. Don't forget to pat the watermelon dry with the paper towels before adding the coconut whipped cream to help it adhere.
Enjoy! Servings 6-8

- 1 large seedless watermelon
- 2 cans full fat coconut milk (left in fridge for 6 hours or more)
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 Tbsp. raw honey
- 1 cup sliced raw almonds or shredded coconut
- Seasonal fresh fruit (for topping)


- Cutting board
- Kitchen knife
- Measuring spoons
- Measuring cups
- 2 medium mixing bowls
- Hand Mixer
- Paper Towels
- Can opener
- Medium sized skillet
- Stirring spoon

1. Make sure to place the can of coconut milk in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours (or overnight). This will cause the cream to separate from the milk. The cream will be at the top of the can.
2. Open the can of coconut milk and scrape out the cream into a medium sized bowl. Hint: I always open the can from the bottom and pour the milk out into a separate container before scraping out the cream. You can use the saved milk for smoothies and other recipes.
3. Add the vanilla and raw honey to the mixture. Whip the cream with a hand mixer on medium speed and work your way up to high speed until the cream is fluffy. Place the bowl of whipped cream in the fridge until ready to use.

1. Place a medium sized skillet over medium-high heat and allow the pan to get hot.
2. Add the sliced almonds or shredded coconut and toss in the pan until they are toasted and turn a light brown color. Remove from pan and set aside to cool.

1. Remove the top and bottom from the watermelon and remove the rind from the middle section. You should be left with a cake-shaped piece of watermelon. Cut the watermelon "cake" into the number of wedges/slices you want. I recommend 6-8 slices depending on the size of the watermelon. (See below for a visual on how to cut the watermelon!). NOTE: You can leave the watermelon intact if you plan on traveling with it or do not want to cut it. Slicing a cake ahead of time just makes it much easier to dip the edges into the icing and then into anything else you want to adhere to the icing, such as the almonds or toasted coconut.
2. Pat the outside of the watermelon dry with paper towels (this is important because it will help the coconut whipped cream adhere better).
3. Dip the outside edge of each slice into the coconut whipped cream and then into the toasted almonds or coconut, and reassemble the wedges into the cake shape on a serving platter. Top with more whipped coconut cream and your favorite fresh fruit (I used blackberries, strawberries and kiwi). Serve or store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Recipe/photos by Paleo-cupboard.

Secret of Victory


Key verse: “... Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands...” (Isaiah 7:4).

The hallmark of a great leader lies neither in the size of his material possession nor military prowess. Instead, a great leader is recognised by the ability to keep his head when others are losing theirs.

Ahaz had the privilege of leading the Jews in continuation of the dynasty of David. But he led them astray. The result of this sin was that they became an easy prey for their foes. Their worst enemies were Syria and Ephraim. They formed a formidable alliance for a final onslaught against Judah’s capital, Jerusalem. This frightened Ahaz and his people. Estranged from God, they did not remember to ask Him for help. Yet, God sent Isaiah to meet Ahaz with a message of hope.

Isaiah encouraged Ahaz and His people against fear and panic. He assured them that their security was hinged on faith in God. He told them that the plot by their enemies to over-run Jerusalem would not materialise. Isaiah brought this message to relieve the distressed Ahaz for his father, David’s sake. There was a literal assurance that in spite of the prevailing calamity, they would not be utterly destroyed.

Most times when men are faced with trouble, they do not see its main essence of entrusting their lives to God in faith. Instead, they resort to self-help and even lean on their fellowmen. They forget that though the enemy may loom large, God is larger. Trials and troubles should steer our hearts towards God. Although sin builds a wedge between man and God, holiness of life and faith in God guarantee our victory. He will save all who run to Him. The secret of victory is to seek repose in God.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Sin blinds the eye to its best interests. 


When I realised how much God has empowered me to accomplish here on earth, I instantly deleted the word impossible from the dictionary of my mind.
Walt Disney, the man who changed the face of the entertainment more than any other single person was widely regarded as the impossible thinker. He was the one that said, "it's kind of fun doing the impossible" He was such a strong impossibility thinker that if he told his men that they were going to do something and all of them got excited about it and said "yes let's go for it, we can do it," he will change his mind and decide on something else. If he shared an idea with them and they complained and said is not possible, there is no way we can do that, he would get excited and tell them, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO. 

And he will apply himself, drive his people to work, encourage them until the impossibility is done.
There is nothing that makes life very interesting than stretching out and doing things that you have never done before. Stop complaining that things are not moving, go out there, learn new things and the impossible will be possible. The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility. They refused to believe that it is impossible to fly. What is it before you today that look impossible, pregnancy, job, business etc: get excited, that is what your God specializes in doing. From this day, delete the word "IMPOSSIBLE" from your dictionary of the mind and dare to proceed in the mist of life challenges.
Keep soaring and be blessed.

Enjoy this song and dance All Things Are Possible: -By Centered Kids Company from The Centre School of Dance see the video below.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Study Shows: Kids' obesity risk starts before school age

Those efforts to fight obesity in schools? Think younger. A new study finds that much of a child's "weight fate" is set by age 5, and that nearly half of kids who became obese by the eighth grade were already overweight when they started kindergarten.
The prevalence of weight problems has long been known — about a third of U.S. kids are overweight or obese. But surprisingly little is known about which kids will develop obesity, and at what age.
Researchers think there may be a window of opportunity to prevent it, and "we keep pushing our critical window earlier and earlier on," said Solveig Cunningham, a scientist at Emory University. "A lot of the risk of obesity seems to be set, to some extent, really early in life."
She led the new study, which was published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine and paid for by the federal government.
It tracked a nationwide sample of more than 7,700 children through grade school. When they started kindergarten, 12 percent were obese and 15 percent were overweight. By eighth grade, 21 percent were obese and 17 percent were overweight.
Besides how common obesity was at various ages, researchers focused on the 6,807 children who were not obese when the study started, at kindergarten entry. Here are some things they found: WHO BECAME OBESE: Between ages 5 and 14, nearly 12 percent of children developed obesity — 10 percent of girls and nearly 14 percent of boys.
Nearly half of kids who started kindergarten overweight became obese teens. Overweight 5-year-olds were four times as likely as normal-weight children to become obese (32 percent versus 8 percent).
GRADE LEVELS: Most of the shift occurred in the younger grades. During the kindergarten year, about 5 percent of kids who had not been obese at the start became that way by the end. The greatest increase in the prevalence of obesity was between first and third grades; it changed little from ages 11 to 14.
RACE: From kindergarten through eighth grade, the prevalence of obesity increased by 65 percent among whites, 50 percent among Hispanics, almost 120 percent among blacks and more than 40 percent among others — Asians, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans and mixed-race children.
By eighth grade, 17 percent of black children had become obese, compared to 14 percent of Hispanics and 10 percent of whites and children of other races.
INCOME: Obesity was least common among children from the wealthiest families and most prevalent among kids in the next-to-lowest income category. The highest rate of children developing obesity during the study years was among middle-income families.
BIRTHWEIGHT: At all ages, obesity was more common among children who weighed a lot at birth — roughly 9 pounds or more. About 36 percent of kids who became obese during grade school had been large at birth.
The study's findings do not mean that it's too late for schools to act, but their best tactic may be to focus on kids who are overweight and try to encourage exercise and healthy eating, Cunningham said.
The work also shows the need for parents, doctors, preschools and even day care centers to be involved, said Dr. Stephen Daniels, a University of Colorado pediatrician and a spokesman for the American Heart Association.
Parents who are concerned about a child's weight should talk with their child's doctor, because it may be hard to tell what is normal at various ages and appearances can be misleading. In children, obesity and overweight are defined by how a child ranks on growth charts that compare them to other kids the same age and gender. Kids at or above the 85th percentile are considered overweight, and obese at the 95th percentile or above.

No child should be placed on a diet without a doctor's advice, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises. To help keep kids healthy, balance the calories a child gets from food and beverages with how much exercise he or she gets to allow enough for normal growth — some weight gain is normal, the CDC says.
"You can change your fate by things that you do early in life," with more exercise and eating a healthy diet, Daniels said. "Once it occurs, obesity is really hard to treat. So the idea is we should really work hard to prevent it."

Secret Ingredient for Super-Healthy Cookies

Brrr! It's cold out-and the Arctic Vortex isn't exactly helping our skin. What's more, the cold also makes us crave sweets, which can get in the way of our attempts to make better food choices. But here's a healthy and incredibly enjoyable way you can both protect your skin and satisfy your sweet tooth: this gluten-free and vegan oatmeal, prune and raisin cookie recipe.
It's Prunetastic
Dried plums, with their wide array of phenolic compounds (plant nutrients that contribute to the flavor and color of produce and have potential health benefits), are rich in antioxidants. In fact, dried plums have one of the highest levels of antioxidant capacity, with more antioxidants per weight than many other foods. These antioxidants can help protect skin cells from damaging free radicals that form from outdoor exposure, which may help to guard against premature aging and wrinkle formation. Just five dried plums contain 3 grams of fiber and 30 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin K, along with potassium and vitamin A.
Eat Less and Feel Full
The oatmeal in this recipe provides a good source of dietary fiber-a key player in weight loss and long-term weight maintenance. A number of studies have shown an inverse association between fiber intake and body weight. This association is likely explained by fiber's ability to promote satiety and feelings of fullness.
Unlike store-bought cookies, there's no added sugar or empty calories. Instead, these cookies are fabulously sweet because all of the sweet goodness comes from the natural plant sugars found in the prunes, raisins and bananas. You can easily freeze bananas that are getting over ripe and then you'll always have them on hand to make these cookies. To make it easier, peel the bananas first and then freeze them in a plastic re-sealable bag for easy removal.
This is also a great recipe to make with your family, especially with children. Kids love to smash things, and the first step when making these cookies is to mash the bananas and then just fold in the remaining ingredients. Your family will love helping, and you'll love knowing that these cookies are not manufactured and are good for you.

Gluten-Free, Vegan Oatmeal, Prune and Raisin Cookies Recipe
Makes 36 cookies
3 bananas, ripe
½ cup canola oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ cup walnuts, toasted, chopped
¼ cup pecans, toasted, chopped
¼ cup prunes, dried, pitted, no sugar added, chopped
1 cup yellow raisins
2 cups oatmeal, plain, old-fashioned whole oats
In a large mixing bowl, mash bananas with hand masher, combine and mix in canola oil, vanilla, walnuts, pecans, prunes and raisins. Add oatmeal and mix all ingredients together until well mixed. Using a 1-ounce scoop, measure and drop mixture onto parchment-covered cookie sheet. Slightly push down mixture with fingers to lightly flatten. Bake at 350 F for 20 minutes. Remove, let cool and serve. 

- by JimPerko C.E.C.

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